
  • 网络stress classification
  1. 应力分类概念在压力容器设计中的应用

    Use of Stress Classification Concept in Pressure Vessel Design

  2. 关于应力分类问题的一些认识

    Some Viewpoints on Stress Classification

  3. 锅炉受压元件的应力分类及强度设计分析

    On the Stress in the Shells of Boilers and Stress Classification

  4. 分析设计应力分类方法的一次最小结构法研究

    Primary-Least Structure Method as a Stress Categorization Tool for Design by Analysis

  5. 压力容器分析设计的应力分类法与塑性分析法

    Ethods of Stress Classification and Plasticity Analysis Used in Analytical Design of Pressure Vessel

  6. 论述了管道应力分类、产生的因素以及应力消除方法。

    The classification of piping stress , stress development factors and stress release method are introduced .

  7. 第一个要求的规范之一应当是考虑胶合木梁集成材构件的应力分类。

    One of the first specification requirements considered should be the stress class of the glulam member .

  8. 压力容器开孔接管处的应力分类及补强设计方法的比较

    Comparison Between the Stress Classification and the Reinforcement Design Methods at the Opening Nozzles of a Pressure Vessel

  9. 基于应力分类思想,建立了带凸形封头非标平焊法兰的设计方法。

    A method based on stress classification on design of united plate flange with convex head is presented .

  10. 根据应力分类原则结合第三强度理论对法兰局部承载能力进行了强度评定,结果表明相关单位的经验尺寸能满足安全要求。

    The strength evaluation for the flange was carried out by the stress categorization principle and the Mises strength theory .

  11. 通过给内压引起的圆筒应力分类和评定,对圆筒在内压作用下的各向应力沿应力处理线进行均匀化处理。

    By means of classification and evaluation of the stress on the cylinder under internal pressure , the stresses on the thick wall cylindrical shell in all directions are linearized .

  12. 引入分析设计法中关于应力分类和等效线性化的概念,进一步阐述了有限元等效应力法的原理。

    The principle of FEM equivalent stress method , with introducing of the ideas of stress classification and equivalent linearization method in ' design by analysis ' for steel pressure vessel , is further developed .

  13. 应用应力分类设计法确定换热器壳体封头与筒体连接边界的多个功能函数,彼此线性相关。

    Using the method of stress-classify-design , several state functions of the join between the cover and vessel body of the heat exchanger are established , and these functions are in linear relation to one another .

  14. 对分析设计中的若干重要问题谈谈我们的认识和建议,包括有限元建模、有限元计算结果的应力分类、等效线性化处理方法等。

    Say a few words about our understanding and suggestion on the Design by Analysis , including the modeling of finite elements , the stress classification of results by finite element method and the equivalent linearization method etc.

  15. 对压力容器分析设计的应力分类法与塑性分析法做了概述,并对它们各自存在的问题进行了扼要的介绍。

    In this paper , the stress classification method and plasticity analysis method used in analytical design of pressure vessel were stated . At the same times , the problems existed in using these methods were also briefly introduced .

  16. 在对设计标准没有覆盖的受压元件进行设计计算时,为了保证设计的安全性,也必须使用应力分类的概念。

    In order to ensure the safety of the pressure vessels , it is necessary to use the method of stress classification in designing the pressurized components for which there is no calculation method supplied in the standard and code .

  17. 通过应力分类和评定,研究了稳定温度场中承受内压与径向温度梯度的厚壁圆筒体的最大允许内外壁温差。

    Based on stress classifying and assessing , the maximum allowable temperature difference between inner and outer surface of thick wall cylindrical shell , which is in stable temperature field and suffers inner pressure and radical temperature difference , is studied .

  18. 从应力分类的角度,以将材料用在关键部位为目的,为阀体何处应该加厚,何处可以减薄提供理论和实践研究基础。

    From the perspective of stress classification , with the purpose of " the material used in key positions ", the research basis of theory and practice is made for the problem of " where should be thick , where to thinning " in the valve body .

  19. 根据不同的受力分析和强度条件,按照应力分类方法,对管道的锚固段和滑动段进行弹性分析和安定性分析,推导正常运行条件下管道的最小壁厚。

    According to the different stress analysis and strength conditions , in accordance with the method of stress classification , analyze the elastic and stability of the anchoring section and sliding segment of the pipe , derivate the minimum wall thickness of the pipe under normal operating conditions .

  20. 对于受内压简体上带径向接管的开孔补强设计计算,文献给出的大量计算和试验结果表明等面积法的计算结果是安全的,而应力分类设计方法的结果过于保守。

    With respect to the reinforcement of internal pressurized cylinder with radial nozzle , a lot of results from calculations and experiments demon - strated in references have shown that the result from area replacement method is safe , and the result from stress categorization method is over conservative .

  21. 壳体局部弯曲应力的分类及其一次结构法

    The Classification of Local Bending Stress of Shell and Primary Structure Method

  22. 本文综述了聚合物基复合材料残余应力的分类、形成原因和层间残余应力对复合材料性能的影响。

    In this paper an overview of the classification , formation and effect of residual stress of polymer matrix composite laminates is presented .

  23. 介绍了国外最新可靠性强化试验基本概念、各种应力极限分类和试验过程,阐述了强化试验的基础理论。

    RET ( reliability enhancement testing ) is the most advanced technology in western countries . RET 's concept , process and stress limit classification were introduced . The basic theory of RET was explained .

  24. 对一个管壳式换热器进行温度和压力载荷作用下的有限元强度分析,并对这两种载荷作用下的结构应力响应做分类研究,然后对结构进行改进,作同样的分析。

    Strength analysis of a tube and shell heat exchanger under temperature and pressure load was made by FEM , and structure stress was classified according to two kinds of load above . Whereafter , structure improvements were made , and the same analysis was processed .

  25. 同时,分外加热和内加热两种情况,对径向温度梯度作用下圆筒中的热应力沿应力分类线进行当量线性化处理,给出了相应的计算公式。

    In addition , the thermal stress on the cylinder is also linearized along the stress classification line under radial temperature gradient according to whether the cylindrical shell is heated from the outer surface or the inner surface . Relevant calculation equations are presented .

  26. 通过接触单元来数值模拟啮合齿的接触过程,建立了基于整体有限元应力分析和应力分类的齿啮式快开压力容器设计方法。

    By considering the contact between the teeth and utilizing the face to face contact model with contact element and coulomb friction model , the author had developed a method for design of tooth-locked quick actuating pressure vessel based on finite element stress analysis and stress categorization .

  27. 借助分析设计的方法,对这些应力较大截面进行应力分类校核,结果能够满足分析设计强度要求。

    Analytic design method is used to assess the larger stress section based on stress classification , the results can meet the intensity requirement of analytic design .

  28. 杂交应力有限单元中应力模式分类的一神新方法

    A New Classification Method of Stress Modes in Hybrid Stress Finite Element

  29. 例子分析给出了5%最大主应变得到的塑性载荷,并与应力分类方法、两倍弹性斜率准则和双切线准则作了比较。

    The example analyses presented show that plastic load are flu given by the 5 % maximum principal criterion comparable with given by stress classification method , the two elastic slope ( TES ) and the tangent intersection ( TI ) criteria .

  30. 介绍了有限元在压力容器应力分析设计中应用所引起的问题。总应力如何分类,目前分类的方法存在什么问题。

    The problems existed in the use of finite element in the stress analysis for pressure vessels were introduced in this article , including how to classify each kind of stresses from the total stress and what king of problems existed in current stress classification method .