
  • 网络Distortion;optical distortion;lens distortion
  1. 热补偿掺钕磷酸盐玻璃板条激光器能产生高重复率、高亮度的光束。相对来说,没有热致光学畸变,而且在某些应用领域将成为Nd∶YAG板条激光器的强劲对手。

    A thermal phosphate Nd : glass slab laser has demonstrated the capability of producing high repetition rate high brightness beam which is relatively free from thermally induced optical distortion and should be a strong competitor to the Nd : YAG slab laser in the applications .

  2. 以准三能级固体激光理论为基础,用数值方法研究了LD边抽运Yb∶YAG板条激光器的激光输出特性、温度效应、光学畸变和摩尔分数优化等性能。

    Based on the theory of quasi-three-level solid-state laser , the laser properties of LD edge-pumped Yb ∶ YAG slab laser are studied with numerical calculation method . The laser output properties , temperature effect , optical distortion and doped concentration optimization are studied .

  3. Ga(1-x)AlxAs晶体的共振喇曼散射和光学畸变势

    Resonant Raman Scattering and Optical Deformation Potentials in Ga_1-x AI_x As

  4. 气动光学畸变波前可近似表示为低阶本征正交分解(POD)基与时间系数的相乘叠加形式。

    Aero-optical aberration wavefront can be represented as a multiplicative summation of the proper orthogonal decomposition ( POD ) basis functions and time coefficients .

  5. SABT能得到较大孔径上的光学畸变的时间序列,给出光波前畸变的时间及空间信息。

    SABT can gain the time series of optical aberrations on the relative large aperture , advances the temporal and spatial information of optical wavefront aberration .

  6. 热容模式下激光介质的动态光学畸变

    Dynamic optical distortion of laser medium in heat-capacity laser

  7. 透明塑料平板厚向收缩及光学畸变研究

    Depth Contraction and Optical Distortion for Transparent Plastic Plate

  8. 短焦距摄像机镜头一般都存在比较严重的光学畸变,使成像质量下降。

    There are bad optical aberration in the camera lens of short focus .

  9. 一种广角镜头光学畸变的数字校正算法

    A Digital Calibration Algorithm for Wide-angle Lens Distortion

  10. 运动涡旋脉冲引起的光学畸变

    Optics aberrations aroused by moving vorticity pulse

  11. 高超声速湍流流场高折射率梯度区域气动光学畸变仿真研究

    Study on Aero-Optical Distortion Simulation of High Refraction Index Gradient Regions in Hypersonic Turbulent Flow

  12. 均匀抽运及均匀冷却是激光二极管抽运激光器减小热致光学畸变以实现高光束质量输出的核心技术难题。

    Uniform pumping and uniform cooling are key techniques to reduce thermo-optical distortion and to achieve high beam quality output for solid-state laser .

  13. 但在实际应用中,激光光束的漂移、传输折射以及光学畸变对测量系统的测量精度具有不可忽视的影响。

    However , in practice , the excursion , transmission refraction and optics aberrance of the laser beam will affect the measuring precision .

  14. 分析了高功率气体激光器热及压力导致的光学畸变,并对所产生的光学畸变进行了补偿;

    Analyses are made of heat and pressure induced optical distortions in high power gas lasers . And compensation for these optical distortions is presented .

  15. 通过实验验证了由此建立的室外相机检校场,能够满足多种航空摄影测量数码相机的检校,精确测定非量测数码相机的内方位元素和光学畸变参数。

    The experiments have testified that non-mensuration digital camera 's interior orientation element and lens distortion parameters which are attained through the field are accuracy .

  16. 从而实现相机主距,像主点坐标以及因光学畸变等因素引起的系统误差改正数的检校改正。

    Thus realizing the calibration correction of the camera host , the coordinates of the principal point as well as the system error because of the lens distortion .

  17. 摄像机光学畸变的修正以及图像处理的亚像素定位方法,减小了目标图像的定位误差,提高了系统的测量和调整的精度。

    The correction of camera optics distortion and sub-pixel method for image processing can reduce the error of target image orientation for the precision improvement of system measuring .

  18. 提出了一种基于平面黑白格的内外部参数标定方法,确定了包含光学畸变的全部摄像机参数求解。

    A calibration method of camera internal parameters and external parameters based on the planar board is proposed and the results of camera parameters with optical distortions are solved .

  19. 同时分析了这一特定温度分布条件下增益介质的应力分布以及由于温度分布和应力分布引起增益介质的光学畸变,这些结果可以为二极管角抽运全固态激光器的稳定设计提供基础理论依据。

    The optical distortion induced by the temperature and stress is also analyzed . These results may provide the fundamental theory for the stable design of corner-bumped all solid-state lasers .

  20. 针对内窥镜系统光学畸变问题,提出了医用电子内窥镜畸变实时校正系统的原理和硬件系统的实现。

    In order to solve the opto-distortion problems of medical electronic endoscope , the theory of real-time distortion correction system of medical electronic endoscope and the realization of hardware system are introduced .

  21. 考虑到由大气湍流造成的光学波前畸变中各泽尼克(Zernike)基元模式的统计权重分布,以及变形镜的实际装夹定位方式,对双压电变形反射镜的优化设计进行了分析。

    Considering the statistical weight factors of different Zernike model aberrations caused by atmospheric turbulence , and the different arrangements of mirror positioning , the optimization of the bimorph deformable mirror is analyzed .

  22. 超广角光学系统畸变与主距的测量方法

    A Method for Measuring Distortion and Focal Length of Super Wide Angle Optical System

  23. 光学梯形畸变校正器双波前校正器全光路像差校正自适应光学系统像差解耦分析

    Aberration Decoupling Analysis in Adaptive Optics System with Two Sets of Wavefront Correctors for All-path Aberration Correction

  24. 连续波DF高功率激光引起的光学元件热畸变和损伤

    Thermal distortion and damage of optical components subjected to CW DF high power laser irradiation

  25. 光学图象几何畸变的快速校正算法

    A Fast Algorithm for Rectification of Optical Lens Image Distortion

  26. 基于数字化二次曝光干涉的光学元件波前畸变测量

    A double - exposure digital holographic interferometry using to measure wavefront distortion

  27. 一种超宽视场光学系统的畸变测量方法及畸变校正

    A distortion measuring method and distortion correct of super wide-view field optical system

  28. 摄像机光学镜头的畸变是影响系统精度的另一个决定性因素。

    The camera lens distortion is another crucial factor for the system precision .

  29. 短焦矩大视场光学系统的畸变校正

    The distortion correct of short focus wide-angle optical system

  30. 医用电子内窥镜光学镜头图像畸变数字校正方法

    Correction of Optical Lens ' Distortion by Digital Image Method for Medical Electronic Endoscope