
  • 网络Grain for Green Project;GTGP
  1. 基于GIS的退耕还林工程区林地动态变化遥感监测研究

    A Study on Monitoring Dynamic Change of Forest Land by Remote Sensing and GIS in the Region of Returning Cultivated Land to Forest

  2. 土地保护性储备计划(CRP)及其对中国退耕还林工程的启示

    Conservation Reserve Program and Its Enlightenment to China 's conversion of Farmland back to Forests Project

  3. 山地农业生态系统持续发展的有效途径&坡地农业技术(SALT)退耕还林工程技术决策支持系统研究

    An effective way for sustainable development of upland agricultural ecosystem & The sloping agricultural land technology ( SALT ) Research the Techonology DSS of Convert Sloping Agricultural Land into Forest

  4. 详细描述了运用软件工程方法、地理信息系统技术和数据库分析技术等开发基于GIS的退耕还林工程管理信息系统的全过程。

    It is described in detail in this paper that the entire development process of " Management Information System for the Pro-ject of Returning Land for Farming to Forestry Based on GIS " exercising software engineering method together with GIS technology , database analysis and design techniques etc.

  5. 利用西昌市1996和2004年2期TM影像数据,对西昌地区实施退耕还林工程以来的景观格局变化进行分析。

    The landscape pattern dynamics after conversion of cropland to forest project in Xichang area was analyzed by using the TM multispectrum remote sensing of 1996 and 2004 . The results indicated that the area of the main landscape types had an area change .

  6. 刍议四川省退耕还林工程建设成效

    Effect on Converting Cropland to Forest Project Constructing in Sichuan Province

  7. 退耕还林工程技术决策支持系统研究

    Research the Techonology DSS of Convert Sloping Agricultural Land into Forest

  8. 重庆市退耕还林工程林固碳潜力估算

    Carbon Sequestration Potential of Forest Stands Under GGP in Chongqing Municipality

  9. 四川省退耕还林工程林碳汇潜力研究

    Carbon Sequestration Potential by Grain for Green Programs in Sichuan Province

  10. 保水剂在退耕还林工程中的应用

    Application of Aquasorb on Construction of Returning Farmland to Forest ation

  11. 退耕还林工程相关政策问题研究

    Some Policy Issues on the Conversion of Cropland to Forest Program

  12. 陕西省退耕还林工程生态效益评价

    Evaluation of Eco-Economic Benefit of Farmland Returned for Woodland in Shaanxi Province

  13. 对退耕还林工程中种草的探讨

    Discussion on cultivating grass in returning farmland to forest project

  14. 退耕还林工程效益评价案例分析&以湖北省秭归县中坝村为案例

    Case Study on Benefits Evaluation of Grain for Green Project

  15. 宝塔区退耕还林工程现状及发展方向的研究

    Grain for Green Program in Baota District : status and Future Trend

  16. 巴东县退耕还林工程建设阶段效益评价

    Evaluation on Effect for Land Conversion Program in Construction Stage in Badong

  17. 退耕还林工程对关岭县资源利用结构的影响

    Impact of Forest Rehabilitation from Slope Agriculture Project on Resources Utilization Structure

  18. 中国退耕还林工程全面启动。

    Project to return farmland to forests in full swing .

  19. 对实施退耕还林工程后续效果的初探

    Discussion About The Effect After The Implement Of Changing Farmland Into Forest

  20. 退耕还林工程与二元结构问题研究

    Analysis of Conversion of Cropland to Forest Program by Dual Sector Theory

  21. 宜黄县退耕还林工程建设进展

    Progress of Returning Farmland to F or est s in Yihuang County

  22. 退耕还林工程信息管理系统研究

    Study on information management system of conversion the land for forestry program

  23. 清镇市退耕还林工程治理模式

    Management Models of Returning Farmland to Forest Project in Qingzhen

  24. 九江市退耕还林工程实施情况调查报告

    Report on the Program of Returning Farmland to Forests in Jiujiang City

  25. 对粮食安全下继续推进退耕还林工程的再思考

    Re-thinking on Proceeding Forest Rehabilitation from Slope Agriculture based on Food Security

  26. 安康实施退耕还林工程个案分析

    The Analysis of the Cases of the Ever-Green Mountain Project Implemented in Ankang

  27. 浅谈江西退耕还林工程问题

    Discussion on Returning Farmland to Forests in Jiangxi Province

  28. 中国西北地区退耕还林工程效益监测与评价

    Effective Monitoring and Evaluation of the Land Conversion Program in Chinese Northwest Region

  29. 大通县退耕还林工程成效及存在问题

    Benefits and Existed Problems on Project of Converting Cropland to Forest in Datong

  30. 延安市实施退耕还林工程的效益浅析

    Analysis of the Land Conversion Project Implementation in Yan'an