
tiáo jì
  • make up a prescription;adjust;regulate;relieve
调剂 [tiáo jì]
  • (1) [adjust;regulate]∶调整有无、余缺等情况;调整使合宜

  • 天地调剂之法。--清. 洪亮吉《治平篇》

  • 君相调剂之法。

  • (2) [make up a prescription]∶根据处方配制药物

调剂[tiáo jì]
  1. 我们总是帮助外资企业调剂外汇剩余和短缺。

    We always help the enterprise of foreign investment adjust their foreign exchange surplus and deficiency .

  2. 所以我们会尽量再你选的款式的类似款式内帮你调剂。

    Therefore , we will try to re-election of your style with a similar style to help you adjust .

  3. 我们需要一次新奇的旅行来调剂一下生活。

    We need an exciting trip to add some spice to our lives .

  4. 在沉闷的聚会上,她总是能搞些笑料调剂气氛。

    She can always be relied on to provide comic relief at a boring party .

  5. 在漫长的一天结束时我们都需要一点轻松的调剂。

    We all needed a little light relief at the end of a long day .

  6. 偶尔走出办公室去透透气也是一种调剂。

    It 's a relief to get out of the office once in a while .

  7. 当你进行艰苦的学习时,需要其他活动调剂一下。

    When you study hard , you 'll need sth. to break the routine .

  8. 适当地看看电视,调剂调剂生活。

    Watch some television to add variety to life ( or to break the monotony ) .

  9. 基于ASP技术的研究生网上调剂系统的实现

    The Realization of Online Regulating System for Graduate Students Recruiting Based on ASP Technology

  10. 但加入WTO之后,闭税的调剂,配额的撤长,市场化火平较上的脚外业合做呈现黑暖化。

    But after WTO , because of the customs duty 's adjustment and quota 's cancellation , competition appears superheating in the wristwatch industry with high degree marketability .

  11. 采用爆炸法处理炉缸冻结,并配合有效的上、下部调剂,仅2d就恢复了正常炉状,效果良好。

    Through treating hearth freeze accident used of blasting method combined with effective regulation of top and low of blast furnace the normal furnace condition can be recovered only two days .

  12. GQ型复合颗粒堵调剂在高渗油藏中的应用研究

    A Study on Application of Compound Grain Plugging and Profile Control Agent of GQ Type in High Permeability Reservoirs

  13. 王大夫(RoyWang)当年本不想当医生,但他的高考分数没有达到工程专业的录取分数线,因此被他报考的那所华南大学调剂到医学专业。医学专业的录取分数线较低。

    Roy Wang did not want to be a doctor but his grades were too low for engineering so his southern China university transferred him to a course for weaker students : medicine .

  14. 实践和理论分析表明,锰铁高炉炉喉煤气CO2曲线呈双峰漏斗型为合理,提出煤气合理分布的调剂方法。

    Practical and theoretical analysis shows that the " two peaks and a funnel " pattern CO_2 curve at furnace throat is proper for the ferromanganese blast furnaces . The regulating method for reasonable distribution of gas-flow is also presented .

  15. 结果表明,随着油层平均渗透率的增大,采用LPS体系调剂时,油层的采出程度逐渐降低,在同一平均渗透率下,不同渗透率变异因数油藏的LPS体系驱替的采收率差别很小;

    The results show that the LPS recovery efficiency decreased with the increase of mean permeability . Under the same permeability , the oil recovery efficiency with LPS is almost the same for different permeability factors .

  16. 从来都没想过。我制作第一张KZ图时,觉得这只能让人在玩CS之余调剂一下口味,瞬间就会忘掉它。

    Not at all , when I made the first climb maps , I thought it would just be a little distraction from Counter-Strike that people would play once and forget about it .

  17. 针对高渗、高温、高矿化度砂岩油藏的地质特点,研制了GQ复合颗粒堵调剂。

    A compound grain plugging and profile control agent of GQ type is developed based on the geological characteristics of sandstone reservoirs with high permeability , high temperature and high salinity .

  18. Soghoian博士喜欢以去印度,算是维护个人隐私活动的调剂。

    As a respite from his campaign to defend personal privacy , Dr Soghoian likes to go to India .

  19. 门诊药房新型调剂模式的探讨

    A discussion on the new medicine dispensing mode in outpatient pharmacy

  20. 中心药房实施药品调剂工作规范化管理的体会

    Summary of Implementation of Standardized Management of Dispensing in Inpatient Dispensary

  21. 他们唱歌以调剂工作的单调。

    They sang songs to relieve the boredom of the job .

  22. 本科提供双重覆核之机制以防范调剂错误。

    We provide the double-check mechanisms to avoid dispensing error .

  23. 药品调剂差错事故的预防和处理

    Prevention and handling of mistakes and accidents in drug dispensing

  24. 重视高炉鼓风湿分的影响和调剂作用入侵检测系统的作用

    Effect and Role of Blast Moisture Affect of Role Intrusion Detection System

  25. 医院药房调剂服务成本的模型化研究

    Research on the model of the service cost of Hospital pharmacy dispensing

  26. 借款额度不得在行际间调剂。

    The borrowing amount may not be adjusted between banks .

  27. 中药调剂中的若干问题与建议

    Some Questions and Advices on the Regulation of Chinese Herbs

  28. 大矿批的选择和与之相适应的上下部调剂

    Selection of batch weight of ore and corresponding upper-lower regulation

  29. 中药调剂中影响临床疗效的因素分析

    Analysis of Factors Impacted the Clinical Therapeutic Effect in Chinese Drugs Dispensing

  30. 我院实施药品调剂工作规范化管理初探

    Preliminary Study on Implementation of Standardized Management of Dispensing in Our Hospital