
  • 网络software code
  1. 这是一项产生持续声势的运动:使研究数据、软件代码和实验方法分公开、透明的呼吁。

    It is a movement building steady momentum : a call to make research data , software code and experimental methods publicly available and transparent .

  2. 企业结构(EA)并不是软件代码。

    Enterprise architecture ( EA ) is not software code .

  3. 这个TelecomWebServicesToolkit通过提供容易插入它们应用软件代码的Web服务代码片段来简化应用软件构建过程。

    The Telecom Web Services Toolkit simplifies building applications by providing Web service code snippets that are easy to insert into their application code .

  4. OWL本体到软件代码模型映射的研究

    Research on Mapping OWL Ontology to Software Code Model

  5. 整个测试结果表明软件代码基本实现了移动IPv6中流移动技术的模块功能。

    Test results show that the software basically realizes module functions of flow mobility in Mobile IPv6 .

  6. 并给出了以GPIB总线的类封装的设计步骤和软件代码。

    Using this method , the GPIB interface class was designed .

  7. 它计划复制其在英国使用的安全密室(securecell)架构,即网络产品所用的关键软件代码由当地企业编译并交第三方保管。

    It plans to replicate the secure cell structure it uses in the UK , whereby critical software code for network products is compiled by locals and put in escrow .

  8. 探测管理器(probemanager):用来定义和提供一组相同探测类型的探测点的软件代码,比如系统调用探测管理器。

    The probe manager : Software code that defines and provides a set of probe points of the same probe type , such as the system call probe manager .

  9. 在完成实时解码要求下,结合NIOSii平台特性,对解码器在软件代码与处理器上进行优化。

    To obtain the request of real-time decoder , the decoder on software code and processor with the features of NIOS II is optimized .

  10. 公司还表示,愿意针对安全方面的担忧,从技术上找到解决方案,例如其在英国采取的“安全密室”(securecell)架构,即软件代码由当地企业编写并输入。

    The company has also shown itself willing to find technological solutions to security worries , such as a " secure cell " structure in the UK under which software codes are compiled and input locally .

  11. 本文以达到软件代码、模型和体系结构三个层次复用为目的,深入地研究了嵌入式移动终端手持设备(Mobilephone)应用软件层的设计与实现。

    On the purpose of that the codes , models , structures of the SW can be used in variable environments , the paper discuss the application SW , which is applied to the mobile phone .

  12. 设计并实现了基于DirectShow的视频处理系统,并给出了核心的软件代码。

    Designed and implemented a Video Image Processing System based on DirectShow , and presented the kernel software code .

  13. 本文对基于JPEG压缩域的彩色图像的数字水印技术进行了研究,并通过实际的软件代码实现了该系统以及对系统的鲁棒性验证实验。

    The thesis mainly researches the digital watermarking of color picture in JPEG . and realize it with real software program , including the attacking experiments for robustness .

  14. 当前ASIP处理器设计方法还面临着许多问题,如体系结构优化、软件代码的可重定向编译等,这些都阻碍了ASIP处理器设计方法的广泛应用。

    The current ASIP design method confronts many problems , such as architecture optimization and software retargetable compilation .

  15. 论文以WCDMA系统为例,设计了WCDMA定位测试系统方案,完成了测试系统主要的软件代码实现工作。

    The thesis takes the WCDMA system for example , the test scheme based on the WCDMA location system has been designed , and the primary software code has been realized .

  16. 最后对软件代码的实现流程做了详细的阐述,由于支持的USB存储类设备多采用控制传输和批量传输,对USB系统软件做了相应的简化,提高了系统的数据传输性能。

    Since the control transmission and bulk transmission are in common use in USB mass-storage devices , the system of software in USB HOST in this paper was simplified for the improvement of performance in data transmission .

  17. 为了方便软件代码的设计和维护,将软件划分为3个层次:Keil接口驱动层、USB驱动层和调试器固件层。

    To make the software easy to design and maintenance , we divide the software into three levels , which are Keil interface layer , communication layer and firmware layer .

  18. 间谍软件代码中多次提到Pegasus,这是NSO集团一款监视软件产品的名字。

    Strewn throughout the spyware code were references to Pegasus , the name of an NSO Group spyware product .

  19. 嵌入式分布式数据库的设计采用了嵌入式技术和分布式技术,它提供了一套统一标准的API接口,提高了软件代码的可重用性、可移植性和同步的质量,实现了数据的同步和存储功能。

    Based on embedded techniques and distributed technology , embedded distributed database provides a set of unified API interfaces , which improve the reusability and portability of software and the quality of synchronization . In addition , the synchronization and storage of data has been implemented .

  20. 但因不同硬件平台内部结构有较大差异且新增了部分功能,因此必需添加、重写部分大部分的软件代码,并重新编译、移植PPP协议和TCP/IP协议。

    But because there is great difference and new added functions of inner structure in different hardware platforms , I add and rewrite great parts of software code , and recompile , transplant PPP protocol and TCP / IP protocol .

  21. desenvix表示,它相信,这些软件代码是从另一家公司,即美国零部件制造商美国超导(amsc)窃取的。

    Desenvix says it believes the software codes may have been stolen from another company : AMSC , the US components manufacturer .

  22. 原高盛(goldmansachs)员工谢尔盖阿列尼科夫(sergeyaleynikov)因涉嫌私自下载尖端交易软件代码而被捕,这成为一桩刑事案件的核心,令人们关注起大体上乏味无趣的计算机化股票交易问题。

    The arrest of Sergey aleynikov , a former Goldman Sachs employee at the centre of a criminal case involving the unsanctioned downloading of sophisticated trading software codes , has thrust the largely unglamorous world of computerised equity trading into the spotlight .

  23. 这是一连串复杂法律纠纷的最新战线,巴西电力集团desenvix已在巴西一家法院提起针对华锐风电的诉讼,以求迫使这家中国企业提供desenvix在去年购买的23台风力发电机内部的软件代码。

    In a complex web of legal disputes , desenvix , the Brazilian power company , has filed a court case against Sinovel in a court in Brazil , in an effort to force the Chinese company to provide the software code inside 23 turbines it purchased last year .

  24. 制作电路板、调试并编写软件代码实现所研究的理论。

    We fabricate PCB boards and write software to implement the system function .

  25. 多态性是面向对象程序设计中实现软件代码重用的一个重要特性。

    Polymorphism is a main feature of achieving software code-reuse in object-oriented programming .

  26. 对当前客户/服务器版本的应用软件代码进行维护

    Maintenance coding on the current , client / server version of the application

  27. 基于对象关联模型的企业应用软件代码生成器

    Code generator for enterprise software and applications based on business object association model

  28. 应用框架可以增强大型应用软件代码的重用性和可扩充性。

    The benefits of OO application frameworks stem from the reusability and extensibility .

  29. 当外部环境和需求发生变化时,软件代码良好的灵活性和可维护性。

    Flexible and easy maintenance of software code as the environment and needs change .

  30. 该系统硬件测试正常,软件代码正确。

    The system 's hardware is normal , and the software 's code is right .