
yìnɡ yònɡ rè lì xué
  • applied thermodynamics
  1. 应用热力学原理计算了经溶胶浸渍后形成的TiO2/C复合体系的氮化条件,确定了N2,CO分压对氮化温度的影响。

    The nitridation conditions of the TiO2 / C composite were analyzed by thermodynamic calculation .

  2. 对带回热器和带膨胀机的CO2跨临界循环过程应用热力学进行了对比分析。

    Comparative analysis on CO 2 transcritical cycles with internal heat exchanger ( IHX ) or with expander is executed adopting the principles of thermodynamics .

  3. 结果表明,发黑层晶粒细小、排列规则,其主要成份是晶态结构的Fe3O4。应用热力学、动力学的理论对发黑层的形成机理及可能发生的化学反应进行了初步的探讨。

    The results shows that the blackening layer crystal is small and arrange regular , the main composition of layer is crystalline structure Fe_3O_4 .

  4. 本文应用热力学和动力学相结合的方法研究了石墨炉原子吸收法中As、sb、se、Te的原子化机理。

    The mechanism of atom formation for As , Sb , Se and Te in graphite furnace atomic absorption Spectrometry was studied through a combined thermodynamic and kinetic approach .

  5. 应用热力学,分析了Ti与B2O3、Al之间的化学反应原位合成TiB和Al2O3增强的钛基复合材料的合成机理。

    Synthesis mechanism of TiB and Al_2O_3 reinforced titanium matrix composites in situ fabricated by using the chemical reaction between Ti , Al and B_2O_3 was investigated by thermodynamic theory .

  6. 从动态的微观成烃和宏观成藏的观点出发,应用热力学卡诺(Carnot)循环的热功转换理论,探讨了油气呈脉动式的膨胀和压缩的蠕动渗流形式作初次运移;

    The primary migration of hydrocarbon in forms of creeping flow under expansion and compression is discussed by using the work-heat transformation theory of Carnot 's circular thermodynamics ;

  7. 应用热力学方法探讨了混凝土集料中钾长石、钠长石、霞石等长石类含碱矿物的热力学稳定条件,并对这些含碱矿物分解析出的碱对AAR(碱集料反应)的影响进行了讨论。

    The resolution reaction in alkali solution of feldspathic mineral , such as potash feldspar , albite and nepheline , is studied by thermodynamics , and the possibility of alkali released from feldspathic mineral and the effect to AAR are analyzed also .

  8. 首先,应用热力学的基本定律,分析了Al-TiO2-C体系中可能发生的物理化学反应和形成的增强相,计算了增强相的形成自由焓变化和反应的绝热温度。

    The formation free energy of reinforcement and adiabatic temperature of the Al-TiO_2-C reactants were calculated according to thermodynamic laws to predict the possible reactions and their products .

  9. 应用热力学理论分析蒸汽燃气联合循环

    An Analysis of Steam-Gas Cycle from the Thermodynamical Point of View

  10. 应用热力学理论,阐明了喷雾冷却塔的优越性;

    Advantages of spraying cooling tower are expounded using thermodynamics theory .

  11. 最初的分析应用热力学和动力学知识预测碱性电池在低放电率下的性能。

    Initial analysis utilizes thermodynamic and kinetic information to predict alkaline cell performance under low discharge rates .

  12. 应用热力学原理测定高压锅炉给水泵效率的方法及实践

    Method and Practice of Measurement of Feed Pump Efficiency of Hight & Pressure Boiler by Thermodynamic principle

  13. 应用热力学方法,我们给出了自引力系统金斯不稳定性的物理基础。

    Through the thermodynamic method we discussed the physical basement of the Jeans instability in one self-gravitating system .

  14. 应用热力学相关理论,建立气井井筒温度变化模型。

    Applying the related theory of thermodynamics , the temperature change model in the gas wellbore is established .

  15. 应用热力学和动力学理论分析了引起水锁效应的原因,介绍了水锁效应的危害及其抑制方法。

    Study on the water block effect The reason of water block is analysed by thermodynamics and dynamics method .

  16. 应用热力学理论计算了铁液中氧硫活度与生成的稀土夹杂物间的定量关系。

    Quantitative relationships of the activity of oxygen and sulphur with constitution of inclusions have been found by thermodynamic calculations .

  17. 应用热力学函数研究不同钙基固硫试剂的固硫特性

    Study on the Sulphur Fixation Characteristics of Different Calcium Radical Sulphur Fixation Agents by Employing the Function of Thermal Mechanics

  18. 本文应用热力学与传热学原理,分析了换热误差产生的原因及其影响因素,建立了换热误差计算公式。

    Thermodynamics and heat transfer theory are employed to analyze the causes of heat exchange error and its affecting factors .

  19. 应用热力学理论对用于深海微生物取样器保压的皮囊式蓄能器快速增压过程进行分析。

    Thermodynamics theory gastight was used to analyze the quick plenum process of bladder accumulator used for deep sea microbe gastight sampler .

  20. 应用热力学原理和偶合反应的观点对硫化银溶于氰化钠的条件进行了讨论。

    The conditions of silver sulphide dissolving in sodium cyanide have been discussed by the use of thermodynamic principle and coupling reaction .

  21. 应用热力学方法,分析和讨论了(V-O-C-N)和(V-O-H-N)体系的热力学特征。

    The thermodynamic characteristics of ( V-O-C-N ) and ( V-O-H-N ) systems are analyzed and discussed by means of thermodynamic method .

  22. 为了有效地完成去硫任务,需要应用热力学方法进行指导。

    In order to accomplish the task of desulphurization efficiently it is necessory to apply the thermodyn-amic methods to be as a guide .

  23. 作者还应用热力学中的熵值判别法提出了煤层气体突出熵指数,作为判断煤层气体的突出倾向性。

    The author also applies the entropy discrimination of thermo-dynamics to outburst of coal-seam gases and presents " Outburst index of coal-seam gases " for predicting proneness of outburst .

  24. 本文应用热力学和动力学相结合的方法,研究了石墨炉原子吸收分析中,探针恒温原子化的原子形成机理。

    The mechanism of atom formation of analyte is studied in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry for probe isothermal atomization by means of a method that combines thermodynamics and kinatics .

  25. 通过化学反应方程式,应用热力学计算,测定了变换炉各基础数据的理论值,确定了变换炉的经济运行模式;

    Through chemical reaction equation the theoretic values for each basic datum of shifting furnace were determined by thermodynamic calculation , the economic operation mode of shifting furnace was found ;

  26. 应用热力学第二定律对排气能量传递和转化进行分析,提出以(火用)差函数作为排气有用能的评价参数。

    Exergy difference function ( EDF ) has been introduced as a merit parameter in the analysis of the transmission and transformation of available energy retained in the exhaust gases .

  27. 应用热力学原理,计算分析了各种铁合金的脱氧能力和脱氧产物形成液态熔渣的条件。

    By means of thermodynamic principle the deoxidation power of several ferro-alloys has been calculated , and the conditions of the molten slag formation from deoxidation products has also been analysed .

  28. 应用热力学原理分析计算了tZrO2TiO2固溶系统中,利用氨气进行的选择性氮化的反应条件,探讨了不同反应温度对该体系物相组成的影响。

    The principle of thermodynamics was utilized to calculate the selective nitridation conditions with ammonia in a tZrO_2TiO_2 solid solution system . The influence of reaction temperature on the phase structure was investigated .

  29. 应用热力学原理阐释了原煤及其抽余物吸附甲烷能力的差异,分析了原煤及其抽余物吸附能力与地层环境条件和煤储层物性之间的关系。

    The difference of adsorption ability of raw coals and their extracted residues are explained with thermodynamics theory . The relationship between raw coals and their extracted residues and strata setting and coal permeability are analyzed .

  30. 本文以柴油机工作过程的热力学第一定律数值模拟为基础,应用热力学第二定律分析一台直喷式柴油机的缸内过程的能量可用性。

    In this paper availability of in cylinder processes for a direct injection engine is analysed by use of thermodynamic Second Law , which is based on a simulation model of the engine cycle by First Law analysis .