
zhí shǔ jī ɡòu
  • department directly under;department affiliated to
  1. 国家工商行政管理总局(以下简称工商总局)是国务院主管市场监督管理和有关行政执法工作的直属机构。

    The State Administration for Industry and Commerce ( hereinafter referred to as " SAIC ") is a department directly under the State Council in charge of market supervision / regulation and administrative enforcement of law .

  2. 国务院直属机构主管国务院的某项专门业务,具有独立的行政管理职能。

    Certain specialized work of the State Council shall be under the charge of the agencies affiliated with the State Council , which have independent administrative functions .

  3. 中央国术馆,是中华民国时期主管国术的机构之一,属国民政府直属机构。

    " Central Martial Arts School ," was one of the institutions on martial arts in the period of the republic of China , affiliated to national government institutions .

  4. 目前在广州、苏州太仓、北京、上海等设立的直属机构,专门为邓元、大圣品牌在大陆的渠道建设和管理。

    At present in establishment and so on Guangzhou , Suzhou Taitsang , Beijing , Shanghai subordinate organization , specially for Deng Yuan , big saint brand in mainland channel construction and management .

  5. 本次国考招录共有120多个中央机关及其直属机构参加,计划招录2.7万余人,与上一年度规模基本持平。

    More than 27000 vacancies are offered by over 120 central departments and their affiliated public institutions in the 2017 civil servant recruitment drive . The number of vacancies is about the same as 2016 .

  6. 国务院可以授权具有行政处罚权的直属机构依照本条第一款、二款的规定,规定行政处罚。

    The State Council may authorize the departments directly under it that have the power of administrative penalty to formulate provisions on administrative penalty in accordance with the first and second paragraph of this Article .

  7. 国家公务员局表示,2012年中央机关及其直属机构国家公务员考试创造了一个新纪录,109个招录职位的报名比例超过1000:1。

    According to the State Administration of Civil Service , the national exam for civil servant admission to central government agencies hit a new record in 2012 , with 109 positions receiving more than 1,000 applications each .

  8. 国家公务员局表示,2012年中央机关及其直属机构国家公务员考试创造了一个新纪录,109个招录职位的报名比例超过1000:1。

    According to the State Administration of Civil Service , the national exam for civil servant admission to central government agencies hit a new record in 2012 , with 109 positions receiving more than 1000 applications each .

  9. 经过2009年10月25、26日最后两天的资格审查,2010年中央机关及其直属机构公务员录用考试的报名工作已经正式收尾,总共通过资格审查的人数超过146万,再创历史新高。

    After the final two days of qualification , the enrollment work of civil service of central authorities and its institutions entrance examination in 2010 has been finally ending . A total number of people through the qualification is more than 1.46 million , new another record high .

  10. 1998-2005年四川省直属医疗机构消毒质量监测结果分析

    Investigation of Disinfection Quality of Sichuan Provincial Hospitals during 1998-2005

  11. 关于我国政府部门直属信息机构职能设计的构想

    An Idea of Functional Design for Information Institutions Directly Affiliated to the Government Department in China

  12. 哈尔滨市直属医疗机构试行技术经济责任制十年回顾与展望

    The Technical and Economic Responsibility System in Harbin 's Big and Medium-Sized Hospitals : Past Decade and Future

  13. 而这些都对海事管理部门尤其是起着承上启下的作用的直属海事机构的人力资源管理工作提出了新的更高的要求。

    Both of them raised new and higher requirements to the maritime administration department especially to HR management which plays a vital role in maritime institutions .

  14. 结论农村卫生院消毒工作较差,与市直属医疗机构相比消毒质量及效果存在明显差异,应加强医院感染管理与卫生监督力度。

    Conclusion The disinfection work is poor in rural area hospitals , which has apparent discrepancies with the quality and efficacy of disinfection in medical agencies directly under municipal government , indicating the need to strengthen the power in nosocomial infection management and sanitary surveillance .

  15. 公路工程质量监督机构应当拥有直属的检测机构

    Highway Engineering Quality Supervision Organizations Should Own Direct Detection Ones

  16. 一方面,由于以政府直属的科研机构为研究主体,对医药企业的支持显得非常少。

    On one hand , because the government directly under as a main body of research , scientific research institutions for medical enterprise support appear very little .

  17. 通过对质监机构职能分析,多方面论证,质监机构应当拥有直属的检测机构,才能保证公路工程质量监督工作的正常运行。

    By analyzing the function of quality supervision organizations , the paper discussed that highway engineering quality supervision organizations should own direct detection ones for assuring the normal operation of highway engineering quality supervision work .

  18. 针对直属海事局分支机构船舶安全管理业务的需求,提出一种船舶安全管理信息系统的设计思路。

    The design thinking of a new vessel safety management information system for branches of maritime bureau is provided in the paper .

  19. 在监管框架的构建上,国务院可以设立宏观审慎监管委员会,其地位为国务院直属正部级特设机构,履行相应的职责。

    On building of the regulatory framework , the State Council need to set up a macro-prudential committee , which position is ministerial level , directly under the State Council , carrying out corresponding duties and specific tasks .

  20. 中国移动通信管理学院(以下简称管院)是中国移动通信集团公司直属的教学培训机构,其原有门户网站采用两层模式,存在权责分工不明确、数据封装性差、更新维护困难等问题。

    China mobile communications management institute hereinafter referred to as " management institute " is the training institution directly under China mobile communications group company . Its original web portal used two layers mode , which is not clear in division of responsibilities and is bad for data encapsulation .