
  • 网络LEHR;annealing lehr;annealing furnace;furnace & bath
  1. 1000t/d浮法玻璃退火窑设计制造及安装

    Design , Construction and Installation of 1000 t / d Float Glass Annealing Furnace

  2. 玻璃制品电热退火窑计算机辅助设计

    Computer-Aided Design of Electric Glass Annealing Furnace

  3. BP神经网络模型对浮法退火窑内玻璃温度的预测

    Temperature Prediction for the Float Glass Ribbon in Lehr Based on BP Neural Network

  4. 退火窑机械传动设计体会

    Views on designing the mechanical transmission system of the annealing kiln

  5. 从大吨位玻璃退火窑的设计看其发展趋势

    Development trend of annealing furnace through the design of large scale furnace

  6. 530吨级浮法玻璃退火窑改造设计与实践

    Design and Practice of Rebuilding 530 Ton-Level Float Glass Lehr

  7. 论退火窑辊道两种联轴器的配合使用

    Grouping use of two shaft coupling on roller conveyor of annealing furnace

  8. 浮法玻璃退火窑冷却系统的设计探讨和应用

    Discussion and application of cooling system design for float glass annealing kiln

  9. 退火窑在制作和安装过程中的几点建议

    Some Suggestions of The Lehr in The Process of Manufacturing and Installation

  10. 浮法玻璃熔窑和退火窑的热平衡及(火用)平衡分析

    Thermal Equilibrium and Exergic Equilibrium Analyses for Float Glass Furnace

  11. 石英陶瓷辊在压花玻璃退火窑上的应用

    Application of silica-ceramic rollers to lehr of patterned glass

  12. 模拟结果表明,利用数值模拟方法可以改进退火窑的设计和操作。

    The mathematieal simulation can be improved the design and operation of lehr .

  13. 退火窑设备的引进和比选

    Importation and choice of facilities served in annealing furnace

  14. 选用退火窑辊道时值得注意的几个方面

    Some noteworthiness in choice of annealing furnace rollers

  15. 工况平衡技术在后期浮法退火窑中的实践

    The Practice of Operation Equilibrium Technology in the Latter Stage Lehr of Float Process

  16. 浮法玻璃退火窑故障诊断专家系统设计

    Design of Fault Diagnose Expert Systems for Lehr

  17. 浮法退火窑中玻璃带辐射热量分布的研究

    A Study on Radiant Energy distributions of Glass Ribbon in Annealing Lehrs for Float Glass

  18. 强制气流循环式退火窑介绍

    An Introduction of a Ventilating-Circle Annealing Lehr

  19. 电热双速玻璃退火窑的开发与实践

    Developing and Practice of Electric Two-speed Lehr

  20. 两种进口退火窑设备的比较

    A Comparison Between Two Imported Annealing Furnaces

  21. 浮法退火窑中玻璃带传热的数学模型

    A Mathematical Model of Heat Transfer of Glass Ribbon in Annealing Lehrs for Float Glass

  22. 退火窑是玻璃生产工艺中的关键设备之一。

    The annealing kiln is one of the key equipment in the process of glass making .

  23. 基于有限元法的浮法玻璃退火窑辊道传动轴受力仿真分析

    Simulation and Analysis on Driving Shaft in Float Glass Roller Annealing Lehr Based on FEA Method

  24. 计算结果可供浮法玻璃退火窑设计与控制参考。

    Quantitative results can be used to improve design and control of annealing lehrs for float glass .

  25. 讨论了我厂退火窑辊道两种联轴器配合使用的可靠性和优越性。

    The reliability and superiority of grouping use of two shaft coupling on roller conveyor of annealing furnace were discussed in this paper .

  26. 浮法退火窑辐射间接冷却区内冷却风量及其分布的研究

    A Study on Flow Rate and Its Tranverse Distributions of the Cooling Air in Indirectly Cooling Zone of Annealing lehrs for Float Glass

  27. 浮法玻璃退火窑尺寸不断加大,使得退火窑辊道传动系统,特别是传动轴等零件面临着强度方面的风险。

    With the increasing size of the float glass roller annealing lehr , its traditional driving system is facing a severe problem on strength .

  28. 浮法玻璃的加工过程中,辊道中的辊子是退火窑的重要组成部件,辊子的质量直接影响到了浮法玻璃的质量,因此辊子的选材和加工是影响浮法玻璃品质的重要因素之一。

    The glass anneal kiln roller is an important part during the glass processing . And the roller can influence the float glass quality directly .

  29. 通过对网带纠偏装置设计实例的研究,叙述了该纠偏装置的工作原理及在玻璃瓶罐退火窑网带上的应用效果。

    By showing some examples of design of error correcting device for conveyer belt , this article explains the principle of this device and the application in conveyer belt of bottle annealing kiln .

  30. 在浮法玻璃生产线的锡槽内和玻璃板面温度600℃的退火窑区分别采用电化学方法和化学气相沉积法,在浮法玻璃表面在线镀膜,制备了双层膜。

    Chemical vapor deposition and electrochemistry were respectively used for on-line depositing a bi-layer film on float glass in a float bath and a lehr gap where the glass surface is 600 ℃ .