
  • 网络Exhibition;exhibition game;exhibition match;demo
表演赛 [biǎo yǎn sài]
  • [exhibition match] 一种为了庆祝、纪念、示范、宣传等目的而举行的比赛

  1. DV创作大赛为第十八届中国儿童青少年威盛中国芯计算机表演赛选择性参加项目,选手须在报名时选报才可参与;

    DV Creation Contest is optional for the18th China Children Adolescent VIA China Core Computer Exhibition Game , which must be signed up by the players who want to join ;

  2. 这一定是一个非常精彩的表演赛参加。

    This must have been a wonderful exhibition to attend .

  3. 这场比赛成了巴西队的表演赛。

    It was a great showing by the Brazilian team .

  4. NBA在球季开始前在几个国家演出表演赛。

    The NBA plays exhibition games in several countries before the season starts .

  5. 我还打电话给我们的另一家合资伙伴nba,讨论将于10月举行的表演赛。

    I also call our other joint-venture partner , the NBA , to discuss the exhibition game coming in October .

  6. 在一系列的表演赛之后,NBA于11月的第一周开始它82场比赛的常规赛季。

    After a series of exhibition games , the NBA begins its 82-game regular season in the first week of November .

  7. 前NBA明星丹尼斯·罗德曼目前正在朝鲜会见朝鲜领导人,并将确定下月的表演赛计划。

    Former NBA star Dennis Rodman is now in North Korea to meet with leaders and finalize a plan for an exhibition basketball game next month .

  8. 本月,来自中国的郎葛亮和美国的GeorgeBraithwaite在尼克松图书馆举行了一场表演赛。

    Liang Geliang from China and George Braithwaite of the U. S. played an exhibition match at the Nixon Library this month .

  9. 为了这个目标,美国职棒大联盟上月在北京举办了表演赛,比赛双方是圣地亚哥教士队(SanDiegoPadres)和洛杉矶道奇队(LosAngelesDodgers)。这是美国职棒大联盟首度在中国举办职业赛事。

    To that end , MLB last month hosted exhibitions in Beijing between the San Diego Padres and the Los Angeles Dodgers , the first time it has held professional games in China .

  10. 今天下午电视台会转播这场表演赛。

    The TV station will rebroadcast the exhibition match this afternoon .

  11. 乒乓球表演赛将于下周举行。

    An exhibition match of Ping Pong will take place next week .

  12. 从那时起,沃特哈根只参加表演赛。

    From that time on , Walter Hagen played only exhibition matches .

  13. 首先是在表演赛中,每周就只有一位决赛选手打道回府;

    During the performance rounds , only ONE finalist will go home weekly .

  14. 表演赛是非正式比赛,似乎没人知道比赛结果。

    The match was informal and no one seemed to know the result .

  15. 我曾打过21天的表演赛。

    I was in the show for21 days once .

  16. 十瓶式保龄球赛在1988年汉城奥运会上只是一项表演赛。

    Ten pin bowling was only an exhibition sport in 1988 Seoul Olympics .

  17. 我们这儿终于出了人去打表演赛。

    We got a boy going to the show .

  18. 在这之后,举行了一场表演赛。

    This was followed by an exhibition match .

  19. 在1972年和1988年奥运会上,羽毛球是表演赛。

    It was an exhibition in1972 and1988 .

  20. 你打过表演赛?

    You 've been in the show ?

  21. 尽管只是一场表演赛,但双方肯定都会全力以赴的。

    And even though it 's exhibition both teams are actually trying to get better .

  22. 也许25年后会谈谈吧,就像老一辈的球员打表演赛的时候。

    Maybe you do that in25 years'time , you know , play some exhibitions as old guys .

  23. 有消息称本届表演赛,是有史以来视觉效果最为震撼的一次。

    Some news said the show , is the history of visual effect is the most impressive one .

  24. 大约一年以后,我参加了在乔治亚州首府亚特兰大举办的一次棒球表演赛。

    About a year later , I went to Atlanta , Georgia , to play in an exhibition game .

  25. 表演赛:国际奥林匹克委员会应取消青少年参与奥林匹克竞技的年龄限制。

    Demo : The International Olympic Committee should remove any age requirements for children to compete in the Olympics .

  26. 拳击比赛不仅仅在大城市里举行,还有国际赛事和巡回表演赛。

    Wrestling competition were held not only in the big cities , but also at country fairs and traveling shows .

  27. 共有三场表演赛,本周二即今天在韩国,周四吉隆坡,周六澳门。

    Following Seoul , Federer and Sampras move to Kuala Lumpur on Thursday before ending up in Macau on Saturday .

  28. 2012年的一场法网表演赛上,专业运动员们获得机会试用新的电子球拍。

    The pros had the chance to try the new racquet at a demonstration match at Roland Garros in 2012 .

  29. 但是,目前正在进行赞助合同的评估,夏天也可能打海外表演赛。

    However , reviews of sponsorship deals are being looked at as is the prospect of a foreign tour this summer .

  30. 这可能只是一场表演赛,但是全明星在面对前队友时都不会太轻松。

    It may just be an exhibition game but the all-star won 't be taking it easy on his former teammates .