
Analysis of Eutrophication in the West Part of Chaohu Lake
Pollution and Control of Eutrophication in Small Ta-shan Reservoir
Study on Cell Mapping Algorithm to Simulate Eutrophication Polluting Behavior in Three-Gorges Valley
Status of Eutrophication of Water Body and Its Control
The effects of nutrient pollution are increasingly apparent throughout the Mississippi River Basin .
Currently , eutrophication , one of many great environmental problems , has aroused global concern .
Study on the Chemic Mechanism of Eutrophication and Algal Bloom in Representative Valleys of the Three-Gorges Valley
Analyse on the Eutrophication Pollution in the Three-Gorges Valley and Modeling Study on Its Complicated Dynamic Behavior
Cyanobacteria of eutrophic water release nitrogen pollution during dying and degradation , which cause high nitrogen contents .
A Preliminary Research on the Trophic State of Mirror Lake The Influence of Nitrogen , Phosphorus and Polluted Water
The eutrophication of water environment is recognized as " water cancer " in the world , which attracts much attention of scholars .
The process and cause of breaking out of blue green algae in Tashan reservoir of drinking water is briefly introduced in this paper .
Whatever the outcome of the nutrient-pollution lawsuits many people seem to believe that strict limits will come anyway , one way or another .
When the reservoir has been constructed , current velocity of flow will become so slower dramatically that the eutrophication would be an important task for protecting the water body environment of the Three Gorges reservoir .
Environmental prediction is a theoretical base of environmental programming , pollution prevention and environmental adjustment and control . The environmental contaminative prediction research on valley eutrophication is one of the most important aspects in water environmental protection .
The result of study indicated that the major environmental issues in the reservior region are water pollution due to COD discharged and eutrophication , and mercury pollution in specific river .
Impacts of phosphor in synthetic detergents on eutrophication of lakes
Eutrophication and POPs are two serious environmental pollution problems .
Assessment of techniques for sediment pollution control within eutrophic lakes
The non-point source pollution in the Dianchi Lake area becomes another outstanding problem after point source pollution has been controlled .
The heavier polluted area was distributed mostly by the empoison estuaries , and the grade of pollution infection from the land was to occupy much proportion ;
Nitrogen is an important pollutant which results in water eutrophication and environmental pollution . Sewage denitrogenation has been paid comprehensive attention to all over the world .
In recent years , with social and economic development of the areas along Chao Lake , Lake Entrophication tends to deteriorate , due to its inner source pollution and outer source pollution .
The wave eutrophication is an important problem of water pollution . There has been some researches showing that wave eutrophication having appeared , to some extent , in some lake landscape , reservoir , river , pond and housing estate in some areas of Chongqing .
Environment variables such as climatic change and human activities brings major impact to offshore area ecosystem . Mainly displays at it crates eutrophication and environment pollution that runoff into the sea , biogenic elements and pollutant into the sea . Thereby affecting its biological resources and human security .
Ammonia is an important material which can lead to the eutrophication of water and environmental pollution . In recent years , with the rapid development of social economy in our country , the ammonia nitrogen pollution has become increasingly serious , and the tendency is worse and worse .
Research on Phytoremediation of Eutrophic and Organic Pesticide Polluted Water Body
Study on Load Estimation and Control Measures of Eutrophication by Non-point Sources Pollution in Coastal Areas
Phosphorus not only is an important elements which caused the water eutrophication , but also is a unrenewable resource .
Comparative study of the pollution loading of nourishing substances & nitrogen and phosphorus in Chongqing segment of the Three Gorges Reservoir