
yìnɡ jí zhǔn bèi
  • Emergency preparedness;contingency reserve
  1. 对公司来说,应急准备也非常重要,加拿大休闲时尚集团LululemonAthletica遇到的问题体现了这一点——事实证明,该公司生产的瑜伽裤的透明度超出了穿衣者的初衷。

    Back-up is important for companies too , as became clear in the case of Lululemon Athletica , the Canadian leisure fashion group whose yoga pants proved to be more see-through than their wearers had bargained for .

  2. CEAC和CGEC越来越多地涉及到环境保护中,包括地方、国家及全球尺度的污染预防和环境应急准备。

    CEAC and CGEC have been increasingly involved in a full spectrum of environmental conservation and protection , including pollution prevention and environmental preparedness , respectively , at the local and national levels and at the global level .

  3. 突发事件应急准备体系研究进展及关键科学问题

    The research progresses and key scientific problems on emergency preparedness system

  4. 抗震救灾医学救援的应急准备与组织实施

    Emergency Preparations and Actualization of Medical Rescue in Earthquake Relief Operations

  5. 在我国事故应急准备和响应中值得研究的一些问题

    Some issues on nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness and response in China

  6. 我国外贸应急准备机制问题研究

    A Study on the Foreign Trade Emergency Preparedness Mechanism in Our Country

  7. 雷扎:我们必须做好各项应急准备。

    Reza : We have to prepare for every contingency .

  8. 针对核与辐射恐怖袭击的应急准备和响应

    Emergency Preparedness and Response against Nuclear and Radiation Terrorism

  9. 我们必须始终做应急准备。

    We must always be prepared for every contingency .

  10. 对一切突发事件要做好应急准备。

    We should be prepared for all eventualities .

  11. 如何建立和实施食品安全应急准备响应机制

    How to Establish and implement the Mechanism of Food Safety Emergency Preparation and Response

  12. 港口化学品事故应急准备要点分析

    Brief analysis of the key points relevant to chemical incident emergency preparedness in port

  13. 包括应急准备与响应要求方面的作用与职责;

    Including emergency preparedness and response requirements .

  14. 作为一名应急准备专业人员,我经常提到策略的重要性。

    As an emergency preparedness professional , I frequently talk about the importance of tactics .

  15. 中毒事故现场救护及应急准备

    Preparation for emergency rescue of poisoning accident

  16. 高级应急准备和反应干事

    Senior Emergency Preparedness and Response Officers

  17. 应急准备圈已经从这一悲剧性事件中汲取了经验教训。

    The emergency preparedness community has already been cultivating the lessons learned from that tragic event .

  18. 加拿大应急准备中心

    Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness

  19. 本文将重点讨论核或辐射恐怖袭击的可能形式、情景和可能的后果,以及必要的应急准备。

    This paper introduces the potential forms , scenarios , consequences of terrorism events , and necessary preparedness .

  20. 对处于紧急情况下的阿富汗难民,它进行了有效的应急准备。

    For the Afghanistan refugees under the emergent situation , it has carried out the effective emergency preparation .

  21. 而进行地震应急准备能力的综合评价正是衡量这些准备工作是否充分有效的重要手段。

    Evaluating earthquake emergency readiness capability is just a significant measure for weighing validity of such preparing work .

  22. 该文介绍了作为一种特殊文化形态&应急准备文化的产生与背景。

    This paper introduced the generation and background of emergency preparedness culture which is a special cultural shape .

  23. 关键工序、特殊过程、应急准备等内容,均应作为交底重点。

    Content such as key processes , special processes and emergency preparations shall be key points to be disclosed .

  24. 我们的活动包括应急准备、提供基本服务、防止疫情和康复。

    Our activities include emergency preparedness , the provision of essential services , the prevention of outbreaks , and rehabilitation .

  25. 专家们表示,投资建立更有效的监测和应急准备系统具有很高的回报,而且可以被视为一种低成本保险。

    Investing in stronger surveillance and preparedness has a high pay-off and can be thought of as low-cost insurance , experts say .

  26. 可将爱婴医院倡议和世卫组织/联合国儿童基金会《母乳喂养咨询:培训课程》纳入应急准备计划。

    The Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative and the WHO / UNICEF Breastfeeding Counselling : A training course may be included in emergency preparedness plans .

  27. 各国还表明了它们对许多国家应急准备薄弱,可能无力应付大规模灾害的关注。

    Countries expressed their concern that emergency preparedness in many countries is weak , and may not be able to cope with large-scale disasters .

  28. 弄清这些问题和概念,对推动和恰当地进行应急准备可能是重要的。

    It may be important to understand accurately the questions and concepts for appropriate emergency planning according to the nuclear safety codes of China .

  29. 特别是在事故或紧急情况发生后,组织应制定评审应急准备和响应的计划和程序。

    The organization shall review its emergency preparedness and response plans and procedures , in particular after the occurrence of incidents or emergency situations .

  30. 强制措施:目的是防止可报告疾病和其它有害疾病的引入。该措施以进口控制、疾病监测和应急准备为基础。

    Mandate : to prevent the entry and establishment of reportable diseasesand other unwanted diseases , based on import controls , disease surveillance and emergency preparedness .