
  • 网络titration jump;Abrupt change in titration curve
  1. 导出了一个内含最大敏锐指数的终点误差公式,由此获得了一个计算沉淀滴定突跃范围的公式。

    Special attention has been paid to relationship between the end point error and maximum sharpness index for precipitation titration .

  2. 在一般分析化学教材中,终点电位允许变动范围是通过计算滴定突跃范围来确定的。

    In general analytical chemistry textbooks , the permitted chang range of endpoint potentials was found by calculating titrimetric break range .

  3. 对滴定分析突跃范围的认识

    A Discussion on Jump Range of Titration

  4. 作为粘土酸,氧化物表面的酸性较弱,其表面质子逐步解离,使滴定曲线不出现突跃。

    As clay acids , the proton on oxide surfaces dissociated gradually , so the titration curves showed no inflexions .

  5. 本文报道了采用改良中和法代替离子交换法,测定复方醋酸钠注射液中醋酸钠的含量。本法系利用醋酸钠在乙醇、甘油混合液中用盐酸液滴定,有明显突跃的终点。

    The paper reported the assay fo sodium acetate content in composite sodium acetate injection solution with neutralization method instead of ionexchange method .

  6. 本文从化学平衡计算出发,对四大滴定分析进行讨论,建立确定滴定分析突跃范围的数学表达式。

    According to the chemical equilibrium calculation , this paper discuses the four kinds of titration analysis and proposes mathematical expressions of jump range of these titrations thereby .

  7. 针对用电位法滴定石油产品总酸、总碱含量时无明显滴定突跃点的情况,研究了用pH终点滴定法的可行性和可靠性。

    Since no obvious leap point can be observed when determine the total acid or total alkaline of petroleum products by potentiometric titration , the feasibility and reliability of pH end-point titration method are examined .

  8. 本文阐述了各种类型酸碱滴走过程中,滴定百分数与氢离子浓度之间的关系式,导出了滴定过程中计算PH值的数学表达式,并应用于实例计算滴定突跃PH值。

    The relation of titration percentage with hydrogen ion concentration is described in the all kinds of acid-base titrations . The expression of the calcuating PH valus is derived and it has applied example to calcuate PH value of the titration process .