
  • 网络response capability;emergency capability;emergency response capability
  1. 基于AHP法的城市灾害应急能力评价

    An Evaluation on Urban Emergency Response Capability against Disaster Based on AHP-Method

  2. 城市灾害应急能力评价研究

    The Application of AHP to Emergency Response Capability Assessment in Urban Disaster

  3. 基于G1法城市燃气事故应急能力评价研究

    Research on evaluation of city gas emergency capability based on G1 method

  4. 基于G1法的应急能力评估指标权重的确定

    Weight Determination of Indexes in Evaluation of Emergency Response Ability Based on G1

  5. 目的探讨2003年SARS疫情处理过程的问题,研究加强疾病控制体系应急能力的对策。

    Objective To analyze problems in SARS management in 2003 and provide countermeasures of improving capacity of epidemic management .

  6. 针对综合的应急能力,运用结构转换工具&质量功能展开(QFD)对其进行量化。

    Integrated emergency capability is quantified based on QFD ( Quality Function Deployment ) .

  7. 从新时期军事斗争准备需求出发,为加强部队医院护理质量管理建设,提高战时应急能力和救护水平,率先在护理质量管理体系中全面启动ISO标准。

    In order to enhance nursing qualities and improve the emergency and rescue abilities during the war time , Xijing Hospital initially generated the ISO9000 standards into nursing management .

  8. 浅谈如何提高我国船载HNS污染事故防备与应急能力

    How to Improving the Preparedness and Response Capacity to HNS Pollution Incident in China

  9. 文章从系统理论的角度出发,运用层次分析法(AHP)和专家调查法合理地确定了各个评价指标的权重,建立起城市灾害应急能力评价模型。

    From the view of system sciences , this paper use AHP to give weight for different assessment indicators , and established the assessment model of disaster emergency response capabilities in urban .

  10. 2003年SARS的流行暴露出我国公共卫生专业技术人才不足,对预防医学生突发事件应急能力培养不够。

    The epidemic of SARS in 2003 exposed that there were short of experts to make effective emergence response in public health system in China , and preventive medical students ' capability of emergence public health response could not be developed in all round way .

  11. 加强医院门诊部应急能力建设的探讨与对策研究

    Exploration and Strategy of Strengthening Emergency Response Capacity-building for Out-patient Department

  12. 同时,护理人员的应急能力得到了快速提高。

    Meanwhile , nurses ' ability to handle emergency were improved .

  13. 化工园区事故应急能力综合评价研究

    Research on Comprehensive Evaluation of Accidents Emergency Capability of Chemical Industrial Park

  14. 安徽省医疗机构突发公共卫生事件应急能力调查报告

    Assessment on Capacity-Building of Public Health Emergencies for medical institution in Anhui

  15. 城市灾害应急能力评价指标体系建构

    Establish the evaluation system of urban disaster emergency response capability

  16. 如何解决存在的不足?应急能力评估是关键。

    Assessment of emergency response capability is the key .

  17. 基于改进层次分析法的化工园区应急能力评估研究

    Research on emergency capability assessment of chemical industrial park based on improved AHP

  18. 论新时期军队医院加强应急能力建设

    Important task of Military Hospital in New Period-Enhancing Ability Training to Meet Emergency

  19. 二要提高测绘系统应急能力建设。

    Second , we must improve the mapping system emergency response capacity building .

  20. 目的:探讨疾控机构卫生应急能力建设存在的问题与措施。

    Objective To investigate the problem and measure of CDC sanitation stringency construction .

  21. 城镇社区地震应急能力评价指标体系的构建

    Construction of Evaluation Index System for Earthquake Emergency Response Ability of Urban Communities

  22. 基于模糊综合评价法的城市应急能力评估

    Urban Emergency Capability Assessment Based on Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluation

  23. 城市灾害应急能力评价的基本框架

    Urban Calamity Basic Frame for the Emergency Ability Comments

  24. 城市燃气系统应急能力评价指标体系的构建

    Establishment of Assessment Index System for Emergency Response Capacity of City Gas System

  25. 努力增强城市灾害应急能力

    Enhancing the Ability for Urban Disaster Emergency Response

  26. 徐州市医务人员公共卫生事件应急能力的现状调查

    Investigation on Emergency Ability of Medical Staff for Public Health Event in Xuzhou City

  27. 提高神经外科低年资护士应急能力的有效途径

    The method to increase the emergency handling ability of junior nurses in neurosurgical department

  28. 提高政府防震减灾应急能力

    Raising the Capability for Emergency Response of Governments

  29. 建立和完善国家粮食储备体系,提高应急能力;

    To establish and improve our national grain storage system to deal with emergency ;

  30. 改进德尔菲法用于确定应急能力评估中硬件条件的权重计算

    Calculation weight of hardware condition for emergency response capability assessment by modified Delphi method