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  1. 离体神经组织细胞外记录的微标方法

    A method for marking extracellular recording spot in isolated nervous tissue

  2. 并且还建立了一套准确而有效的气相色谱和固相微萃取定标系统。

    We have also established an accute and effective calibrating system-gas chromatography and solid phase micro extraction ( SPME ) .

  3. 在涉及中微子反应的概率幅计算中,含时微扰的时间标度必须远小于1S,否则会带来弱作用过程中显著的味破坏,从而违反微观因果律。

    In the calculation of the probability involving the neutrino , the time scale in the time-dependent perturbation theory should be much less than Is . Otherwise , it will bring the obvious flavor violation in the weak interaction which is in contradiction with the micro-causality .