
  • 网络Application Object
  1. UI组件和应用对象(这是一个单例)都能收到系统事件。

    Both UI components and the Application object ( which is a singleton ) can receive system events .

  2. 基于CSC的分布式应用对象交互服务模型DAOIS的研究

    CSC based model for distributed application object interface

  3. Object应用对象选择模式。

    Object Enables object selection mode .

  4. 本论文以组合夹具元件图形库为应用对象,开发了基于XML的图形库系统。该系统主要应用了以下技术:基于。

    In the paper the graphics library of modular fixture is based on XML .

  5. 这个框架由三层架构组成,架构的实现贯穿了应用对象、任务和测试用例包(IBM包)。

    The framework consists of a three-tiered architecture implemented through the appobjects , tasks , and test cases packages ( the IBM package ) .

  6. 以某石化企业延迟焦化车间底层51个PID控制回路为应用对象,利用本文所提出的气动执行阀粘滞特性的改进模型和参数辨识方法,离线分析各个气动执行阀粘滞特性。

    The improved models and stiction parameters identification method is used for analyzing 51 PID control loops in the delayed coking plant from a petrochemical company .

  7. 以中国北车集团为应用对象,在集团下属的技术中心间实现了基于VPN的协同设计网络连接。4.提出了应用服务提供商(ASP)模式的远程CAE服务模式。

    Using CNR as application object , collaborative design connection based on VPN is accomplished among the technical centers attributed to CNR . 4 .

  8. 结合这一仿真实例,论述了基于HLA的分布交互式多机仿真系统的体系结构、运行支持系统和仿真应用对象模型及其设计与实现问题。

    We also discuss the principles of design HLA / RTI architecture , Run Time Infrastructure and Simulation Object Model about distributed interaction simulation system .

  9. 研究中,以铁路机车车辆的开发设计为应用对象,将VPN技术合理地应用于网络化协同设计中去,以达到资源的共享和调配。

    The research takes the railway vehicle as research object and use VPN into the network-collaborative design to obtain the resource 's sharing and preparing .

  10. CORBAORB提供了四种主要的组件:ORB、对象服务、公共设施和应用对象。

    The CORBA ORB provides four main components : the ORB , object services , common facilities and application objects .

  11. 应用对象是直接支持应用程序的程序代码,它们还确保对象能与其他符合CORBA的ORB通信。

    Application objects are pieces of code that support an application directly and ensure that objects can communicate with other CORBA-compliant ORBs .

  12. 而计算智能算法的主要应用对象是优化问题的难解问题,也就是优化理论中的NP问题。

    The main application area of the computational intelligence methods is the hard solved problems in the optimization , namely the non-deterministic polynomial ( NP ) problems .

  13. 该文介绍了MPEG-4解码器软硬件平台的设计方案,此解码器有很好的灵活性,便于按不同的应用对象扩展或修改算法。

    This paper describes a software and hardware platform of MPEG 4 video decoder . The decoder is flexible and easy to be extended or modified for specific applications .

  14. 同样地,要扩展传统的ORB,必须修改源代码,并要求重新编译、链接和重启运行中的ORB以及与它们相关联的应用对象。

    Likewise , conventional ORB cannot be extended without modifying their source code , which forces recompilation , relinking , and restarting running ORBs and their associated application objects .

  15. 以翻车机房区域污染治理为应用对象,设计了吹吸互动并加设导流板的捕尘方式,设计了基于激光测量技术的智能静电除尘(ESP)控制系统。

    In the regional pollution of Car-dumper Shed , the method of air blowing-breathing system adding a guide plate for collection coal dust , and the intelligent control system of ESP based on laser measurement are designed .

  16. 在此基础上,从功能互补的角度分别研究了QFD与正交设计、响应曲面设计、稳健参数设计的集成方法与应用对象,并详细说明了QFD与DOE集成应用的操作流程。

    On this basis , from the view point of functional complementary , studied the integration methods and application object between QFD and orthogonal design , response surface design , robust parameter design , respectively .

  17. 为此,OMG为分布式对象计算的分析、设计、部署以及定义在具体企业中间件平台上的应用对象和应用组件等各个方面制定了开放的标准。

    To achieve this goal , the OMG specifies open standards for every aspect of distributed computing from analysis and design , through infrastructure , to application objects and components defined on virtually every enterprise middleware platform .

  18. 介绍了CORBA对象管理体系结构(OMA)的4个组成部分:对象请求代理(ORB)、CORBA服务、公共设备和应用对象.并指出了在企业信息集成中的作用和应用方法。

    The four components of CORBA object management architecture ( OMA ): object request broker ( ORB ), CORBA service , common facility and application object are introduced , the effect and application method of CORBA in the enterprise information integration is discussed in this paper .

  19. 系统在ASA数据库的基础上建立了应用对象、菜单、窗口、窗口上的控件等操作对象,针对各对象不同的具体事件编写驱动程序来实现狐繁育电子数据处理系统的功能。

    On the basis of ASA database , system constructed the function of compiling drivers to realize fox breeding electronic data processing system , with applying operation objects as objects , menu , windows and controls in windows , towards different concrete affairs of every object .

  20. 以GD-1六缸电控组合泵柴油机为应用对象,进行了电控柴油机标定系统的实时监测与在线标定试验。

    Taking GD-1 six-cylinder electronic unit pump ( EUP ) diesel engine as module , real-time monitor and on-line calibration tests of the calibration system for electronically controlled diesel engine have been done .

  21. 公司治理理论的应用对象范围得到拓展。

    The application range of company governance theory had been expanded .

  22. 文章根据应用对象的不同介绍了两种测评方法。

    Based on different applications , two measurements were introduced in this paper .

  23. 通过对试验台系统误差来源的分析,结合各传感器结构特点和应用对象归纳出系统误差的计算方法。

    Combined with various sensor models , the system error of the test-bed efficiency was calculated .

  24. 以实际产品为应用对象,对现场总线控制的质量信息采集控制系统的关键技术进行了应用研究。

    The key technique of the quality information collection and control system for the product was studied .

  25. 通过可应用对象完成图文作业共享,生成要图标绘程序界面。

    Sharing of chart and character task was implemented with usable object to create interface of plotting program .

  26. 以多个机器人合作完成多个物体的搬运为应用对象,提出了一种形成多机器人协作行为的多种群合作协进化方法。

    A scheme to evolve multi-robot cooperative behavior based of cooperative coevolutionary algorithm is investigated for multi-robot transporting multiple objects .

  27. 结合一些相关的实例,文中分别阐述了这些方法的特点、适合的应用对象和使用策略等。

    Together with some examples , the characteristic , proper application object , use strategies of these methods are discussed .

  28. 你可以在运行时通过调用Application.getProjectStage()来查询应用对象以获得相应的值。

    At run time you can query the application object for the configured value by calling Application . getProjectStage () .

  29. 本酒店客房管理系统主要就当今国内中小型酒店作为应用对象所开发的。

    This cabaret guest room management the system is main local nowadays medium small scaled cabaret Be applied what object develop .

  30. 对于可控规则断裂产生的基础和主要应用对象的裂纹技术,给出了简要但全面的介绍。

    The crack technique , which is the basis and application of controllable regular fracture , are also reviewed concisely but thoroughly .