
  • 网络rectally;rectal administration;rectum;per rectum
  1. 癫痫持续状态的院前处理和经直肠给药

    Prehospital management and per rectum diazepam for the patients with status epilepticus

  2. 结论:复方吲哚美辛栓直肠给药是一种值得推广应用的人流术的镇痛方法。

    Conclusions : Indometacin suppository compound per rectum was a method deserving generalization in induced abortion .

  3. 结果:MST直肠给药有效率和显著有效率(明显缓解+完全缓解)分别为94.9%和82.1%。

    Results : The effective and excellent rates of the rectally administered group were 94.9 % and 82.1 % respectively .

  4. 方法采用盆痛灵方水煎剂直肠给药治疗EM盆腔痛患者30例,观察用药前后临床症状的改善情况,并在治疗前后采用放免法测定血浆TXB2、6-Keto-PGF1α的浓度。

    Methods Thirty subjects were rectally given the Decoction . The clinical symptoms , TXB2 and 6-Keto-PGF1 α were observed before and after treatment .

  5. 目的:观察硫酸吗啡控释片(MST)直肠给药对中、重度癌性疼痛的镇痛疗效,并以口服MST做自身对照。

    Purpose : To evaluate the analgesic effect of controlled-release morphine sulfate ( MST ) administered rectally in patients with moderate or severe cancer pain and it was compared with oral administration of MST .

  6. 方法:采用自身对照法。48例伴有中、重度癌性疼痛病人先口服MST6天,然后改为MST直肠给药6天。

    Methods : Forty eight patients with moderate or Severe cancer pain were treated with controlled release MST for 12 days . MST was given orally for the first 6 days and then rectally .

  7. [方法]选择30例几种中、重度癌症疼痛病人,将硫酸吗啡控释片30mg,每12h1次直肠给药,观察其镇痛效果及副作用。

    METHODS ? To observe the antalgic effect and side effects of morphine sulphate controlled release tablets by rectal administration with 30 ? mg per 12 hour in the patients with cancer pain .

  8. 表明腰痛灵栓中剂量对小鼠化学神经根炎模型直肠给药治疗7天后CD62p的表达有明显影响,腰痛灵栓高、低剂量组与模型对照组比较差异无显著意义。

    Hope that low back pain in the suppository doses of mouse models of chemical nerve root inflammation rectal administration for 7 days after the CD62p expression of a significant effect on low back pain Ling Shuan high-and low-dose group and the control group compared difference was not significant .

  9. 方法:120例腹部术后病人,男性86例,女性34例;年龄41±s8a,给予吲哚美辛混悬液5mL(75mg)直肠给药。

    METHODS : One hundred and twenty patients ( M 86 , F 34 , age 41 ± s 8 a ) suffering from abdominal postoperative pain were treated with rectal administration of indometacin suspension 5 mL ( 15 mg / mL ) .

  10. 双氯灭痛直肠给药治疗下尿路术后并发的膀胱无抑制性收缩

    Rectal diclofenac for the management of postoperative uninhibited contraction of bladder

  11. 复方吲哚美辛栓直肠给药对产科手术切口的止痛作用

    Analgesic effect of rectal compound indometacin suppositories on obstetric operative incision

  12. 美施康定直肠给药在胸外科手术后的应用

    The clinical use of MS Contin via recta after thoracic surgery operation

  13. 吲哚美辛直肠给药治疗腹部手术后疼痛120例

    Rectal administration of indometacin in treating abdominal postoperative pain in 120 patients

  14. 噻吩甲酰布洛芬(舒乐芬)直肠给药治疗肾绞痛的疗效观察

    Observation on therapeutic effects of suprofen given through rectum on renal colic

  15. 消炎痛栓直肠给药对泌尿系术后镇痛效果的观察

    Observation on rectal administration of indomethacin in treating postoperative pain of urologic system

  16. 直肠给药加外敷治疗慢性盆腔炎的疗效观察

    Clinical effectiveness of rectum administration and compress for the treatment of chronic pelvic inflammation

  17. 美施康定直肠给药应用于腹部手术后镇痛的临床观察

    The Clinical Study of Rectum Administration of MS Contin for Analgesia After Abdomen Operation

  18. 定时灌肠提高老年癌痛患者直肠给药镇痛效果

    Timed Enema for Improving Analgesia Effect of Rectal Administration for the Elderly Cancer Patients

  19. 目的:观察吲哚美辛直肠给药与曲马多肌内注射对腹部手术后疼痛的疗效比较。

    AIM : To observe the efficacy of indometacin in treating abdominal postoperative pain .

  20. 直肠给药是促卵泡发育的有效途经之一。

    The way to promote the follicular development by means of clyster is effective .

  21. 栓剂直肠给药是治疗子宫内膜异位症的有效方法和途径。

    Herbal suppository by rectal administration proves to be a good cure for endometriosis .

  22. 目的观察美施康定直肠给药治疗癌症疼痛的止痛效果。

    Objective To evaluate the analgesic effect of treating cancer pain by MS-contin administered rectally .

  23. 麦迪霉素栓家兔直肠给药吸收的研究

    Rectal absorption of Medecamycin suppositories in rabbits

  24. 硫酸吗啡控释片直肠给药控制癌痛疗效观察

    Efficacy of Rectal Administration of Controlled - release Morphine Sulfate for Treatment of Cancer Pain

  25. 5例经直肠给药患者血浆内未能检测出别嘌呤醇。

    However , allopurinol was not detected in the 5 patients who received allopurinol as an enema .

  26. 盐酸吗啡缓释片经直肠给药治疗癌性疼痛的临床研究

    Clinical study on rectal administration of controlled-release tablet of morphine hydrochloride in the treatment of cancer pain

  27. 目的:观察双氯芬酸钠栓直肠给药对髋关节手术后疼痛的疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the analgesic effect of rectally administered diclofenac sodium suppository after hip joint surgery .

  28. 布洛芬-安定混合溶液与安定溶液直肠给药治疗小儿惊厥的比较研究

    A comparative study on curative effect of mixed solution of ibuprofen and diazepam and diazepam solution on infantile convulsions

  29. 大鼠20只,随机分为2组,观察大鼠对金氏痔疮膏直肠给药的毒性反应。

    Twenty healthy rats were divided into two groups randomly for the toxic reaction after rectal administration of drugs .

  30. 比较咪达唑仑含服与安定直肠给药紧急治疗儿童癫痫发作的安全性和有效性:一项随机对照试验

    Safety and efficacy of buccal midazolam versus rectal diazepam for emergency treatment of seizures in children : A randomised controlled trial