
tuì zhēn
  • withdrawing of the needle
退针[tuì zhēn]
  1. 方法采用二次注血/退针法制作大鼠脑出血模型测定脑组织匀浆中SOD,NO,LPO,MPO,Na+-K+-ATPase含量及脑组织含水量、神经功能缺损评分。

    METHOD Biphasic injection method was used to make rat cerebral hemorrhage models to determine the contents of SOD , NO , LPO , MPO , Na + - K + - ATPase , water content of brain tissue and neurological function ratings .

  2. A组包括5只犬,透视下用20GChiba针刺入犬腰椎间隙中心部,抽取10ml臭氧,3ml注入椎间盘,退针至椎间孔处将剩余气体注入椎旁组织。

    Five canines in group A were subjected medical ozone injection into selected lumbar discs ( 3 ml ) and the paraspinal space ( 7 ml ) with 20 G Chiba needle under fluoroscopy .

  3. 术后2例出现退针,1例压迫皮肤。

    Pin retracted in 2 cases and compressed skin in 1 case .

  4. 一种改良大鼠自体血脑出血模型:二次注血/退针法

    An Improved Autologous Blood ICH Model of Rat : Double Injection and Double Withdrawal

  5. 防止直型套管针退针芯时延长管内产生空气的方法

    Probe into methods of preventing more air producing in needle withdrawal of unbent trocar

  6. 穿刺治疗后3例出现发热,2例退针后出现穿刺部位灼痛。

    After treatment , 3 have fever , 2 have ache on the part of puncture .

  7. 应用有限元法对比分析单侧入路退针法与固定点注射骨水泥椎体成形的生物力学变化

    Biomechanics changes between needle withdrawal and fixation point injection bone cement vertebral plasty using finite element method

  8. 穿刺机器人运动按先后顺序分为手臂平移、手腕调姿、进针及退针四个步骤。

    Robot motion is divided into four steps according to following sequence : arm translation , wrist rotation , needle insertion , and needle withdrawal .

  9. 方法:我们采用2次注血2次退针法建立大鼠自体血脑出血模型(简称二步法模型),并与单次注血法和二次注血法模型对比。

    Methods : We present an ICH model of rat with two-step autologous blood injection and needle withdrawal ( two-step model ) by comparing it with two other autologous blood ICH models .

  10. 主要临床并发症是腰背部痉挛疼痛,在退针前注射布比卡因或注射木瓜凝乳蛋白酶前静脉注射皮质激素可以减轻该并发症。

    Main complications in clinic are spasm and pain in lumbar and back , which can be relieved by injection of bupivacaine before needle withdrawal or venous injection of adrenal cortex hormone before injection of CP.

  11. 此外,单针和双针多次退针消融灶为长条形也为我们提供了今后运用激光进行癌栓治疗的实验基础。

    In addition , one or two fibers ablation with several times which gave us a strip ablation shape also provides us an experimental basis for the future using of laser at the treatment of thrombosis .

  12. 结果7例肝肿瘤患者,共穿刺10次,5次直接穿刺命中靶血管,5次经调整针尖,在边退针,边抽吸中穿中靶血管,总成功率100%。

    Results seven cases were punctured 10 times . The needles were punctured into the target vessel in 5 times directly and the others hit target by the needles drawing . The total rate of success is 100 % .

  13. 土耳其外交大臣梅夫鲁特·卡武过格鲁宣布,该国将派遣军事专家和技术团队,以支持利比亚国际公认的政府。据报道,利比亚政府正在努力击退针对其的黎波里权力基地的军事进攻。

    Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has announced the country will send military experts and technical teams to support Libya 's internationally recognized government , which is reportedly struggling to fend off a military offensive on its power base in Tripoli .