
zhí jiǎo chǐ
  • square
直角尺 [zhí jiǎo chǐ]
  • [square] 具有至少一个直角和两个或更多直边的,用来画或检验直角的工具。亦称矩尺

  1. 直角尺角度检测的一种新方法

    A New Way of the Square Angle Measuring

  2. 分析计算证明,采用改进后的测量方法,则可以用直角尺或线锤测量出准确的钢管管端切斜尺寸。

    Analytical calculation shows that thanks to the improved measurement method , the pipe end squreness can be precisely checked by either the steel square or the wire weight .

  3. 建这座房子的人一定丢了他的直角尺。

    The carpenter who built this room must have lost his square .

  4. 刀口形直角尺检定装置不确定度分析

    The Analysis of the Uncertainty of the Calibration Device of the Knife-edge Square

  5. 直角尺快速地跑到桌子边,拿出来一些纸,一支笔,快速地画了一个圆、一个方形和一个三角形。

    T-Square trotted over to a desk , took out some paper and a pen and promptly drew a circle , a square , and a triangle .

  6. 可是,如果站在陶土及木头的立场上看,它们又哪里会喜欢什么圆规,直角尺,钩以及绳墨呢?

    However , in the viewpoint of ceramic soil and wood , they dislike the tool such as compasses , square rule , hook ruler and line marker .

  7. 介绍了工厂对大尺寸直角尺精度检测与修复常用的在平台上三直角尺两两互检的方法与原理。

    This article introduces the common method and principle about the accuracy test and repair of big-size square rulers by checking each other with three square rulers on platform in factories .