
dāo qiāng bú rù
  • neither swords nor spears can enter;can make no impression on ... either with sword or spear;invulnerable;No blade and spear can pierce it;neither swords nor spears can penetrate;a rigid way of thinking
刀枪不入 [dāo qiāng bù rù]
  • [neither swords nor spears can penetrate;a rigid way of thinking] 原义是刀杀不进枪刺不死。比喻一个人的思想僵化,批评、鼓励都不起作用

刀枪不入[dāo qiāng bú rù]
  1. 他们像奥林匹斯山诸神那样刀枪不入。

    They were as invulnerable as the immortals of olympus .

  2. 伯爵已经认为自己刀枪不入。

    The count had come to think himself invulnerable .

  3. 有了剑,刀枪不入。

    If you have the sword , nothing can touch you .

  4. 合着人民军就得刀枪不入,百毒不侵吗?

    People 's army can 't get bit and die ?

  5. 1900年,中国的义和团拳民就认为武术训练能使他们刀枪不入。

    In1900 the Boxer rebels of China thought that martial-arts training made them immune to bullets .

  6. 装甲层虽不能完全做到刀枪不入,但足以抵挡小口径子弹的攻击。

    While not totally bulletproof , the body armor can stop a small - caliber round .

  7. 正如保时捷公司一位经理人所言,皮耶希在挡开对他的攻击之后,可能看起来有些刀枪不入。

    Ch can seem " bulletproof ", as one Porsche manager says , after brushing off attacks .

  8. 那些吃了假补品的人后就有种刀枪不入的感觉,并且不愿意做运动。

    Those taking phony supplements reported a greater sense of invulnerability and less of a desire to exercise .

  9. 就连它以往刀枪不入的股价也变得脆弱了,比最高值时下跌了25%。

    Even the company 's once-bulletproof stock price has been crushed , off 25 % from its peak .

  10. 如果你还没有修炼到刀枪不入,就先做到沉默是金。

    If you do not have to guns and knives into the practice , first to silence is golden .

  11. 她双手紧抓著阿基里斯的脚跟,将儿子的身体浸泡在冥河之中,好让他全身刀枪不入。

    Holding onto Achilles ' heel , Thetis dipped her son in the River Styx to make him invincible to weapons .

  12. 并且对自己说,我要进去踢某人的屁股,只要我已经刀枪不入并且完美无瑕。

    I 'm going to go in there and kick some ass when I 'm bulletproof and when I 'm perfect .

  13. 但卡西普奥认为,如果社交关系缺乏强有力的情感联系,就算有众多亲友在侧,也无法担保人们能对孤独感刀枪不入。

    But according to Dr. Cacioppo , having many friends and family members around does not guarantee immunity from loneliness if the relationships are missing a strong emotional connection .

  14. 我感觉自己已经刀枪不入,不管别人怎么说我,也不在意观众是否会看我的电影。

    I felt immune to the worst things anyone could say or write about me , and to whether the audience felt like to see my movie or not .

  15. 过了一阵,姑娘们才由四个奥雷连诺救了出来,他们额上的灰十字使人感到一种神秘的恐怖,好象它们是等级符号,是刀枪不入的标志。

    A short time later they were rescued by the flour Aureli-anos , whose crosses of ash inspired a sacred respect , as if they were caste marks , stamps of invulnerability .

  16. 而且即使你已经尽可能的完美了,并且把自己尽可能的装备成刀枪不入,当你进去的时候,那并不是我们想看到的。

    And even if you got as perfect as you could and as bulletproof as you could possibly muster when you got in there , that 's not what we want to see .

  17. 这些研究重复了多次,结果都一样,通用的情绪似乎成了刀枪不入的科学事实,就像重力法则一样,这对于机器人和他们的创造者来说是个好消息。

    The studies have been so well replicated that universal emotions seem to be bulletproof scientific fact , like the law of gravity , which would be good news for robots and their creators .

  18. 20世纪初期,反基督教的义和团成员围攻北京的外国使馆区,同样差点推翻了清帝国。义和团成员相信他们的信仰可以让自己刀枪不入。

    At the dawn of the 20th century the members of the anti-Christian Boxer Uprising , who believed their faith made them impervious to bullets , laid siege to the foreign legation embassy quarter in Beijing and also nearly toppled the empire .