
  • 网络six exogenous pathogenic factors
  1. 根据头痛的发病特点,认为头痛是由外感六淫之邪、或内伤七情、饮食劳倦等导致气滞血瘀、痰浊瘀阻脑络,清窍不利而发病。

    In the light of the features of headache attack , it is believed that headache is caused by qi-blood stagnation , phlegm and blood retention in head and subsequent brain dysfunction .

  2. 喘证的病因除了外感六淫和内伤,还涉及水液代谢失常及疾病的失治误治等。

    In addition to the Six Exogenous and internal injuries , the etiology of Asthma also involved in water metabolism disorders and diseases of the loss of government mistreatment and so on .

  3. 但烟草及烟雾火热,笔者认为,既不同于外感六淫之邪中的暑、热邪气,也不同于内伤之火热。

    Tobacco and hot , I think , is different from the Six Exogenous evil in the summer , and heat , evil is also different frcm the internal injuries of fiery .

  4. 痰一般分为有形之痰和无形之痰两类,其生成涉及五脏六腑。外感六淫,饮食不节,或情志不畅等,均可导致脏腑功能失调而生痰。

    Phlegm is generally divided into tangible and intangible ones , of which the formation involves the insides , the six evils of the monograph , not festival dieting , or modern , all can cause Phlegm viscera dysfunction .

  5. 外因包括外感六淫之邪、跌打损伤等,因严重损伤腰腿部正常经络气血的走形而发病,外因发病较突然,常可导致较剧烈的疼痛感,严重影响人的正常生活。

    External causes include the six of the exogenous evils , injuries , etc. Serious damage of waist and leg ministry normal meridian qi contorts and pathogenesis . External causes will affect channels and can lead to more severe pain .

  6. 祖国医学对银屑病的发病认为与外感六淫、内伤七情、饮食劳倦等综合影响的结果。②伤食积疳,同病异证分轻重;

    TCM indicates that psoriasis is the integrated result of the six exogenous factors , the seven emotional factors , improper diet , overstrain , stress and lack of physical exercise and so on . 2 . different syndromes cause by the same disease of malnutrition due to improper diet ;

  7. 西北燥证外感病因六淫构成情况因子分析

    Factors analysis of the six exogenous pathogenic factors of Northwest Dryness Syndrome

  8. 目的:探寻中医学六气与实际气候变化的对应关系,揭示西北燥证外感病因之六淫构成,为该证的病机与防治研究提供依据。

    Objective : To explore the correlations between six climatic conditions of TCM and real variation of climate , to reveal the components of six climatic pathogenic factors of Northwest Dryness Syndrome ( NDS ) .