
  • 网络nibelungen;Nibelung;Die Nibelungen
  1. 在更北的地方又成了《沃尔松格神话》或《尼伯龙根传奇》;

    In our more northern lands as the tale of the volsungs , and the Nibelungen lay ;

  2. 而为中国听众带来《尼伯龙根的指环》这一经典歌剧,将进一步满足高品味客户对享受精品交响音乐的追求。

    And their offer of " Der Ring des Nibelungen ," will furthermore meet the tastes of the customers who always pursue high-quality symphonic music .

  3. 勃艮第王尼伯龙根之歌中勃艮第国王之一押沙龙再三请王,王仍是不肯去,只为他祝福。

    One of the Burgundian kings in the Nibelungenlied . And he pressed him : howbeit he would not go , but blessed him .

  4. 尼伯龙根之歌写于13世纪早期中古德国著名史诗。以西格弗里特和勃艮第国王们的传奇为基础所写。

    A middle high German epic poem written in the early13th century and based on the legends of Siegfried and of the Burgundian kings .

  5. 《莱茵的黄金》是瓦格纳的四联神话歌剧《尼伯龙根的指环》的第一部。它是瓦格纳歌剧理论的例证。

    The Rhinegold , the first of the four operas in the " Ring " cycle , exemplifies Wagner 's theory of music drama in its purest form .

  6. 它的家族史也正是瓦格纳的巨作《尼伯龙根的指环》的真实写照:一个家族对权力和辉煌不断追逐,和不可阻挡的没落。

    Wagner 's mesmerising masterpiece " Der Ring des Nibelungen " tells much the same story : a family 's pursuit of power and glory and its inevitable decline .

  7. 史诗中对一些神奇的物品如宝藏和武器的描写极尽夸张之能事。这些物品的出现和《尼伯龙根之歌》的故事情节都体现出德意志民族的基础人格&强烈的不安全感。

    Some magical items in the epic , such as treasures and weapons , have a very exaggerated description , which reflects the basic national characteristics of Germans - a strong sense of insecurity , as well as the plots .