
  • Array
  1. 该公司因无力偿债而被退市。

    The company was delisted for insolvency .

  2. 如果获得股东批准,公司可能在6月前从aim退市。

    If shareholders approve the move , the group could delist from aim by June .

  3. 与许多上市公司在审计师辞任发生的情况一样,东南融通去年8月从纽约证交所(newyorkstockexchange)退市。

    As has happened in many cases after auditor resignations , Longtop delisted from the New York Stock Exchange last August .

  4. 公司将会面临ST处理,更严重将会破产退市。

    ST processing companies will face more serious delisting will be bankrupt .

  5. 然而,中国西部水泥和中国房地产机会不打算采取二次上市的方式,而是打算从aim退市。

    However , instead of taking a secondary listing , both Creo and West China cement intend to quit aim .

  6. 深陷困境面临退市风险的ST公司迫切寻求转机的可能。

    ST companies urgently seek turnaround possible when they facing delisting risk and dilemma .

  7. 第三季度加入AIM的公司数量,两年来首次超过退市的公司。

    In the third quarter the number of companies joining Aim was higher than the number leaving for the first time in two years .

  8. 其中,以特别处理(specialtreatment)机制为核心的过渡式退市制度设计,是我国制度背景下的资本市场重要制度创新之一。

    Keeping special treatment ( ST ) mechanism as a core , the transition withdrawal mechanism is one of the most important designs in capital market under the China institutional background .

  9. 成为PT公司以及随后退市意味着该公司失去控制权收益和未来的寻租机会。

    Becoming a PT firm and being de-listed afterwards suggests the loss of private control benefits and future rent-seeking opportunities .

  10. 焦点地产pk台:经济适用房转换角色还是退市?

    Focus estate PK Taiwan : the role of housing conversion or delisting ?

  11. 另外,退市制度会通过其带有歧视性质的ST标识使得投资者产生偏见进而影响至投资者决策。

    In addition , Delisting system would make investors have some bias as to affect the decision-making of investors through its discriminatory " ST " .

  12. 在美国市场,受林肯城市(TownCar)系列车型逐步退市影响,去年林肯汽车销量小幅下滑不到1%,至81694辆。

    In the U.S. , Lincoln sales declined slightly in 2013 -- a drop of less than 1 % , to 81694 -- as the brand dealt with the phaseout of the Town Car .

  13. 多元印刷在此之后由于无法找到新的审计师而被NYSE退市。

    DYP has been unsuccessful at finding a new auditor and the NYSE has delisted them .

  14. 虽然2015年在退市方面已经是创纪录的一年,但去年是中资企业在美国IPO最繁忙的一年,筹资总额达到290亿美元。

    While 2015 is already a record year for delistings , last year was the busiest for China IPOs in the US , totalling $ 29bn .

  15. 佳尔华退市是对伦敦中小板市场的一次打击。吸引外国公司已成为AIM增长的核心动力,但已有多家该市场的上市公司开始去其它地方寻找流动资金。

    The withdrawal is a blow to London 's junior market , which has made attracting foreign companies central to its growth , but which has seen several of its listings begin to look elsewhere for liquidity .

  16. ClearChannel退市交易的价值将超过175亿美元。这将是传媒业迄今规模最大的杠杆收购交易,也是大型家族企业放弃上市公司身份的最新实例。

    A deal to take Clear Channel private would be worth more than $ 17.5bn , making it the biggest leveraged buy-out in the media industry and the latest example of large family-run businesses abandoning the public markets .

  17. 试图提出完善问题外资银行退市法律制度的可行建议,建立一个符合WTO规则的外资银行退市法律制度。

    Trying to put forward to a possible proposal to sound the legal system of weak foreign banks delisting , establish the market withdrawal legal system of weak foreign banks to comply with WTO rules .

  18. 在这个部分,本章研究了退出设计下的过渡退市群体(ST处理公司)自愿披露的动机及其对信息不对称的改善。

    We analyze the motivation of the quit-market groups on the transitional stage ( ST treatment company ) disclosure voluntary under the withdrawal mechanism and the improvement of information asymmetry .

  19. 公司为了规避ST和退市等资本市场相关规定,股东为了股价上涨,管理者为了完成激励目标,都有进行盈余管理的动机。

    In order to evade capital market regulations , to rise share price and to complete the incentive goals , companies and shareholders and managers all have earnings management motivations .

  20. 无锡药明康德(WuXiAppTec)去年从纽约证交所(NYSE)退市,被管理层以33亿美元收购,由此完成了私有化。

    WuXi AppTec was delisted from the New York Stock Exchange last year and taken private in a $ 3.3bn management buyout .

  21. 要让Airbnb退市,可能没那么容易。

    Making Airbnb go away might not be so easy .

  22. 7月份有12家公司加入该市场,同时只有13家公司退市,说明上市公司总数目可能开始稳定在1150家左右。在AIM上市的公司最多时曾达1700家,近几年里逐渐减少。

    In July 12 companies joined the market while only 13 delisted , indicating that the total number of companies might be starting to stabilise at about 1,150 after several of years of decline from the peak of 1,700 .

  23. 对于上市公司而言,因财务危机沦为ST板块甚至被迫退市的情况愈演愈烈。

    As to listed company , the situation that it is occupied in " ST " plate and even forced to quit listing because of financial crisis grows more and more serious .

  24. 2011年,多元印刷公司(DuoyuanPrinting,Inc.)因涉嫌制造虚假信息从纽约证券交易所(NYSE)退市。

    Duoyuan printing , Inc. ( Duoyuan printing ) was delisted from the NYSE in 2011 after the company crumbled under fraud allegations .

  25. 本章通过实验证实(1)我国退市制度中的ST标识确实是造成了投资者对ST公司的偏见,并且这种偏见是普遍、稳固存在的。

    In our study , we have found : ( 1 ) the " ST " of the delisting system indeed causes investors ' prejudice to ST companies , which is common and stable .

  26. 此举将是查克•普林斯(ChuckPrince)3年前成为花旗集团首席执行官以来,该集团进行的最大一笔收购交易。此前爆出的一项会计丑闻可能导致日兴证券摘牌退市。

    The move , which follows an accounting scandal that could lead to Nikko 's delisting , would be Citigroup 's biggest acquisition since Chuck Prince became chief executive three years ago .

  27. 这些基金把矛头指向那些在美国退市、而后以3到5倍于私有化估值的股价在中国国内证交所重新上市的公司,包括分众传媒(FocusMedia)、巨人网络(GiantInteractive)和完美世界(PerfectWorld)。

    These funds point to companies that have delisted in the US only to re-emerge on Chinese exchanges - including Focus Media , Giant Interactive and Perfect World - at valuations three to five times higher than the price at which they went private .

  28. 因为投资者经常会根据报表反映的利润来判断上市公司的业绩,为了达到获得资本市场上的收益,实现企业的融资目标或者ST公司避免退市等目标,操纵会计利润成为了经理人员的常用手段。

    Because investors judged listed companies performance evaluation based on accounting profit performance , in order to achieve the revenue targets or avoid delisting goals , manipulating the accounting profits has become a common means of managers .

  29. 本文采用统计学中的Logistic回归模型,建立我国网络概念上市公司退市风险预警模型,并通过对模型进行实证检验,证明新模型的有效性。

    This article uses the Logistic Regression Model in statistics to establish a withdrawal risks warning model for Internet concept Public Limited Company ( PLC ) in China , and verifies the applicability and effectiveness of this new model .

  30. 其发言人表示,seb无意对资本结构做出任何进一步的改变,也无意让苏泊尔退市。

    The SEB spokesperson said there were no plans to make any further changes in the capital structure and has no intention of delisting .