
wài ɡōnɡ
  • External skill;exercises to benefit the muscles and bones
外功 [wài gōng]
  • (1) [external work]∶抵抗相反的外力(例如由膨胀)所作的功

  • (2) [exercises to benefit the muscles and bones]∶锻炼筋、骨、皮肉的武术

  1. 电视新闻出现的新词翻译工作做好,必须注重培养“译外功”,善于使用工具书,并参考国内各大报刊、杂志的标准译法。

    For a better translation of these new words , attention should be paid to reference books and standard translations in national newspapers and magazines .

  2. 结果表明,虽然严重低氧时心泵外功功率尚可保持在增大状态,但其压力作功成分减小,容积作功成分增大。

    The results revealed that under severe hypoxia though the total cardiac power and the power doing volume work increased , the power of doing pressure work decreased .

  3. 运用艺术心理学理论,就书法学习中极其重要的方面&字外功的修养,来探讨心理特质在书法艺术创研过程中所发挥的积极作用,是一个重要的研究思路。

    This article tries to use the theory of art psychological to explore the positive function of psychological features in the process of creation and research of calligraphy .