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  1. 应到旅行社打听其他各种有关旅行的信息,并到图书馆和书店去查查。

    Ask the travel agent for any less tourist oriented information and check libraries and bookstores .

  2. 如果你是参加旅行团的话,如时间许可,你应参加旅行社在团队出发前所举办的茶会。

    If you join package tours , it 's worth attending their pre-trip briefing sessions when time allows .

  3. 几个星期以前,几位力挺《经济学人》“巨无霸”指数的热心读者应本杂志社的邀请,前来协助我们发明其它“新奇的”经济指标。

    FEW weeks ago The Economist invited readers who enjoy our Big Mac index to help invent other quirky economic indicators .

  4. 从而得出了,我国农村信用社应在信用社的激励机制、组织管理、及各项监督机制等诸多方面进行不断的完善。

    Rural credit cooperatives should credit incentives , organization and management , and various oversight mechanisms for continuously improving many aspects .

  5. 美国著名教育家孟禄曾于1921年9月应实际教育调查社聘请,来华进行了为期四个多月的大规模教育调查与讲学。

    In September 1921 , Paul Monroe , the well-known American educationalist is invited , by a Pragmatic Education Agency , to visit China to perform a four-month-long series of educational observation and lectures .

  6. 在自然人股东获获取的资产专用性收益中,可占用准租的取值范围应在农村信用社股本收益与社会平均资本收益之间寻找一个合理定位。

    In asset-special-purpose income that natural person stockholder acquired , extension of impropriate quasi-rent in reason should be a location that restricted by the share income of rural cooperation and the average income of society capital . 4 .