
fù qiáng
  • Rich and strong;prosperous and strong;thriving and powerful;be thriving and powerful;rich and mighty
富强 [fù qiáng]
  • [prosperous and strong;be thriving and powerful] 国家富足而强大

富强[fù qiáng]
  1. 人口问题与国家的富强、民族的振兴、人民的幸福息息相关。

    Close velation between population and prosperous and strong of our nation , national promotion , people happiness .

  2. 国家要富强,社会要发展,关键取决于教育的发展水平。

    The standard of education is decisive factor which make our country prosperous and strong , develop the society .

  3. 总统号召人民努力工作,使国家富强起来。

    The president called on the people to work hard to make the country rich and strong .

  4. 人民健康是社会文明进步的基础,是民族昌盛和国家富强的重要标志。

    People 's health is the foundation of a civilization 's progress and an important indicator of a nation 's prosperity .

  5. 人民健康是社会文明进步的基础,是民族昌盛和国家富强的重要标志,要把人民健康放在优先发展战略地位。

    The people 's health is the foundation of social civilization and progress and an important symbol of national prosperity , we should put the people 's health high on the development strategy .

  6. 这是对传统的一大改变。以前,一向是最富强的西方国家组成的G8来处理国际经济事务。

    That is a change from the tradition of putting such issues before the G8 , mostly wealthy western countries .

  7. 加入WTO后随着中国经济建设的繁荣,经贸英语的作用越来越大,故有必要掌握经贸英语的特点。其政治思想亦可说是富强思想。

    Along with China 's prosperity in economic construction and after entering WTO , business English is more and more important and useful . Therefore , his political thought can be called the thought for China 's prosperity .

  8. Jorg表示,虽然人们都在找寻自己的方式来实现梦想,但他们都认同,一个富强的国家才是前提。

    Though the people seek their own way to realize their dreams , they all believe that a strong country is the prerequisite , Jorg said .

  9. 他们为使我们的国家富强而努力工作。

    They work hard to make our country rich and strong .

  10. 你只是有兴趣让自己富强。

    You were only interested in making yourself powerful and wealthy .

  11. 随着中国越来越富强,它产生的影响力也越大。

    As China becomes richer , so it becomes more influential .

  12. 如果精确利用,此效用将极其富强。

    This can prove to be extremely powerful if used correctly .

  13. 民族复兴靠人民,中国富强日日盼。

    National rejuvenation through people , China 's prosperity day hope .

  14. 它是社会安定和国家富强的秘密所在。

    It is the secret of social welfare and national greatness .

  15. 你的国家会空前富强,会越来越强大

    She will be wealthier and more powerful than ever before .

  16. 之后,国家的富强和民族的发展即刻成为了当时的首要任务。

    The country rich and the national development would be a priority .

  17. 我们正在努力使我们的国家富强起来。

    We are working hard to make our country richer and stronger .

  18. 但是你对如何让我富强并不感兴趣。

    But you were not interested to make me powerful and wealthy .

  19. 没有知识,我们就不能使我们国家富强强大。

    Without knowledge , we can never make our country richer and stronger .

  20. 繁荣经济的目的,是为了建设一个富强的国家。

    Promoting economic prosperity is aimed at Building a prosperous and powerful country .

  21. 我希望国家更加富强。

    I hope my country to be much stronger .

  22. 综观其一生,实现民族独立与国家富强,始终是梁启超矢志不渝的追求。

    Surveyed his life , national independence and prosperity always was his pursuit .

  23. 我们国家要变富强的日子不远了。

    The day is not far-off when our country becomes strong and wealthy .

  24. 一方的富强,增加另一方的恐惧。

    The wealth and power of each becomes more formidable to the other .

  25. 郑国为秦的富强做出了重大贡献。

    These canals contributed to the richness of Qin .

  26. 将来中国富强起来了,也永远不称霸。

    China will never seek hegemony even if it is developed in the future .

  27. 我们将让美国再次富强,不仅仅是伟大。

    We 're going to make America wealthy again , not only great again .

  28. 他使国家富强了。

    He made his country wealthy and powerful .

  29. 我们将继续努力工作使我们国家富强。

    We 'll keep on working hard to make our country rich and strong .

  30. 二是实现国家富强和人民富裕。

    Another one is to make the country wealthy and make the people rich .