
  • 网络Retirement Plan;Retirement Planning;IRA;PRS
  1. 在什么时候才可以加入401(k)或其它退休计划?

    How long before you can participate in the401 ( k ) or other retirement plan ?

  2. 前几天,他问了我的退休计划。

    The other day he asked about my retirement plan .

  3. 退休计划管理第X类业务

    Retirement scheme management category X business

  4. 例如,IBM有提前退休计划,AT&T为裁掉的员工提供求职帮助与职业指导。

    IBM for instance , offers early retirement . AT & T offers job search help and career counseling to displaced employees .

  5. 另外,保德信金融集团(prudentialfinancial)也在代表许多退休计划起诉道富银行,索赔要求与前述诉讼类似。

    Separately , but with similar claims , Prudential Financial is also suing State Street on behalf of numerous retirement plans .

  6. 伦敦富达国际(fidelityinternational)的明星基金经理安东尼波顿(anthonybolton)也放弃自己的退休计划移居香港,推出一家中国股票基金。

    Anthony Bolton , Star stock picker at UK-based Fidelity International , has scrapped his retirement and decamped to Hong Kong to launch a China Equities Fund .

  7. 据NPR新闻的茵娜·杰夫报道,这是因为越来越少的雇主为拉丁裔黑人和亚洲人提供退休计划。

    NPR 's Ina Jaffe reports that 's because fewer black Latino and Asian American workers have employers who offer retirement plans .

  8. 加州州立大学弗雷斯诺分校(CaliforniaStateUniversityinFresno)家族企业学院的院长乔治・沃兹克斯(GeorgeVozikis)表示,很多婴儿潮一代都被这次的经济衰退打了个措手不及,退休计划也受到了影响。

    Baby boomers , in many cases , were blindsided by the recession and its effect on their retirement plans , says George Vozikis , director of the Institute for Family Business at California State University in Fresno .

  9. 曾负责为富达国际(FidelityInternational)选股的安东尼波顿(AnthonyBolton)已暂时搁置退休计划,将从伦敦迁至香港,建立一只专门投资于中国的基金。波顿是欧洲最著名的基金经理之一。

    Anthony Bolton , the former stock picker at Fidelity International and one of the most renowned fund managers in Europe , has shelved retirement plans to relocate from London to Hong Kong to set up a China-focused fund .

  10. 超过半数的失业人员此前工作时有401k退休计划,他们表示他们已经将帐户里的资金取出。

    More than half of unemployed workers who had a 401k at their previous job say they 've withdrawn funds from the account .

  11. 虽然过去五年里股票市场翻了一番,但这并没能帮到那些未加入401k退休计划的人。

    And while the stock market has doubled over the last five years , that doesn 't help folks who don 't have 401ks .

  12. 从2016年开始,波音公司将用退休计划中的401k计划代替现行的养老金计划。

    Starting in 2016 , the company would make contribution into a 401 ( k ) type of retire plan instead of the pension .

  13. 巴菲特和伯克希尔副董事长、80多岁的查理芒格(CharlieMunger)在每年年会上,都会与投资者分享他们对于经济走势和投资的心得。他们都曾表示尚没有退休计划。

    Mr Buffett and Charlie Munger , his octogenarian vice-chairman , each year entertain the crowds with their thoughts on the economy and investing , and have maintained that they have no plans to step aside .

  14. 他的目标是在65岁时实现财务自由,正因如此,他的退休计划几乎全部投资于个股、股票基金、交易所交易基金(ETF),以及类似对冲基金的一些另类投资。

    He wants to be financially independent by age 65 , which is why almost all of his retirement portfolio is given to individual stocks , stock mutual funds and exchange-traded funds , and alternative , hedge-fund-like investments .

  15. 上个月,gkn宣布整个英国汽车零部件业务将进一步裁员550人,但它还向自愿离开的工人开放了现有的相对慷慨的提前退休计划该计划很快就不再执行了。

    Last month GKN announced it was cutting a further 550 jobs across its UK autoparts business , though it has held open existing relatively generous early retirement terms to workers volunteering to depart - which will soon no longer be on offer .

  16. 您也可以争论的退休计划或你的父母。

    You could also argue about retirement planning or your parents .

  17. 你很惊讶他改变退休计划的想法吗?

    Were you surprised when he changed his mind about retiring ?

  18. 新造人寿业务的数字并不包括退休计划业务。

    Figures for long term new business exclude retirement scheme business .

  19. 囊中羞涩的客户将得到各地分支机构的免费退休计划建议。

    Poorer clients receive free retirement advice at their local branch .

  20. 其出发点应该是改革现有的退休计划。

    The starting point should be reforms of existing retirement schemes .

  21. 投资服务公司嘉信理财准备研究美国人的退休计划。

    The investment services company Charles Schwab prepares studies about Americans'retirement planning .

  22. 考利已经将自己的退休计划推后了五年。

    He has delayed his retirement plan for five years .

  23. 几个不确定因素妨碍了他的退休计划。

    His planning for retirement was hindered by several uncertainties .

  24. 有关专家说。联邦退休计划将承受很大的负担。

    Federal retirement programs will bear a heavy burden , experts said .

  25. 最大的一部分应该投资于退休计划。

    The largest proportion should be invested in retirement plans .

  26. 问题21.为什么公司采用分阶段退休计划?

    Question 21 . Why does the company adopt the phased retirement scheme ?

  27. 你是不是签订了一个退休计划?

    Did you sign up for a retirement plan ?

  28. 退休计划及保险及行政组〔财经事务局〕

    Retirement Schemes and Insurance and Bureau Administration Section [ Financial Services Bureau ]

  29. 难道是一个退休计划,后绿洲?

    Could it be a retirement scheme , post-Oasis ?

  30. 您想不想把您的现金存款用来投资辅助退休计划?

    Do you want to invest your cash savings in the supplementary retirement scheme ?