
  1. 基于ARM处理器的微机继电保护装置数据采集系统

    Microprocessor relay protection installment based on ARM data acquisition system

  2. 介绍了基于DSP的微机继电保护装置中频率测量的CPLD实现。

    This paper introduces CPLD realization of frequency measure in digital relay protection equipment powered by DSP .

  3. 并通过宏指令函数实现了触摸屏与PLC的数据交换,阐述了同期装置和微机继电保护装置的设计方法。

    It also can be carried out data exchange between PLC and touch screen by using macro command function . Then , automatic quasi-synchronization device and relaying protection equipment are introduced .

  4. SEL-300G发电机组微机继电保护装置在恒仁电站的应用

    Application of SEL-300G Computer Relay Protection for Hengren Power Station

  5. 论文首先介绍了IEC61850的制定、特点以及关于变电站中综合自动化方面的规定,明确了新型微机继电保护装置的设计应符合变电站综合自动化技术发展趋势的意义。

    In the paper , firstly it introduced that the formulation and characteristics of the IEC 61850 , and the requirements on the substation automation , and explained a novel PC-relay protection should be designed to meet the significance of the development trend of the substation automation technology .

  6. 配电网微机继电保护装置与变电站综合自动化系统设计

    Design of Distribution Network Digital Protection Device and Substation Integrated Automation

  7. 微机继电保护装置的抗干扰防护措施

    The measures in anti-interference and protected of the relay protection installation

  8. 微机继电保护装置的一种新设计方法

    A new design method for micro computer relay protecting device

  9. 微机继电保护装置中故障录波功能设计

    Design of the function of fault recording in microcomputer relay protection device

  10. 电网微机继电保护装置应用中的几个问题

    Several Problems in the Application of Microcomputer-based Relay Protection Device of Electric Network

  11. 微机继电保护装置主板自动测试系统的设计与应用

    Design and application of relay protection main board ′ s automatic test system

  12. 电容式电压互感器的暂态特性及其对微机继电保护装置影响的研究

    Research on Transient Characteristics of CVT and Corresponding Impacts on Microchip Relay Protection

  13. 利用国内某些微机继电保护装置实现电力系统的振荡模拟

    Using a microprocessor based relay testing instrument to simulate oscillation of a power system

  14. 浮点数据采集技术及其在微机继电保护装置中应用

    The Float - point Data Acquisition Technique and its Appliance to Computer Relaying Equipments

  15. 多机并行处理式微机继电保护装置具有动作速度快,工作可靠等优点。

    Mulfiproccssor type parallel processing protective relaying system has higher operating speed and working reliability .

  16. 介绍了微机继电保护装置的特点、原理、功能及应用。

    The characteristics , principle , functions and applications of the microcomputer Relay Protective device are introduced .

  17. 基于μC/OS-Ⅱ的电力线路微机继电保护装置

    A microcomputer based relaying protection device for electric line based on μ C / OS - ⅱ

  18. 厂站端的微机继电保护装置、故障录波器和其他自动装置提供了事故前后的大量有用信息。

    Microcomputer relay protection , fault recording and other automatic devices in power plants and substations have provided massive useful information around the accident .

  19. 实践表明,采用μC/OS-II的嵌入式发电机微机继电保护装置具有可靠、灵活、易于维护等优点。

    Test results of the presented protection device show that the embedded generator protection device using μ C / OS-II is reliable , flexible and easy to maintain .

  20. 应用浮点数据采集技术能够在较低成本下获得较宽的动态范围,这在微机继电保护装置中具有实用价值。

    The applying of the float - point data acquisition technique can achieve wide dynamic scope with rather low cost , which is of practical importance to the computer relaying equipment .

  21. 快速瞬变脉冲群干扰由于上升时间快、持续时间短、能量低、重复频率高,而对微机继电保护装置的影响很大。

    The Electrical Fast Transient / burst ( EFT ) is a fast uprising , short , low energic and repetitive pulse group , which has more significant influence on numerical protection .

  22. 在微机继电保护装置现有硬件平台基本不变的基础上,加入故障诊断的功能,重点在于在软件中嵌入故障诊断知识库。

    The main work is Embedding fault diagnosis function into protection relay , with no change of existing hardware platform , and the emphases is embedding fault diagnosis knowledge set into existing software .

  23. 微机继电保护装置工作在电磁环境极其恶劣的变电站中,其电磁兼容水平、可靠性等因素对电力系统的安全、稳定极其重要。

    The microprocessor based protective relay works in serious electromagnetic environment of the Substations . Its immunity level and reliability is more important to the safe and reliable operation of the power systems .

  24. 针对装置在设计制造、施工设计、安装工艺三个不同的环节,分别提出不同的抑制干扰措施,达到抑制微机继电保护装置干扰的目的。

    According to three different chains about equipment in design-manufacturing and constuction-design and installation-technology , it refers to different restraint interference techniques seperately in order to restrain the interference of microprocessor-based relaying protection equipment .

  25. 微机继电保护装置作为当代监测与保护电力系统的主要自动化装置,它的自动化水平和智能化水平将直接影响配电网的智能化水平。

    Microcomputer relay protection device , as the main automatic equipment that is used to monitor and protect power system , its intelligence and automation level will directly affect the level of the whole distribution system .

  26. 通过分析某电网内因为电磁干扰导致保护误动的具体案例,提出了提高保护装置抗干扰能力的方案,论述了微机继电保护装置中有效的抗干扰措施。

    Subsequently , by analyzing the specific case subject to electromagnetic interference protection malfunction occurred in a Power Grid , discussed to improve anti-interference ability of the necessity of microprocessor-based Protection device used in conventional anti-jamming measures .

  27. 现代电力系统覆盖范围广,各种系统和自动化装置如调度自动化系统、微机继电保护装置、事件顺序记录装置、远动装置、计算机数据交换网等都要求严格的时间同步。

    With comprehensive application of modern electrical power system , a strict clock synchronization is required various systems and automation devices , such as dispatching automation systems , microcomputer relay protection devices , sequence of events recording devices , remote devices , computer data exchanging network .

  28. 以基于DSP芯片TMS320VC33的微机型继电保护装置为例,从硬件、软件、工程实际等几个方面,分别介绍了该装置在研制过程中所采取的几种较为有效的抗干扰防护措施。

    With the relay protection based on DSP ship TMS 320 VC 33 as an example , its anti-interference measures are introduced from the hardware , software and practices .

  29. 微机型继电保护装置软硬件技术探讨

    Inquire into Software and Hardware Technique of Relay Protections for Computers

  30. 微机式继电保护装置应用程序可靠性预计

    Reliability prediction on applicable program of microprocessor based relay protection