
  • 网络meta-model;meta model;metamodel;uml
  1. UML是一种标准的建模语言,框架元模型是一种对应用框架进行建模的方法。

    UML is a standard modeling language . Framework Meta-Model is a modeling method for application framework .

  2. 提出了基于Web服务和消息机制的分布式工作流管理系统的过程元模型和体系结构。

    The main content is as follows : 1 . The process meta-model and total architecture of distributed WfMS based on Web Services and message mechanism are illustrated .

  3. 方法:采用CT扫描,Mimics软件和Abaqus软件的CAD进行三维有限元模型的创建

    Methods : Models were generate by CT scan , Mimics software and Abaqus software .

  4. 应用BP神经网络修正有限元模型中的刚度矩阵

    Using Backpropagation Neural Networks to Correct the Stiffness Matrix in a Finite Element Model

  5. 用ANSYS建立了满月塔的三维有限元模型。

    Using ANSYS program , the 3D model of the tower is established .

  6. 应用螺旋CT断层扫描技术和大型工程软件UG建立三维有限元模型。

    Spiral CT tomoscan and UG software were applied to establish 3-dimensional finite-element models .

  7. GaN基LED电流扩展的有限元模型及电极结构优化

    Finite Element Model of GaN Based LED and the Optimization of the Mesa Structure

  8. 最好是,某个工具获取UML元模型并将它转换成XML模式。

    Ideally , a tool takes the UML meta model and converts it to the XML schema .

  9. PATRAN/NASTRAN建立了Hα与白光望远镜的有限元模型,采用特征向量法求得前四阶固有频率和振型。

    PATRAN / NASTRAN , and the first several orders of natural frequencies and modal shapes are calculated with eigenvectors method .

  10. 本文分析了扩充UML元模型的方法,并在此基础上定义了基于UML的企业建模方法。

    This thesis studied how to define the method of enterprise modeling by extending UML meta-modeling .

  11. 简而言之,UML元模型就是表示UML模型的一组类。

    Simply put , the UML metamodel is the set of classes that represent a UML model .

  12. 该接口规范包含了一个用于描述过程定义的公共元模型,以及过程定义间进行相互转换的XMLSCHEMA。

    The interface standard contains a public meta model used for describing process definition and an XML schema for conversion between the process definitions .

  13. 很多UML建模工具(如IBMRationalRose)按照UML元模型的定义来存储模型。

    Many UML modeling tools ( such as IBM Rational Rose ) store the model according to the definitions of the UML metamodel .

  14. 模式命名空间描述特定于域的类和CBS元模型的属性。

    Schema namespace describes the domain-specific classes and properties of the CBS meta-model .

  15. 受到UML元模型的约束,任何一个模型元素都可能成为一个提供者、消费者、或者两者兼备。

    Subject to the constraints of the UML metamodel , any model element might be a provider , a consumer , or both .

  16. 注意:理论上讲,UML概要文件可以扩展不同的元模型,而且RationalSoftwareArchitect的实现可以支持UML2.1元模型。

    Note : Theoretically , UML profiles could extend various meta-models , although the Rational Software Architect implementation supports only the UML2.1 meta-model .

  17. 本研究借助CT扫描成象及ANSYS软件建立了叶状种植体支持的全下颌牙种植固定义齿三维有限元模型。

    In this study a three dimensional finite element model of complete blade implant-supported fixed prosthesis of the mandible was developed aided by CT scan and ANSYS software .

  18. 信息系统中PIM功能元模型的构建研究

    Research of Building PIM Functional Meta-Model of IS

  19. 为了把不明确的概念减少到最少――并和多数现代的其它模型语言形成对比――第一个标准化的UML定义是用元模型来指定的。

    To minimize ambiguity and in contrast to most other modeling languages of the time the first standardized definition of UML was specified using a metamodel .

  20. 首先,利用ANSYS软件包采用有限元模型,进行了动铁心静态吸力的仿真;

    Firstly , with the use of ANSYS software package , the static attraction force acting on the moving core of contactor is simulated with FEM model .

  21. 如前所述,服务器端元模型表示CWMOLAP元模型的面向部署部分。

    As previously mentioned , the server-side metamodel represents the deployment-oriented part of the CWM OLAP metamodel .

  22. 命名空间为CBS元模型中的对象提供一种分组方法,从而使系统更具模块化。

    A namespace provides a means for grouping objects in the CBS meta-model , thereby making the system more modular .

  23. 虽然这里介绍的样式表仅限于UML元模型的一个子集,但是为设计更加强大的模型提供了一个很好的起点。

    Although the stylesheets I have introduced are limited to a subset of the UML metamodel , they provide a good starting point from which to design more powerful models .

  24. 一旦你在Eclipse中,从RationalRose元模型建立了EMF项目,EMF就可以用来为这个元模型自动产生基于XMI的XML格式。

    Once you create an EMF project in Eclipse from a Rational Rose meta-model , EMF can be used to automatically generate the XMI-based XML schema for this meta-model .

  25. 根据RationalSystemsDeveloper设计的DSL利用ecore模型提供领域专用的建模支持,直接从主AUTOSAR元模型生成。

    The DSL tool designed on Rational Systems Developer provides domain-specific modeling support using an ecore model , which is directly created from the master AUTOSAR meta-model .

  26. 通过使用ANSYS软件对客车的车身结构进行参数化建模,在建模过程中对有限元模型进行了相应的简化,以利于计算。

    The author used ANSYS software to create a parameter model for the bodywork of the passenger train , and carried on simplification to the finite element model in the course of modeling .

  27. 为处于本项目上下文环境中的企业架构元模型建立了XMI格式。

    To create an XMI schema for the enterprise architecture meta-model defined in the context of this project .

  28. 建立了粘弹材料盘式制动器摩擦片振动的有限元模型,并模拟实际工况,利用Ansys软件对不同粘弹性的摩擦片进行模态分析。

    Second , with the actual working conditions simulated , the finite element vibration model of disc brake-shoe is established . And the vibration of brake-shoes in different viscoelasticity materials are analyzed by ANSYS .

  29. 在ANSYS中利用APDL语言实现主轴有限元模型的参数化,并对主轴的结构进行优化设计,求出了主轴优化后的主要结构参数。

    The model is parameterized using APDL in ANSYS , the optimum structure of the spindle is designed , and the main structure parameters of the spindle are obtained .

  30. 这样得到的是一种遵循标准的数据仓库设计方法,因为遵循CWM规范设计的数据仓库具有相同的元模型结构。

    This acquires a method of designing the standard data warehouse , because warehouses based on CWM have the same meta-model .