
  • 网络interface;Microcomputer Interface
  1. Turboc在微机接口程序设计和教学中的应用

    The Application of Turbo C in PC Interface Program Design and Teaching

  2. 我的有高数、C语言、微机接口技术、计算机网络和数据库技术。

    Tom : I have to take advanced mathematics , C Language , Microcomputer Interface Technique , Computer Network and Database Technique .

  3. 基于PCI总线微机接口系统研究

    Study on the Microcomputer Interface Experiment System Based on PCI Bus

  4. DSP、微机接口技术、智能仪器设计基础、计算机软件技术、虚拟仪器等。

    CPLD , DSP , Measuring and Controlling Software Design Principle and Interface of Computer , Virtual Instrument etc.

  5. 采用了基于多周期同步法的PCI总线频率卡与工业控制微机接口,进行频率测量。

    It measures the frequency by PCI card which is base on the method of multi-period synchronization .

  6. PCI总线微机接口实验系统是帮助学生学习现代计算机接口技术的辅助教学系统。

    Microcomputer interface experiment system based on PCI Bus is a teaching-aided system to help students learn modern computer interface technology .

  7. PCI总线是近年来出现的一种高性能32位微机接口总线。

    PCI bus is a 32-bit bus with high preference , which makes up inferior positions of ISA bus and gradually washed out ISA bus .

  8. 可通过RS485微机接口,实现与PC机通讯。

    It can communicate with PC via RS485 interface .

  9. 以键盘接口设计为例,主要阐述了EDA技术在微机接口技术实验教学中的应用。

    This paper introduces the use of EDA technology of experiment teaching on the course of microcomputer interface technique by the example of the key interface design .

  10. 为研究静电放电(ESD)对微机接口电路的干扰效应,设计了一种单片机系统串行数据传输电路试验模型。

    In this paper , a typical single-chip circuit is designed to simulate serial communication interface in order to study the effect of ESD on interface of microcomputer .

  11. 光学电流互感器(OCT)与传统电流互感器相比,具有抗电磁干扰能力强、动态范围宽、绝缘结构相对简单和易与微机接口的优点,在电力系统中有广阔的发展前景。

    Compared to traditional current transformer , Optical current transformer ( OCT ) has strong anti-electromagnetic interference ability , wide dynamic range , simple insulated structure and easily connected to computer , so , there are broad development prospects in electric power systems .

  12. 本研究基于微机接口与网络通讯技术,采用虚拟仪器技术开发了一个分布式学习心理生理反应信息测试分析系统(以下简称DTAS-SPPRI系统)。

    Based on microcomputer interface and network communication technology , the research has developed a Distributed Test Analysis System for Study Psychological Physiological Response Information ( DTAS-SPPRI ) by using virtual instrument technology .

  13. 介绍利用自行设计的开发板将计算机EISA总线的部分信号引出,来完成微机接口的各种实验,并对译码电路、数据总线、控制总线的设计作了详细的阐述。

    This article introduced how to make use of self-designed development board to complete all kinds of experiments on the microprocessor interface by fetching part signal of computer EISA bus , and elaborated the design methods of coding circuits , data bus , control bus .

  14. 微机接口实验调试监控软件的实现

    Implementation of Debug and Monitoring Software for Microcomputer Interface Experiment System

  15. 仪表与微机接口不匹配实例分析

    An Example of Analysis for Instrumentation no Matching with Computer Interface

  16. 互动型微机接口技术虚拟实验系统及应用

    Virtual experiment system of interactive microcomputer interface technology and its application

  17. 高速摄影胶片分析仪的微机接口程序设计

    The Design of Microcomputer Interface Program for High Speed Film Analyzer

  18. 高速模数变换芯片的微机接口

    An interface between a microcomputer and a chip of high-speed ADC

  19. 本文阐述其电路原理及微机接口设计。

    The Design and Research on Experiment System of Computer Interface ;

  20. 瞬态波形存贮器的微机接口设计

    Design of microcomputer interface on the memory of instantaneous wave

  21. 超声调辉信息的微机接口技术

    Interface Technology of Medical Ultrasonic Intensity-Modulated Information to a Microcomputer

  22. 提出了一套全新的微机接口实验仪。

    An advanced microcomputer interface educational system is presented in this paper .

  23. 微机接口电路实验装置改进的初步探讨

    Improvement of experimental device of electric circuit of microcomputer 's hardware interfaces

  24. 微机接口实验仪仿真器的设计与实现

    The design and implementation for the emulator of microcomputer interface experiment instruments

  25. 全自动生化检测仪微机接口电路设计

    The Interface Circuit Design of Automatic Biochemical Tester and Analyzer

  26. 器材管理系统与财务管理系统微机接口软件

    An interface software between equipment and financial managment system on micro computer

  27. 本文介绍我们研制的一套结构简单、操作方便、成本低廉的86系列微机接口实验装置。

    This paper introduces a new experimental equipment for 86-series microcomputer interfacing .

  28. 高精度光栅信号微机接口

    The Interface of High Precision Grating Signals with Micro Computers

  29. 基于串行通信方式开发微机接口实验

    Development of Microcomputer Interface Experiment Based on Serial Communication

  30. JApplet微机接口虚拟实验平台的设计与评估

    Design and evaluation of web-based virtual microcomputer interfaces laboratory