
dī bí jì
  • Nasal drops;nose drops;naristillae;collunarium
滴鼻剂[dī bí jì]
  1. 结论:心力舒滴鼻剂能拮抗CHF大鼠神经内分泌细胞因子的过度激活。

    Conclusion : Xinlishu naristillae could depress the aggregation and activation of neuroendocrine cytokines in CHF rats .

  2. 将本室研制的胰岛素滴鼻剂滴入糖尿病大鼠的鼻腔后,在不同时间测其血糖浓度。

    After the insulin naristillae made by our dePartment , was dripped into the nasal cavities of 13 diabetic rats , their blood sugar concentrations were determined at various intervals .

  3. RP-HPLC法测定环丙沙星壳聚糖滴鼻剂中主药的含量

    Determination of Main Component in Ciprofloxacin Lactate Chitosan Nasal Drop by RP-HPLC

  4. RP-HPLC法测定林麻滴鼻剂中盐酸林可霉素和盐酸麻黄碱的含量

    RP - HPLC Determination of Lincomycin Hydrochloride and Ephedrine Hydrochloride in Lin - Ma Nasal Drops

  5. 重组人干扰素α2a滴鼻剂抗病毒药效学研究

    Research on Antiviral Effects of Recombinant Human Interferon ( rhIFN ) α 2a Naristilla

  6. 目的:从神经内分泌细胞因子水平探讨心力舒滴鼻剂对实验性慢性心力衰竭(CHF)大鼠的作用机制。

    Objective : It was studied in this paper that the function mechanism of Xinlishu naristillae to Chronic Heart Failure ( CHF ) rats by the level of neuroendocrine cytokines .

  7. 复方氧氟沙星滴鼻剂的研制及临床应用

    Preparation and clinical use of compound ofloxacin nose - drops

  8. 复方硫酸庆大霉素滴鼻剂的制备与质量控制

    Preparation and Quality Control of Compound Gentamycin Sulphate Nasal Drops

  9. 系数倍率法测定复方薄荷脑滴鼻剂中樟脑的含量

    Determination of Camphorae in Naristillae Menthae Compositae by K-ratio Method

  10. 硫酸奈替米星滴鼻剂的研制及质量控制

    The preparation and quality control of netilmicin sulfate nasal drops

  11. 乳酸环丙沙星壳聚糖滴鼻剂的制备及质量控制

    Preparation and Quality Control of Ciprofloxacin Lactate Chitosan Nasal Drop

  12. 我怎样使用这滴鼻剂呢?

    P : How do I apply the nose drops ?

  13. 科学家们通过有甲氨蝶呤滴鼻剂治疗患有脑癌的试验鼠对其进行测试。

    The scientists tested methotrexate nose drops on laboratory rats with brain cancer .

  14. 目的研制复方氧氟沙星滴鼻剂。

    Aim To prepare compound ofloxacin nose - drops .

  15. 目的:根据临床需要配制甲碘酸培氟沙星滴鼻剂。

    Objectives : To prepare pefloxacin mesilate nasal drops according to clinical demand .

  16. 紫外双波长及二阶导数法测定复方氯苯那敏滴鼻剂中两组分含量

    Determination of Compound nasal drops by dual-wavelength and second order derivative UV spectrophotometry

  17. 目的:通过动物实验观察缩宫素滴鼻剂的药理效应。

    Objedive : To study the pharmacological effects of naristillae oxytocin by animal experiment .

  18. 复方氧氟沙星滴鼻剂的制备和应用

    Preparation and application of compound ofloxacin nasal drops

  19. 4种滴鼻剂对蛙口腔粘膜纤毛运动的影响

    Effect of 4 nasal drops on ciliary movement in mouth cavity mucous of frog

  20. 呋麻滴鼻剂对儿童鼻黏膜纤毛传输功能的影响

    The effects of nitrofurazone and ephedrine nasal drops on mucociliary transport function in children

  21. 聚肌胞滴鼻剂治疗儿童支气管哮喘的临床疗效观察

    Clinical Effect of Poly I : C Nasal Drops for Bronchial Asthma in Children

  22. 目的:建立复方威利宁滴鼻剂的质控方法。

    OBJECTIVE : To establish the quality control method for compound Weilining nose drops .

  23. 目的建立复方氯苯那敏滴鼻剂的含量测定方法。

    Aim To establish a method for the determination of the compound chlorpheniramine nasal drops .

  24. 安乃近滴鼻剂与药物的鼻腔吸收

    Analgin Nose Drops and Nasal Drug Absorption

  25. 目的建立测定金边瑞香滴鼻剂中瑞香素的含量方法。

    OBJECTIVE To determine and identify the daphnetin content in Daphne odora Thunb nose drops .

  26. 辛夷挥发油纳米脂质体滴鼻剂治疗儿童变应性鼻炎的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Flos Magnoliae Volatile Oil Nano-liposome Nasal Drops in Treating Pediatric Allergic Rhinitis

  27. 目的开发治疗急性鼻炎、鼻窦炎纯中药滴鼻剂。

    Objective To exploit pure Chinese herbal medicine nose drops for treating acute rhinitis and sinusitis .

  28. 在一次推出某种滴鼻剂的短期商业冒险中,他成了一名企业家,但那次冒险却以失败告终。

    He became an entrepreneur in a nose-drop venture for a brief time , but the venture failed .

  29. 目的:研究小儿氨酚烷胺滴鼻剂的解热镇痛抗炎作用。

    Objective : To evaluate the antipyretic-analgesia and anti-inflammatory effect of Pediatric Paracetamol and Amantadine Hydrochloride nasal drop .

  30. 康复新滴鼻剂对实验性大鼠鼻粘膜炎症组织多核白细胞数的影响

    Kang Fu Xin Nose Drop : Its Effects on Multinuclear Leucocyte Count of Nasal Mucosa Inflammation Tissue in Experimental Rats