
tiáo xi
  • molest;flirt with;take liberties with;dalliance;hanky-panky;take liberties with a woman;assail with obscenities
调戏 [tiáo xì]
  • [take liberties with a woman;assail with obscenities] 原指戏弄、嘲谑。后多指戏侮妇女

调戏[tiáo xi]
  1. 你调戏的那个女孩是谁?

    Who is the girl you flirt with ?

  2. Paolo调戏我了。

    Phoebe : Paolo made a pass at me .

  3. 你们现在随时都会调戏我的。

    That you 'll be hitting on me any minute now .

  4. 他调戏我。

    Phoebe : Well , he made a move on me .

  5. 她不是害怕他调戏她或者怎样。

    She wasn 't afraid he was going to molest her .

  6. 那女人在舞池里调戏我。

    That woman violated me out there on that dance floor .

  7. 厄尔,你嘴又甜又会调戏人家

    Oh , Earl , you 're so naughty and nice .

  8. 他不喜欢有人调戏他的妻子们。

    He don 't like people messing with his wives .

  9. 你又调戏小匡啦,不中!

    You 're molested small Marina , it 's not !

  10. 在另一个案中,两名曼谷教师被指控调戏学生。

    In another case two Bangkok schoolteachers were accused of molesting pupils .

  11. 一些人通过调戏其他人以完成工作。

    Some people use to get some work done by flirting others .

  12. 他们还调戏我如花般温柔的太太。

    And they molested my tender flower of a wife .

  13. 她杀死了那个调戏她的男子。

    She had killed a man who was molesting her .

  14. 你在调戏我么?这只是九牛一毛。

    Are you kidding me ? This is just my travel kit .

  15. 这样赤裸裸的言语,真让人感激奥列格恰如其分的调戏

    A display like that really makes you appreciate Oleg 's nuanced wit .

  16. 还是看不起我想调戏我是吧。

    This is my lover , we are lesbians .

  17. 真理面前人人平等,调戏面前亦是人人平等!

    All persons are equal before the truth , molested before is equal !

  18. 我才难为情,我是他调戏的那个!

    I 'm so embarrassed , I 'm the one he hit on !

  19. 如果你要揍调戏过我的所有人。

    If you bludgeoned everybody who hit on me .

  20. 他杀了在酒吧调戏他女朋友的人。

    For killing some guy who was bothering his girlfriend in a bar .

  21. 调戏罗宾汉,你在听我说吗?

    Screw Robin hood , you hear me ?

  22. 并被指控调戏一位仅三岁的小女孩,调戏过程被记录在录像带上。

    Stiles is accused of molesting a three-year-old girl and recording it on videotape .

  23. 因为他调戏,她打了他一巴掌。

    She slapped his face for taking liberties .

  24. 他被指控调戏妇女。

    He was charged with molesting a woman .

  25. 没错还分着你调戏我

    Yes still . You hit on me .

  26. 国王逐渐习惯于调戏

    The King gradually got into thehabitof first having

  27. 她在调戏自己的妹妹。

    She molested her own sister .

  28. 他甚至尝试了温情的调戏。

    He even tried gentle teasing .

  29. 这是一个八卦高于真理的时代,是一个调戏高于思辨的时代。

    This is a gossip than the truth of the era , is a tease than speculation .

  30. 我们也拍到了格雷迪手下调戏的女孩照片。

    We also managed to get a picture of the girl that creedy 's men were detaining .