
  1. 巢湖西半湖水体富营养化污染状况及防治对策

    Analysis of Eutrophication in the West Part of Chaohu Lake

  2. 小塔山水库富营养化污染与控制

    Pollution and Control of Eutrophication in Small Ta-shan Reservoir

  3. 三峡库区流域富营养化污染行为的胞映射研究

    Study on Cell Mapping Algorithm to Simulate Eutrophication Polluting Behavior in Three-Gorges Valley

  4. 水体富营养化污染现状及防治

    Status of Eutrophication of Water Body and Its Control

  5. 富营养化污染所带来的影响已经开始在密西西比河的各个流域显现出来。

    The effects of nutrient pollution are increasingly apparent throughout the Mississippi River Basin .

  6. 水体的富营养化污染已经成为全球关注的许多重大环境问题之一。

    Currently , eutrophication , one of many great environmental problems , has aroused global concern .

  7. 三峡库区典型流域富营养化污染与水华暴发的化学机制研究

    Study on the Chemic Mechanism of Eutrophication and Algal Bloom in Representative Valleys of the Three-Gorges Valley

  8. 三峡流域富营养化污染分析及其复杂动力学行为的建模研究

    Analyse on the Eutrophication Pollution in the Three-Gorges Valley and Modeling Study on Its Complicated Dynamic Behavior

  9. 目前,环境氮素污染问题严重,由此引起的湖泊富营养化污染日趋严重,藻类死亡降解释放三氮物质,使水体中的氮素含量居高不下。

    Cyanobacteria of eutrophic water release nitrogen pollution during dying and degradation , which cause high nitrogen contents .

  10. 镜湖富营养化污染及其治理的初步研究&底泥氮磷及入湖污水对富营养化的影响

    A Preliminary Research on the Trophic State of Mirror Lake The Influence of Nitrogen , Phosphorus and Polluted Water

  11. 水环境富营养化污染是世界公认的水体癌症,引起了人们和众多学者们的广泛关注。

    The eutrophication of water environment is recognized as " water cancer " in the world , which attracts much attention of scholars .

  12. 塔山水库富营养化污染主要是由无序的网箱养鱼造成的,采取生物防治技术取得了较好的治理效果。

    The process and cause of breaking out of blue green algae in Tashan reservoir of drinking water is briefly introduced in this paper .

  13. 不管有关富营养化污染的诉讼结果怎样,很多人似乎都相信,无论如何政府都会以某种方式制定严格的限制。

    Whatever the outcome of the nutrient-pollution lawsuits many people seem to believe that strict limits will come anyway , one way or another .

  14. 因而水库蓄水以后,在整个库区水域的富营养化污染问题,就成为三峡水库水环境安全保护中亟需开展预测研究的重要课题。

    When the reservoir has been constructed , current velocity of flow will become so slower dramatically that the eutrophication would be an important task for protecting the water body environment of the Three Gorges reservoir .

  15. 环境预测是环境规划管理、污染综合防治和环境调控的理论基础,流域环境富营养化污染预测研究则是水环境安全保护工作最重要的一环。

    Environmental prediction is a theoretical base of environmental programming , pollution prevention and environmental adjustment and control . The environmental contaminative prediction research on valley eutrophication is one of the most important aspects in water environmental protection .

  16. 进行了南水北调湖北库区水污染防治对策研究,结果认为,库区主要环境问题是COD及富营养化物质污染,个别河流存在着汞污染问题;

    The result of study indicated that the major environmental issues in the reservior region are water pollution due to COD discharged and eutrophication , and mercury pollution in specific river .

  17. 合成洗涤剂中磷对富营养化湖泊污染作用分析&以吉林省四平市二龙湖为例

    Impacts of phosphor in synthetic detergents on eutrophication of lakes

  18. 富营养化和POPs污染是当今世界范围内存在的两类严重环境污染问题。

    Eutrophication and POPs are two serious environmental pollution problems .

  19. 富营养化湖泊底泥污染控制技术评估

    Assessment of techniques for sediment pollution control within eutrophic lakes

  20. 目前滇池面源污染成为继点源污染后的又一突出问题,已成为其水体富营养化的重要污染源之一。

    The non-point source pollution in the Dianchi Lake area becomes another outstanding problem after point source pollution has been controlled .

  21. 天津近岸海域的水体富营养化的重污染区主要分布于入海排污口附近海域,陆域性排污对于近岸海域水体总体的污染影响程度所占的比重较大;

    The heavier polluted area was distributed mostly by the empoison estuaries , and the grade of pollution infection from the land was to occupy much proportion ;

  22. 氮是造成水体富营养化和环境污染的重要污染物质,污水的脱氮问题已在全球范围内引起广泛的重视。

    Nitrogen is an important pollutant which results in water eutrophication and environmental pollution . Sewage denitrogenation has been paid comprehensive attention to all over the world .

  23. 近年来,随着巢湖流域经济社会的发展,受巢湖富营养化的内源污染以及面源污染影响,巢湖水体富营养化态势仍有进一步加剧的趋势。

    In recent years , with social and economic development of the areas along Chao Lake , Lake Entrophication tends to deteriorate , due to its inner source pollution and outer source pollution .

  24. 水体的富营养化是水污染的一个重要问题,有研究表明重庆地区一些水库、河流、池塘及小区内一些湖泊景观都出现了不同程度情况的水体富营养化。

    The wave eutrophication is an important problem of water pollution . There has been some researches showing that wave eutrophication having appeared , to some extent , in some lake landscape , reservoir , river , pond and housing estate in some areas of Chongqing .

  25. 气候变化和人类活动等环境变化因素给近岸海域生态系统带来重大的影响,主要表现在入海径流量、生源要素和污染物入海造成富营养化和环境污染,进而影响到生物资源和人类自身的安全。

    Environment variables such as climatic change and human activities brings major impact to offshore area ecosystem . Mainly displays at it crates eutrophication and environment pollution that runoff into the sea , biogenic elements and pollutant into the sea . Thereby affecting its biological resources and human security .

  26. 氨氮是引起水体富营养化和环境污染的重要物质,近年来,随着我国社会经济的迅速发展,氨氮污染变得日益严重,并且呈发展趋势。

    Ammonia is an important material which can lead to the eutrophication of water and environmental pollution . In recent years , with the rapid development of social economy in our country , the ammonia nitrogen pollution has become increasingly serious , and the tendency is worse and worse .

  27. 植物修复富营养化及有机农药污染水体技术研究

    Research on Phytoremediation of Eutrophic and Organic Pesticide Polluted Water Body

  28. 海湾富营养化非点源污染的评估与控制研究

    Study on Load Estimation and Control Measures of Eutrophication by Non-point Sources Pollution in Coastal Areas

  29. 磷不仅是导致水体富营养化的最主要污染元素,而且也是一种即将枯竭且难以再生的自然资源。

    Phosphorus not only is an important elements which caused the water eutrophication , but also is a unrenewable resource .

  30. 三峡库区重庆段富营养化物质氮磷污染负荷比较研究

    Comparative study of the pollution loading of nourishing substances & nitrogen and phosphorus in Chongqing segment of the Three Gorges Reservoir