
  • 网络optical storage
  1. 用于超分辨近场结构光盘存储的掩膜材料

    Progress in Mask Materials Used for Super-RENS Optical Storage

  2. 多波长光盘存储数据通道的设计

    Data path design for multi - wavelength optical storage

  3. CT、MR图像光盘存储与管理

    Management and Storage of CT , MR Imaging Disk

  4. 发展前景难以估量每立方厘米DNA上可容纳的信息要比一万亿张光盘存储的容量还要多。

    Enormous potential DNA can hold more information in a cubic centimeter than a trillion CDs .

  5. DVD光盘存储技术早已问世了。

    DVD optical disc storage technology had already been invented .

  6. CAD文件管理和CAD光盘存储标准是设计过程中的重要标准,是企业CAD技术应用深入发展的需要。

    CAD file management and CD saving standard are important for designing . They are needed for further development in CAD application to enterprises .

  7. 多阶游程长度受限(ML-RLL)编码可以在保持原有记录符尺寸和记录单元数量的情况下将CD光盘存储容量提高2.4倍。

    Multi-level run-length limited ( ML-RLL ) cording can increase the capacity of CD to 2.4 times of the conventional CD .

  8. 本文简述光盘存储技术的发展趋向,从声音光盘(CD)至图视光盘(VCD),再至数字多用途光盘(DVD),在容量、速率和质量都有显著改进。

    The paper indicates the new development of optical disc storage technology , from CD to VCD and then to DVD , in increasing the disc capacity , speed , and in improving quality .

  9. 文章分类介绍了金属有机光存储染料在DVDR方面的应用现状,对金属有机配合物染料在光盘存储技术中的发展前景做了展望。

    The widely-used optical storage dyes of DVDR were classified , and the research and application of organic metal chelate dyes in the digital information storage technology were reviewed .

  10. 针对该治疗中心用光盘存储传送图像的状况,对非标准接口的成像设备进行了改造,实现了RTPS图像采集的网络传输,具有重要的现实意义。

    The main work and innovation as follows : 1 . A image acquire workstation is designed and builded for the non-standard equipment , Images acquire and communication by network are fulfilled , which has great realistic .

  11. 高密度可录光盘存储材料:金属卟啉配合物

    High Density Recordable Optical Disk Storage Materials : Metal Porphyrin Complexes

  12. 浅谈光盘存储技术的发展及应用

    Discussion simply on development and application of compact disc memory technology

  13. 光盘存储光学头的写入特性

    The Write-in Per for mance of Optical Head in Optical Recording

  14. 光纤耦合波长复用的全息光盘存储记录

    Holographic Optical Disk Storage of Fiber Coupling and Wavelength Multiplexing

  15. 介绍了一种新的用于高密度光盘存储的游程长度受限码。

    A new run - length limited code is introduced .

  16. 蓝绿光高密度光盘存储材料研究进展

    High density optical disk storage materials using blue-green laser recording

  17. 偶氮染料:新型高密度、多功能光盘存储介质

    Azo dye : a new optical disc media with high-density multi-function recording performance

  18. 波导多层光盘存储系统是基于新原理的存储系统。

    Waveguide multilayer optical memory is a system founded on the new principle .

  19. 光盘存储中调制技术的研究进展

    Progress in Study on Modulation for Optical Disc Storage

  20. 高密度光盘存储中的梯形光栅设计和误差分析

    Design and Error Analysis of Trapeziform Grating for High Density Optical Disk Storage

  21. 你可能要加一个光盘存储驱动器。

    You might want to add a CD-ROM drive .

  22. 数字视频光盘存储技术的现状及发展

    Digital Video Optical Disk Technology Today and Future

  23. GB/T17679-1999CAD电子文件光盘存储归档一致性测试

    " Conformance testing for optical disc storage , filing of CAD electronic records "

  24. 光盘存储地质资料的现状及意义

    Present Situation and Significance of Geological Information CD-storage

  25. 磁光盘存储技术综述

    Overview of Magneto - optical Disk Recording Technologies

  26. 光电混合光盘存储二值化联合变换相关器

    An optical-disk-based hybrid optronic binary joint transform correlator

  27. 迅速发展中的光盘存储技术

    Optical Disk Storage Technology in Rapid Progress

  28. 用作光盘存储调焦伺服取得了0.25μm的自动调焦精度。

    An autofocusing servo sample for optical recording is obtained with accuracy of 0.25 μ m.

  29. 地质资料存储方式的转变&浅谈地质资料光盘存储工作

    A change in geologic data storage mode-A preliminary study on geologic data disc storage working

  30. 高密度光学全息存储技术的新进展&向光盘存储挑战

    Recent Advances in Dense Holographic Storage