
  • 网络Exit Cost;cost of reneging
  1. 退出成本即退出壁垒(J.Bain,1956)指阻碍企业退出市场(行业)的因素,包括沉没成本、违约成本、行政法规壁垒,信誉损失,等等。

    ( Chen Lu , 2000 ); Exit cost is the exit barrier ( J.Bain , 1956 ), i.e.the obstacles for enterprise to exit a market / an industry , which includes sunk cost , penalty cost , law and regulation barrier , reputation ruin cost , etc.

  2. 本文在现有理论的基础上将退出成本引入对经理行为的分析。

    This paper employs exit cost to analyze the behavior of managers .

  3. 论欧洲货币一体化的不可逆转性&基于退出成本的分析

    On the Irreversibility of European Monetary Unification & An Analysis Based on Cost of Reneging

  4. 综合成本由历史成本、当前成本和退出成本构成。

    The general cost consists of the history cost , current cost and quit cost .

  5. 其确立难点在于国有资产的退出成本;

    The difficulties of its establishment exist in : the seceded cost of the national asset ;

  6. 然而,投资银行的进入、管理(大量收入都被员工抽走)和退出成本都很高。

    However , investment banking is expensive to enter , expensive to manage ( since the employees siphon off much of the revenues ) and expensive to quit .

  7. 国有企业的产权、改革宏观效应与退出成本研究&一个基于历史与宪法视角的国企存在合理性的逻辑证明

    On the Property Right of State-owned Enterprises and Macro-effects and Withdrawal Costs of SOE Reform & logical proof of the reasonable existence of SOE from historical and constitutional perspectives

  8. 从经济层面看,欧盟核心国家和边缘国家均从统一的欧元区受益,而且退出成本巨大。

    From the perspective of economics , the core countries and peripheral countries of EU are benefit from the unity of the euro zone , the exit cost is huge .

  9. 针对于非生产性协会组织,潜在会员的决策受到行业协会服务水平的不确定性、会费及退出成本这三个因素的影响。

    If the association 's services aren 't produced directly by association members themselves , the decision-making of prospective members is affected by three factors that are dues , exit fee and uncertainty of service .

  10. 当高管退出成本过高时,经理人总是在现有约束条件下追求利益的最大化,管制经理人薪酬的边际收益将激励经理人付出更多的努力来获取总收益的最大化。

    When executives exit costs too high , managers are always pursue the maximization of benefits under the existing constraints . Regulating the marginal benefit of executive compensation will encourage managers to pay more efforts to obtain the total revenue maximization .

  11. 但是,地方政府财力薄弱而拖欠归还中央银行专项再借款,使金融机构市场退出成本货币化的倾向十分明显。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    However , because of the weak financial strength , the local governments often defer the repayment of the special reloans to the central bank and further cause the obvious " monetization " trend of the withdrawal cost of the financial institutions .

  12. 最后,以退出成本为切入点,设计了基于退出成本的约束模型,并进行了最优解检验,证明了该模型的可行性,具有较强的现实意义;2.国有企业执行力的提升。

    And with exit cost as cut-in point , a constraint mechanism is constructed and an optimal solution test has been made to prove the feasibility of the model , very practical . 2 . Upgrading the executive ability of state-owned enterprises .

  13. 退出成本即退出国家间经济联系的机会成本,而门槛成本则为冲突双方所能承担经济损失的上限。

    The exit cost is the opportunity cost a country has to pay when it cut its economic relationship off with another country ; while the threshold is the upper limit of economic loss born by a country in a bilateral conflict .

  14. 但瑞银之类的银行现在已退出了不计成本实现增长的战略。

    But banks such as UBS have now pulled back from a growth-at-all-costs strategy .

  15. 退出欧元的成本如此高昂,是因为如果德国改回使用自己的货币,汇率会很高,难以支撑其出口型经济。

    The reason it costs so much is because a new German-only currency would be very strong – too strong to support its current export-driven economy .

  16. 如果美国和欧盟能够达成协定、建立共同市场,英国退出欧盟的成本就会大幅上升。

    If the US and the EU can agree to merge their markets , the cost of a potential British exit from the EU go way up .

  17. 瑞银(UBS)曾尝试评估德国退出欧元区的成本。

    UBS tried to assess what it would cost Germany if it did break away .

  18. 显性部分存款保险下的有效银行退出机制&基于成本收益分析下的博弈分析

    Banking market exit mechanism research based on the partial explicit deposit insurance

  19. 但是,一些银行担心,这种技术会变得太过昂贵,特别是在投机资金退出或把监管成本考虑在内的情况下。

    But some banks worry the technology could become too expensive , especially if speculative flows are removed or the cost of regulation is factored in .

  20. 由于希腊人预期欧洲将最终屈服,并认为退出欧元区的成本或许并没有那么高,新的希腊选举可能进一步增强反欧元阵营的力量。

    A new Greek election may further boost the anti-euro camp , fuelled by expectations that Europe will eventually waver and that the costs of exiting the euro might not be that large after all .

  21. 从退出价格、退出成本和退出市场容量等六个指标来看,我国企业并购的总体退出效用要高于首次公开发行。

    On the analysising the six indicators for example , the exit prices , the exit costs and the market capacity , we find the overall effectiveness of corporate mergers is higher than initial public offerings .

  22. 存在的问题有:需转产转业的渔民数量大,支持转产转业的资金数量有限,渔民综合素质较低,退出捕捞行业的成本高。

    The problems include a large number of transferring fishermen , a limited number of transferring funds to support them , a relatively low quality of the fishermen , the high cost of quiting the fishing industry .

  23. 希腊在过去两年里屡次表达了留在欧元区的愿望,退出欧元区的成本远比留在欧元区所需的政策调整成本高得多。

    Over the past two years , Greece has repeatedly stated its intention to stay in the eurozone , the cost of leaving it being much higher than that of implementing the policy adjustment required to remain a member .

  24. 如果上述情况没有出现,我们将更接近一个节点:饱受融资问题困扰的成员国将理性地得出结论,认为继续留在欧元区所需付出的政治和经济成本,可能远远超过退出欧元区的成本。

    If that does not happen , we will be getting closer to the point where member states confronted with an unsustainable funding position could rationally conclude that the political and financial costs of staying in the eurozone may well exceed the costs of an exit .

  25. 存在自由退出权就存在退出成本。

    The right of free withdrawing means the cost of withdraw .

  26. 高风险中小金融机构早退出比迟退出所花成本要少。

    The high-risk small and medium financial institutions will bear lower cost through early withdrawal then through late withdrawal .

  27. 在对风险投资退出机制进行分析的基础上,研究了退出成本、退出收益、退出条件与风险企业家的合作意愿等影响退出决策的因素,建立了风险投资退出决策评价的实物期权模型。

    Based on the discussion of venture capital exiting mechanism , the real option model of evaluating exiting ventures is set up , which is in terms of the influence of exiting cost , exiting benefit , exiting conditions and cooperation of venture entrepreneur on exiting decision-making .