
ruǎn ɡāo jì
  • Ointment;unguent
  1. 结果:最优的基质配方及工艺为A1B2C2或A1B3C3。结论:制备的睾酮霜符合中国药典2000版有关软膏剂的规定[1]。

    Results : The superior formulation and craft are A 1B 2C 2 or A 1B 3C 3 . Conclusion : The ready frost of testosterone propionate meets the provision of the Chinese Medical Dictionary 2000 on relevant ointments .

  2. 复方利巴韦林软膏剂的研制及体外释药研究

    Preparation and percutaneous release in vitro of the Ribavirin ointment compound

  3. 中药软膏剂药剂学研究概述

    A Summary of Pharmaceutical Studies of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Ointments

  4. 高效液相色谱法对四种双氯灭痛软膏剂透皮效果的研究

    Study on transdermal absorption effects of four diclofenac sodium ointments by HPLC

  5. 复方中药透皮软膏剂的药理与毒理作用研究

    Study on pharmacological and toxicological action of the compound TCM percutaneous ointment

  6. 不同基质淫羊藿苷软膏剂的制备及药物释放测定

    Preparation of Different Bases of Icariin Ointment and Determination of Drug Releasing Rate

  7. 非水溶性软膏剂的微生物限度检查

    Examing microbiotic limitation of ointment insoluble in water

  8. 方法:采用离体鼠皮的透皮实验方法,并以阿昔洛韦脂质体凝胶、阿昔洛韦凝胶、阿昔洛韦水溶液、阿昔洛韦软膏剂作比较。

    METHODS : The transdermal penetration with excised mice skin of acyclovir ointment were compared .

  9. 广泛应用于制药、日化、食品等行业软膏剂的罐装封尾。

    All kinds of machine are used for pharmaceuticals , cosmetics , light chemicals , food etc.

  10. 研制的炎痛喜康软膏剂物理性能较稳定,对家兔皮肤的刺激性很小。

    The Piroxicam in the ointment bases was stable and had only very slight irritation to rabbit skin .

  11. 含有防腐剂的软膏剂需采用离心沉淀集菌法,才能检出加入过阳性菌种的阳性菌。

    The positive bacteria in the ointments with antiseptic could be found by the method of contrifugal precipitation for col lecting bacteria .

  12. 为避开炎痛喜康片剂对胃肠道的刺激性,本文研究了炎痛喜康软膏剂的制备及其透皮吸收过程。

    In order to decrease the irritation of Piroxicam tablets to gastrointestinal tract the preparation of Piroxicam ointment bases and their percutaneous absorption were studied .

  13. 该厂也位于石龙工业园附近,是万辉药业集团用于生产软膏剂、栓剂、中药产品的工厂。

    This plant is also located near the Shilong Industrial Garden and mainly engages in the production of ointment medicines , suppository medicines and Chinese medicines .

  14. 综述了肝素类化合物用于局部治疗的软膏剂的研究情况,探讨了该类化合物用于全身治疗的透皮吸收制剂的制备方法和研制低分子肝素透皮治疗系统的可行性。

    The studies on the transdermal ointment of heparin-like compounds with local therapeutic effects are reviewed . The preparations of transdermal heparin-like compounds with general therapeutic effects and the feasibility of transdermal therapeutic systems of low molecular weight heparin are discussed .

  15. 其软膏剂治疗皮肤疾病主要通过阻断钙调神经磷酸酶活化而抑制皮损处T细胞的活化,另外,也可通过调节其它免疫细胞相关因子的释放而改善皮损处的炎症反应。

    Its ointment acts primarily on T cells in affected skin , blocking T cell activation by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme calcineurin . In addition , it could affect other immune cells by preventing their cytokine production and release .

  16. 本文主要对促皮生软膏剂主药蜂蜡进行了药学基础研究,旨在为促皮生软膏的临床研究及蜂蜡的开发利用提供实验资料。

    This article was mainly about the pharmacological research on the beeswax , the basic remedy of Skin Growth Promoting Ointment and aimed to provide the experimental data for the study of new medicine with Skin Growth Promoting Ointment and for the development and usage of the beeswax .

  17. 目的:研究盐酸二甲胺四环素牙科软膏缓释剂治疗牙周炎的临床疗效。

    Objective : to study clinical effects of minocycline hydrochloride ointment in treatment of periodontitis .

  18. 在伤口被清洁后,可使用用少量的抗生素软膏或霜剂。

    After the wound is clean , use a small amount of antibiotic ointment or cream .