
biān bái
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边白[biān bái]
  1. FR&4覆铜板、多层板白边白角成因与消除

    The Causes and Prevention of White Edges / Corners in FR-4 Laminate and Multilayer

  2. 叶状海扇边白棉纱圆手帕

    White cotton round handkerchief with petal-like scalloped edge

  3. 褐色的水鸟飞临河边,跃过泥沼,在河床边的白碱地上留下了斑斑点点的棕色爪痕。

    The small brown water birds came to the river and hopped across the mud , leaving brown scratches in the alkali-white crust .

  4. 妈妈穿上白衣,我的红祆上也罩了个没缝襟边的白袍,我记得,因为不断地撕扯襟边上的白丝儿。

    Mama put on white mourning clothes . A white robe without stitched hems was placed over my red jacket . I remember because I kept breaking off the loose white threads along the edges .

  5. 他注意到她那洁净的、镶上荷叶边的白晨衣,这衬托了她那满头的红发,而他对这些曾一度非常钦佩。

    He noticed her snowy , flouncy , white dressing gown , the kind she always favoured , since it tended to show off her red hair , which at one time he had so greatly admired .

  6. 特色门板边型吸附仿古白橡木PVC,柔和且淳朴的。

    The characteristic style doors overlaid antique white oak PVC , are warm and simple .

  7. 在一个花圃边有两个白头发的老太太在织毛衣。

    Near a flower garden , two white-haired grannies are knittinging the sunshine .

  8. 单瓣深浅不一的深玫瑰色花,细的绿边。深绿色白脉型叶。迷你型。

    Single dark rose two-tone / thin green edge . Dark green girl foliage . Miniature .

  9. “招白眼”悄悄地捡起田埂边的一件白小布衫,走过去披在雪液子的身上,一面也登上水车。

    Black-browed Zhao gently picked up the white shirt at the ridge of the field and put it on Xue 's bare back , while joining him in the pedalling .