
  1. 根据美国财政部(treasury)拟议的新规定,美国监管机构针对敏感外资收购和投资所进行的国家安全调查将会耗费更长时间。

    National security investigations by US regulators into sensitive takeovers and investments will take longer to complete under new rules proposed by the Treasury .

  2. 本文还论述了中国应如何吸取阿根廷的教训,慎重对待外资收购、兼并和MBO,特别是入世后银行证券业的开放,更好地维护本国经济金融安全,防范风险。

    This paper also discusses how China should face challenges after entering WTO , and draws proper lessons from Argentina 's experience .

  3. 普华永道(pwc)一项调查显示,今年上半年,涉及外资收购方的中国收购案减少了35%。

    A PwC survey showed a 35 per cent first-half drop in Chinese takeovers that involved a foreign buyer .

  4. 迄今为止,奥巴马政府尚未遇到过争议较大的外资收购交易,但在华盛顿从事此类交易的律师表示,白宫(whitehouse)迟早会遇到这种情况,也就是由非美国公司发起引发政治争议的竞购行为。

    The Obama administration has so far not confronted any especially controversial foreign transactions , though attorneys who work on such deals in Washington say it is only a matter of time before the white house faces a politically contentious bid by a non-US company .

  5. 上个月,对中国持友好态度的陆克文(kevinrudd)当选澳大利亚总理,但澳大利亚过去一直阻止外资收购该国旗舰能源资产。

    The country last month elected Kevin Rudd , a Sinophile , as prime minister , but has in the past blocked foreigners from acquiring flagship energy assets .

  6. 这桩交易没有通过美国外国投资委员会(Cfius)的审查。这个委员会是从安全角度审查外资收购的机构间委员会。

    The deal fell foul of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US ( Cfius ), the interagency panel that vets foreign takeovers on security grounds .

  7. 中钢向收购委员会提出申诉,随后,该委员会作出裁定,harbinger从市场上收购中西部公司股份而未予以披露,违反了外资收购法。

    Sinosteel complained to the takeovers panel , which ruled that Harbinger had breached foreign takeover law by buying Midwest shares in the market last month without giving notice .

  8. 汇丰(HSBC)的在华扩张战略遭遇挫折,原因是经过重新分类,它在中国的主要合作伙伴被纳入主要国有银行之列&这将保护该行不被外资收购。

    HSBC 's expansion strategy in China has been dealt a setback by the reclassification of its main domestic partner into a major state-owned bank , a change that would protect the Chinese lender from a foreign takeover .

  9. 这两宗交易都必须获得美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)的批准,这是一个从国家安全角度出发、审议外资收购的跨部门小组。

    Both deals would have had to win approval from the Committee on Foreign Investment ( CFIUS ), an interagency panel that reviews foreign acquisitions on national security grounds .

  10. 根据美国法律,跨部门小组外国投资委员会(cfius)能够以国家安全为由,阻止外资收购敏感的美国资产。

    Under US law , an interagency panel called the Committee on foreign investment ( CFIUS ) may block takeovers of sensitive US assets by foreigners on national security grounds .

  11. 在政府层面,普遍有继续开放经济的决心,但特别是在公众层面,人们对于外资收购国内资产存在很多顾虑,清华大学教授迈克尔•佩蒂斯(MICHAELPETTIS)表示。

    At the government level there is generally a determination to continue to open up the economy but , especially at the popular level , there is a lot of concern about foreign ownership of local assets , says Michael Pettis , a professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing .

  12. 上周,英国饮料集团帝亚吉欧(diageo)宣布收购中国白酒品牌水井坊(shuijingfang)的控股权,这是外资收购中国食品饮料业的首笔交易之一。

    Last week , Diageo , the UK drinks group , announced a deal to acquire control of the Chinese liquor brand Shuijingfang , in one of the first foreign takeovers in the food and beverage sector .

  13. 加拿大和美国很少拒绝外资收购。

    Few foreign purchases are turned away by Canada and the US .

  14. 施以经济惩罚的策略,标志着美国在审查外资收购方面出现了新进展。

    The strategy of imposing financial penalties marks a relatively recent development .

  15. 那么,为何会出现反对外资收购的风潮呢?

    Why , then , the groundswell of opposition to foreign takeovers ?

  16. 外资收购是引发不同寻常的公开批评的另一个导火索。

    Foreign takeovers have been the other trigger for unusually public criticism .

  17. 同样没有道理的是,人们担心外资收购会威胁国家经济主权。

    Equally misplaced are fears that foreign takeovers threaten national economic sovereignty .

  18. 外资收购中的国内品牌价值评估

    Value Evaluation of Chinese Brand in Foreign Capital Purchasing

  19. 外资收购不良资产的中国战略

    Strategy of foreign capitals to perform non-performing assets acquisition

  20. 毕竟,就算是在经济形势最好的时候,外资收购也并不容易。

    After all , even in the best of times foreign acquisitions are difficult .

  21. 近期,几宗备受关注的外资收购中国企业的交易已陷入停滞。

    Several high-profile foreign takeovers of Chinese companies have recently ground to a halt .

  22. 在中国,人们可以找到反对外资收购的一些具体的短期原因。

    In China , some specific , short-term reasons for the resistance can be found .

  23. 如果获得成功,这将是台湾金融业最大一笔涉及外资收购方的交易。

    If successful , it will be its largest financial sector deal involving a foreign acquirer .

  24. 外资收购企业国有股的法律问题

    The Legal Issues in the Transaction of State-Owned Stocks in the Enterprises From Government to Foreign Capital

  25. 不幸的是,许多国家政府甚至是在金融危机和经济衰退之前就已开始对外资收购设置新的障碍。

    Unfortunately , many governments were raising new barriers to foreign acquisitions even before the financial crisis and recession .

  26. 在外资收购我国品牌价值评估中存在品牌价值被忽视和没有找到合适的评估方法两大误区,使我国企业蒙受重大损失。

    There are two weaknesses such as ignored brand value and inadequate evaluation method in brand purchased by foreign capital .

  27. 庞若柏表示,今年的交易量主要取决于外资收购规定的实施。

    Mr Partridge said this year 's deal flow was largely dependent on the implementation of the foreign take-over rules .

  28. 英国对外资收购的开放性,是个辩论话题,有时争不出结果。

    The openness of UK corporations to foreign takeover is a matter for debate , at times in rather sterile terms .

  29. 因此,要保持对发展中国家跨国企业的吸引力,领导人们应该维持外资收购审核政策的透明与公正。

    Accordingly , to remain attractive locations for developing-country multinationals , leaders should maintain transparent and fair policies for reviewing foreign acquisitions .

  30. 《证券法》应通过重点完善信息披露制度和强制要约收购制度,来强化对外资收购我国上市公司的规制。

    This paper suggests that Securities Law should be reinforced in information exposure and mandatory offer institutions to strengthen ruling acquisition by foreign investors .