
dī yǎn jì
  • eye drops;gutta ophthalmicae
  1. 方法:通过对不同原理制备原位胶化缓释滴眼剂的方法介绍,对影响滴眼剂胶化过程及稳定性的因素进行比较分析。

    Methods : The factors affecting gel forming process and stability of eye drops are analyzed by introduction of the preparing methods of in situ gelling eye drops with different mechanisms .

  2. 结果:酮康唑可以制成滴眼剂,应用于临床。

    CONCLUSION : Ketoconazole could be prepared eye drops for clinical application .

  3. 方法滴眼剂处方中用磷酸盐缓冲液为溶剂,Tween80为增溶剂,PVA为增稠剂。

    Methods Phosphate acid buffer ( pH 7.0 ) solution was used as solvent , Tween 80 as solubilizer , PVA as viscosity increaser .

  4. α1b、α2b型干扰素滴眼剂治疗单纯疱疹病毒性角膜炎临床对比研究

    The comparison of of IFN α 1b and IFN α 2b on the treatment of keratitis of herpes simplex Virus

  5. 含微量地塞米松的复方抗单疱滴眼剂,具有抑毒抗炎双重治疗作用,又避免了大剂量皮质类固醇的不良作用,对HSK疗效卓著,是迄今中外同类药物中的姣姣者。

    Anti-herpes eye drops containing minimal dosage of dexamethasone is antiviral and anti-inflammatory so it has remarkable effects on HSK .

  6. 滴眼剂的稳定性实验表明:在25℃,t09为28a,且在光照条件下,稳定性下降。

    The stability test showed at 25 ℃ t 0 9 was 2 8 years , and the stability decreased under light .

  7. 目的:探讨碳酸酐酶抑制剂的局部滴眼剂Trusopt对原发性开角型青光眼的临床疗效。

    To observe the clinical effect of Trusopt ( 2 % dorzolamide ) that was the first eye drops of carbonic anhydrase inhibitor ( CAI ) in glaucoma therapy .

  8. 目的:评价重组人表皮生长因子衍生物(rhEGF)滴眼剂对轻度干眼症伴点状角膜病变、单纯疱疹性地图状角膜溃疡及中轻度化学烧伤治疗的疗效和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of recombinant human epidermal growth factor derivative ( rhEGF ) eye drops for mild dry eye syndrome with punctate corneal lesion ( PCL ), herpes simplex corneal ulcer ( HSCU ) and mild or moderate corneal chemical burn ( CD ) .

  9. 结果羟苯乙酯在荧光素钠滴眼剂中的防腐良好。

    Result Ethylparaben is a good antiseptic in fluorescein sodium eyedrop .

  10. 目的研究黄芩滴眼剂的制备方法。

    Objective To study the preparation method of scutellaria eye drop .

  11. 普拉洛芬滴眼剂应用于激光虹膜切开术的临床观察

    Clinical study of the effectiveness of topical pranoprofen after laser iridotomy

  12. 关注滴眼剂的眼表毒性

    Be aware of toxicity of eye drops to ocular surface

  13. 双氯芬酸胆碱滴眼剂的稳定性和刺激性

    Study on the trill and stability of diclofenac acid - choline eyedrops

  14. 盐酸莫西沙星即型凝胶滴眼剂的制备及质量控制

    Preparation and Quality Control of Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride In-situ Gel of Eye Drops

  15. 硝酸毛果芸香碱原位凝胶滴眼剂的制备及体外释放度评价

    Preparation and in Vitro Release of Ophthalmic in-situ Gels of Pilocarpine Nitrate

  16. 654-2滴眼剂的调节麻痹作用及其临床应用

    Cycloplegic effect of Anisodamine Eye Drops and its clinic use

  17. 5%硫酸丁胺卡那霉素滴眼剂的研究

    Studies on the 0 5 % amikacin eye drops

  18. 中药滴眼剂与塑料滴眼瓶相容性考察项目初探

    A Preliminary Research on Compatibility of Eyedrops Made From CTM and Plastic Bottle

  19. 玻璃酸钠降低滴眼剂中防腐剂不良反应的作用

    Effect of sodium hyaluronate in reducing adverse reaction of preservative in eye drops

  20. 环孢霉素A滴眼剂治疗角膜移植排斥反应

    Treatment of Corneal Graft Rejection with Cyclosporin A Eyedrops

  21. 目的:观察双氯芬酸胆碱滴眼剂的刺激性及稳定性。

    Aim : to investigate the trill and stability of diclofenac acid-choline eyedrops .

  22. 不同浓度珍霉素(17997)滴眼剂对兔实验性单纯疱疹性角膜炎的疗效

    Efficacy of 17997 eye drops in different concentrations on experimental rabbit herpes simplex keratitis

  23. 结论原位凝胶滴眼剂作为一种新型眼部药物传递系统,具有良好的应用前景。

    Conclusion In-situ-gel is as a novel drug delivery system with high developing value .

  24. 应用滤膜法作抗菌滴眼剂菌数测定的研究

    Study on the detection of bacterial amount in antibiotic eye drops by membrane filtration

  25. 上海47家医院滴眼剂的应用调查和分析

    Survey and Analysis of the Use of Eye Drops in 47 Hospital in Shanghai

  26. 毛果芸香碱微乳滴眼剂及滴眼液在兔眼房水中的药代动力学研究

    Ocular pharmacokinetics of pilocarpine micron emulsion in rabbits

  27. 单剂量滴眼剂的包装及工艺设计

    Packing and technological design of single-dosed eye-drops

  28. 更昔洛韦滴眼剂治疗单疱病毒角膜炎137例临床研究

    A clinical investigation of ganciclovir in the treatment of 137 cases of herpes simplex keratitis

  29. 目的测定复方阿昔洛韦滴眼剂中阿昔洛韦和盐酸环胞苷的含量。

    OBJECTIVE To determine the content of acyclovir and cyclocytidine hydrochloride in compound acyclovir eye drops .

  30. 0.5%环孢霉素A滴眼剂对干眼症患者泪液的影响

    A study on effect of 0 5 % cyclosporin A on tears of the patients with ophthalmoxerosis