
biān jù
  • Margins;edge distance;back gauge
边距[biān jù]
  1. 手术方法左剖胸全胸腹段食管切除,颈部食管胃单层宽边吻合,吻合边距1.0cm,针距0.5cm。

    Operation procedures were left thoracotomy , resection of total thoracogastric segment of esophagus and one layer broad rim cervical esophagogastrostomy . The edge distance of anastomosis was 1.0 cm and the distance between stitchs was 0.5 cm .

  2. 目的研究锚栓边距和间距的变化对混凝土结构后锚固群锚抗剪性能的影响。

    An experimental study was carried out on shear bearing capacity of post-installed anchor group in concrete structure with different anchor edge distance and anchor space length .

  3. 含缩进值的左页边距必须小于右页边距。

    Left margin including indent must be less than the right margin .

  4. 在建立边距以后,设置PDF文档元信息。

    After setting up the margins , set the PDF document meta information .

  5. 对于左、右、上、下边距以及它们相关的Spring类,我们也使用类似的(0,1)枚举(后面有更详细的描述)。

    We also use similar ( 0,1 ) enumeration for left and right , top and bottom margins , and their associated Spring classes ( more on that later ) .

  6. 字体,颜色,边框,填充,边距,布局,定位-这些都是由CSS来处理。

    Fonts , colors , borders , padding , margins , layout , positioning-these are all handled by CSS .

  7. 在输入区域里使用一些内边距(padding)同样可以提高设计和用户体验。

    Some padding in the input field can also improve the design and user experience .

  8. 螺旋角θ和叶边距h1对分离效率有明显的影响。

    Helix angle θ and the leaf margins h1 has a clear impact of on separation efficiency .

  9. 另一个用于格式化文件的有用命令是fmt命令,它将格式化文本以使其能够适合边距。

    Another useful command for formatting text is the fmt command , which formats text so it fits within margins .

  10. 目的:探讨最佳适形野边距(blockaperturemargin,BAM)的决定因素和求取方法。

    Purpose : To investigate the influencing factors and evaluating method of the best block aperture margin ( BAM ) for conformal portals .

  11. 渲染树上的节点称为“框”或者“盒”,符合CSS模型的定义,将页面元素看作一个具有填充、边距、边框和位置的盒。

    Nodes in the render tree are called frames or boxes in accordance with the CSS model that treats page elements as boxes with padding , margins , borders , and position .

  12. 另外,注意每个plot还自动计算轴、tic等等的宽度&这样您可能必须调整边距宽度以使不同绘图的轴排成一行。

    Also , note that each plot also automatically calculates widths for the axes , tics , and so on & so you may have to tinker with the margin widths to get the axes of the different plots to line up .

  13. 为了达到这种效果,设计师经常设计出一个拥有透明度的PNG图像并作为背景的容器,在这容器里面放置内容-容器四边拥有等距离的内边距。

    To achieve this effect , designers often create a container with a transparent PNG-image as background and place the content inside the container – with equidistant padding on all sides of the box .

  14. pagesettings类用于指定修改页面打印方式的设置,例如页面方向、页面大小以及页边距。

    The pagesettings class is used to specify settings that modify the way a page will be printed , such as paper orientation , the size of the page , and the margins .

  15. 不能改变文字排列,因为栏将溢出到页边距中。

    Cannot change text flow because columns will overflow into margins .

  16. 嘿,你等一下能拉出页边距的,对吗?

    Hey , you can tweak the margins later , right ?

  17. 列号必须在0到右页边距之间。

    Column number must be between 0 and the right margin .

  18. (过时)打开/关闭选定内容的边距。

    ( Obsolete ) Turns on / off the selection margin .

  19. 要留出适当的页边距,所列的工作之间也该留出适当的行距。

    Leave white space in the margins and in between jobs .

  20. 指定打印页的边距尺寸。

    Specifies the dimensions of the margins of a printed page .

  21. 轨道交通圆曲线站台中心线投影及边距确定

    Projection of Curvy Platform Center and Side-distance Determination in Railway Traffic

  22. 边距尺寸值只能包含数字型字符。

    A margin size value may only contain numerical characters .

  23. 小边距冲孔模的凹模设计

    The Design of Female Die of the Short-fringe Punching Mold

  24. 什么是最大值中你能报名参加页边距大小吗?

    What is the maximum value you can enter for margin size ?

  25. 边距设置将在打印时应用于报表。

    Margins settings are applied to the report when printing .

  26. 通过拖动标尺上的页边距界线,可以设置页边距。

    To set margins , drag the margin boundaries on the rulers .

  27. 他们都有一个小的边距以便看起来更好一些。

    They all have small margins just to look pretty .

  28. 请问一英寸是左右边距加起来一英寸还是左右上下各一英寸?

    Please include a one-inch margin on each page of your document .

  29. 对于常见的页边距宽度,请单击“普通”。

    For the most common margin width , click normal .

  30. 页边距太小。请检查页边距下的值。

    The margin is too small . Check the values under Margins .