
  • 网络surface polarization
  1. 表面极化的二粒子集团理论

    Two Particle Cluster Theory for Surface Polarization of Nematic Liquid Crystals

  2. 基于此,在忽略自由电荷影响的情况下,分析了在外加电场作用下纳米颗粒表面极化电荷引起的电势畸变分布规律。

    Accordingly , after neglecting the surface charge effect , the potential distortion as well as its distribution caused by the surface polarization charge of the nanoparticles under an external electric field was analysed .

  3. 通过量子力学的第一性原理计算,可以发现CaO(100)完美晶面较体相发生了明显表面极化,从而具有更高的反应活性并能够自发地吸附H2O分子并与之化学成键。

    Calculating through first principle of quantum mechanical , we found the perfect surface of CaO ( 100 ) polarized observably compared to bulk phase , and then this surface got higher reactivity which made it adsorb H2O molecule spontaneously and form chemical bonds .

  4. 该结构最大的特点就是能引起表面极化方向相反,预期亦会存在于AlN纳米线的侧面。最后研究了含氧AlN非极性面的结构与性质。

    The most important feature of this defect is that it can reverse the polarization orientation at surface . It is also predicted to exist at the lateral surface of AlN nanowires . Finally , the oxygen related AlN nonpolar surfaces are investigated .

  5. 用等效表面极化电荷层消除格林函数的不连续性

    Remove of the Discontinuity of Green 's Function by Using the Equivalent Surface Polarized Charge Layer

  6. 反铁磁质表面极化激元的非对易性

    Nonreciprocity of Surface Polaritons of Antiferromagnets

  7. 设计并加工了一种降低机载雷达天线散射载面的频率选择表面极化扭转板结构。

    Finally , an assembling structure of frequency-polarization selective surface is designed and manufactured to reduce radar cross section of airborne radar antenna .

  8. 文章着重针对解决材料结构为各向异性时的电磁特性计算问题。研究了单轴各向异性左手化材料中平行于轴的介电分量和磁导率分量对表面极化激元的影响。

    The calculating problem of the electromagnetic properties of composites with anisotropic structure was studied emphatically . Moreover , the effect of the ( uniaxially ) anisotropic structure on the surface polaritons is also investigated .

  9. 谷物表面极化电荷密度极值点出现在以电轴轴心为圆心的与谷物表面相切的圆的切点处。

    The extremum points of the polarization charge density of grain surface appear in the points of tangency that are the circle that the center of circle is at the center of electric axis and grain surface .

  10. 借助于等效表面极化电荷层的概念,讨论了使用于电磁场理论的静电问题中格林函数的本征函数展开式的不连续性。

    In this article the discontinuity of the eigenfunction expansion of the Green 's function in the electromagnetic field theory of static electricity is discussed with the help of the concept & an equivalent surface polarized charge layer .

  11. 引入等效表面极化电荷层代替通常的带电体的表面电荷层,消除了电磁场理论的静电问题中的格林函数的本征函数展开式的不连续性并且简化了格林函数的建造方法。

    By using this concept instead of the general surface charge layer of charged object , the discontinuity of the eigenfunction expansion of the Green 's function is removed and the method to construct the Green 's function is simplified .

  12. 本文研究了在水溶液中无机氧化物表面的极化现象与pH值的关系以及静电引力平衡所致的离子吸附作用。

    This paper describes the polarization on the surface of inorganic oxide in water solution , the relation to the value of pH and the absorption of ions by the balance of electric gravitation .

  13. 砷化镓表面自旋极化光电子发射

    The spin polarized effect of photoelectrons emitted from GaAs surface

  14. 表面激子极化激元在激子共振频率附近的异常色散现象

    An Abnormal Dispersion Phenomena of Surface Polaritons near the Exciton Resonance Frequency

  15. 钛表面阳极化试验研究

    Test and Study of Anodization on Ti Surface

  16. 表面激子极化激元的定域化

    Localization of surface - exciton polaritons

  17. 表面等离子体极化波是沿着金属和介质交界面传输的导行电磁波,它的光场具有局域性,人们可以利用表面等离子体的特性研究新型的纳米光学器件。

    The surface plasma polarization wave is a transmission electromagnetic wave between the interface of metal and medium .

  18. 对合金表面进行极化处理以及延长合金在模拟体液中的浸泡时间可以提高合金的抗腐蚀性。

    The corrosion resistance of the alloys are reinforced because of polarization and the prolonged immersion time in fluids .

  19. 提要:提出了氮化物表面强极化电荷产生薄吸附层形成的二维表面态新模型。

    A new model of two dimensional surface states produced by a strong polarized charge on a nitride heterostructure surface is presented .

  20. 在存在着随机粗糙和空间色散时,利用了一个数字模型研究表面激子极化激元的定域化。

    A numerical model for investigating the localization of surface exciton polaritons in the presence of random roughness and spatial dispersion was established .

  21. 计算和实验表明:频率选择表面的极化扭转板在雷达天线工作通带内保持与原极化扭转板的性能不变,而在工作通带外具有降低雷达散射载面的效果。

    The numerical computation and experiment show that the characteristics inside the baseband of antenna have no change between FSS structure and primal polarization structure .

  22. 发现在局部腐蚀的引发和扩展阶段,外表面阴极极化时,闭塞区内外间电位差和电偶电流均与外部电位呈线性关系,闭塞区内电位正于外表面电位,闭塞区得到阴极保护。

    In case of cathode polarization , both the potential difference and the galvanic current between the occluded cell and the external surface were lined with the bulk potential .

  23. 移植物HE染色可见大量矿化基质沿微孔滤膜沉积,矿化物厚度较一致,在基质表面有极化的成牙本质细胞样细胞分布。

    HE staining showed a large number of graft mineralized matrix deposition along the porous membrane , the thickness of mineralization than the same polarization in the substrate surface odontoblast-like cell distribution .

  24. 并认为表面等离子体极化激元中的快模还是慢模在发光中占有优势、取决于制作工艺和结的物理结构所决定的结的粗糙度,快模和慢模在发光中具有同等的地位;

    We can obtain that the predominant intensity of light emission either from fast mode or from slow mode of surface plasmon polariton is determined by the junction roughness which depends on the technological process and their structures .

  25. 通过分析其场和波导色散关系得出,表面等离子体极化波必须通过一定的方式才能够被光波激发,并进一步研究了表面等离子体极化波的激发方式。

    Through the field distribution and the waveguide dispersion relations , we know that light waves can not directly inspire surface plasma polarization wave , so further research that the way of the excitation of the surface plasma polarization .

  26. 另一方面,晶粒边界的空间电荷会阻止晶粒表面的极化电荷,产生空间电荷极化,因此晶粒边界形成了耗尽层,极化强度降低了。

    On the other hand , the space charge of grain boundary will hinder the polarization charge on the surface of the grain , and the space charge polarization emerged , and depletion layer will form and reduce the polarization .

  27. 超声波提高电凝聚法去除水中有机物的效率,其机理主要是超声破坏了电极表面的极化,强化了电凝聚中的传质过程,有助于防止极板结垢。

    The Ultrasonic could remarkably enhance the removal effect of the organics in the treatment , which could be explained that ultrasonic might destruct the electrode surface polarization , promot the transfer process , and prevent the anode deposition in electrocoagulation with ultrasonic .

  28. 结合阴极设计的思路,讨论了电极表面去极化对电极过程的影响以及改变流场、改变电极表面电流分布对提高电解加工精度的作用。

    Aiming at the cathode design , influence of the depolarization of electrode surfaces on the electrode process and improvement in the precision of ECM through changes in the fluid field and in the distribution of electrical current on the electrode surfaces were discussed .

  29. 运用该非局域场方程,我们将针对金属金讨论纳米薄膜表面等离子极化激元等问题,其重点是表面等离子极化激元的色散关系以及金属薄片表面感应电荷和电流密度的分布。

    According to gold , we study emphatically the dispersion relation of the surface plasmon polarization for ultra-thin metal films by means of these equations . We also calculate the induced charge density and current density on the surface of the ultra-thin metal films structure .

  30. 结的发光过程应该是隧穿电子激发表面等离极化激元SPP,然后SPP与粗糙度耦合形成光发射。

    And the coupling of SPP with the surface roughness is responsible for light emission of the MIM and MIS tunnel junctions .