
yìnɡ yònɡ chénɡ xù bāo
  • application package
  1. 因此,除非需要插入归档的完全替换内容,否则不要在部分应用程序包中包含其他归档(如JAR、WAR等等)。

    Therefore , do not include other archives ( like JAR , WAR , and so on ) in the partial application package unless full replacement of the archive is desired .

  2. 现在您已经创建了几个OSGi捆绑包并看到了它们的实际运行情况,下面我们看看Aries如何在一个web应用程序包中使用这些OSGi捆绑包。

    Now that you have created a few OSGi bundles and have seen them in action , you are ready to learn how Aries can use the OSGi bundles in a web application package .

  3. 将Web模块转化为一个Web应用程序包

    Converting the Web module to a Web application bundle

  4. 它还使得基于XML的部署描述符成为应用程序包的可选组件。

    It also makes XML-based deployment descriptors optional for application packages .

  5. 可以从CommunityEdition下载站点获得示例应用程序包。

    A Sample Applications package is available at the Community Edition download site .

  6. 在以后几年,随着整个行业开始广泛采用SOA,IT架构师将开始购买业务流程包,而不是应用程序包。

    Over the next few years , as the industry gains SOA momentum , IT architects will start to purchase business workflow bundles rather than application packages .

  7. 例如,IBMCICS目前直接提供对SOAP的支持,以及许多系统和应用程序包能够支持MQ或SOAP接口。

    For example , IBM CICS now provides direct SOAP support , and many systems and application packages can support MQ or SOAP interfaces .

  8. 接下来让我们看看如何使用基于Felix的OSGi框架创建订单应用程序包。

    Let 's look at how to create an order application bundle using a Felix-based OSGi framework .

  9. 它加入了一个小的基于RAM的OS和用于管理和安全功能的工具集,这样就可以让使用任何Linux发行版本编译的应用程序包在其上运行。

    It incorporates a small RAM-based OS and toolset for administration and security functions , and then allows applications bundles , built using any Linux distribution , to run on top of it .

  10. 雷达精度分析软件(RAtool)是雷达计算机辅助设计集成系统(RCADIS)的应用程序包之一。

    Radar Accuracy analysis tool package ( RAtool ) is one of the applications of Radar Computer Aided Design Integrated System ( RCADIS ) .

  11. 要创建应用程序包,按照下列操作绑定应用程序。

    To create the packages , bind the application by following these steps .

  12. 一个光学设计应用程序包

    An applied program packet for optical design

  13. 电传打字应用程序包用户电报文件衔接程序

    Teletype utility package telex file adapter

  14. 该应用程序包是一个商业软件套件,包含一个隐写式实用程序的工具箱,以及其他掩藏踪迹的工具。

    This application package is a commercial software suite that includes a toolbox of steganographic utilities as well as other tools to cover your tracks .

  15. WAR组件成为一个Web应用程序捆绑包(WAR)。

    The WAR component becomes a Web application bundle ( WAB ) .

  16. 一个应用ROOT程序包开发的直方图监视程序

    A monitoring program of the histograms based on ROOT package

  17. 部分应用程序zip包视图

    Partial application zip package view

  18. OSGi应用程序特性包

    The OSGi application feature pack

  19. pkgadd应用程序接受包的名称作为输入,自动地确定依赖关系,并安装所需的全部包。

    The pkg_add application takes a package name as input , automatically determines dependencies , and installs all necessary packages .

  20. 它的设计目标是控制通过访问FM或SDK应用程序发布包的能力。

    It is design intent to control the ability to publish modelled packages by access to a FM install or an SDK application .

  21. SQLJ应用程序的包是在db2sqljcustomize执行时生成的。

    The package for SQLJ application is generated at the time db2sqljcustomize is executed .

  22. 他们的复杂性涉及到从快速应用程序开发包到完整的端到端解决方案的场景。

    They range in complexity from rapid development packages to complete end-to-end scenarios .

  23. 定期计划安排和应用修复程序包

    Schedule and apply fix packs on a regular basis

  24. 这将有助于您理解应用程序软件包的内容。

    This will help you to understand the content of the application package .

  25. 发布到内容存储库的应用程序模型包(即,目标模型包)

    The application model package published to the content store ( i.e.the target model package )

  26. 选择这个选项来配置已公布或指派的选项,并将修改应用到程序包。

    Select this option to configure the Published or Assigned options , and to apply modifications to a package .

  27. 实践证明应用本文程序包设计校正透镜极为实用而有效。

    It is proved in practice that this method is practical and effective on thc design of correction lens .

  28. 消息是应用程序数据包,通常包括数据有效负载和消息的可配置的报头属性。

    Messages are packets of application data that typically consist of a data payload and configurable header properties associated with the message .

  29. 修改或转换允许您自定义程序包,并按以下列表中的顺序被应用到程序包

    Modifications or transforms allow you to customize the package and are applied to the package in the order shown in the following list

  30. 有一点很重要,就是不能改变数据源所用的名称,因为它涉及到该应用程序模型包。

    It is important that the name used for the data source is not changed as this is referred to in the application model package .