
biǎo jiě
  • elder female cousin;a daughter of father's sister or of mother's brother or sister,who is older than oneself
表姐 [biǎo jiě]
  • [a daughter of father's sister or of mother's brother or sister,who is older than oneself;cousin]姑母、舅父或姨母的女儿中比自己年长者

表姐[biǎo jiě]
  1. 原来她姑妈就是我表姐。

    It turns out that her aunt and my cousin are one and the same .

  2. 她长得有点儿像他表姐莫琳。

    She looks a bit like his cousin Maureen

  3. 她带他们去拜访她那些不苟言笑的表兄表姐们。

    She took them to visit her sedate , elderly cousins

  4. 你表姐Sarah有了孩子。

    Your cousin Sara had her baby .

  5. 连住在堪萨斯州的Jessie姨妈的表姐Dorrie都听说了

    And Aunt Jessie 's cousin Dorrie in Abilene ,

  6. 前段时间,梅里达的表姐,前FARC成员蕾拉自杀身亡。

    Recently , Melida 's cousin Leila , the former FARC member , committed suicide .

  7. 大表姐在2018年的典礼上并未露面,她在社交网络Instagram上解释了自己不会狼狈出席任何聚会。

    Taking to Instagram , JLaw , who hadn 't turned up to the 2018 ceremony , revealed why she wouldn 't be seen stumbling out of any after parties either .

  8. 包括你们的教授Tupper,巴蒂,还有那么多的表姐表妹。

    That includes your Professor Tupper , buddy , and all his goddamn cousins by the dozens .

  9. 他是我母亲的表姐的女儿的孩子。

    He 's my mother 's cousin 's daughter 's child .

  10. 两位表姐走后,范妮的身价提高了。

    Fanny 's consequence increased on the departure of her cousins .

  11. 而她表姐从另一扇门兴高采烈地进来了。

    As she brought song and sunshine in at the other .

  12. 我在加拿大碰见我表姐时,她显得很健康。

    My cousin looked healthy when I met her in canada .

  13. 我有一个表姐,她在医院工作。

    I have a cousin , who works in a hospital .

  14. 我表姐史黛西比我大15岁,是位机械工程师。

    And my cousin Stacy was about 15-years older than me .

  15. 事实上,她不是谁的表姐,但是这个外号就被人们记住了。

    Well , she didn 't , but the nickname stuck .

  16. 据说他的表姐被蛇咬伤了。

    His cousin was said to be struck by a snake .

  17. 我可能会和表姐去故宫玩。

    I might go with my cousin to the Forbidden City .

  18. 玻璃灯对称她为表姐的软陶灯不屑一顾。

    While the glass lamp rebukes the earthen for calling it cousin .

  19. 我表姐和我加入了同一支童子军大队。

    My cousin and I joined the same guide company .

  20. 表姐正在吃东西,所以我们只能等一下。

    My cousin is eating thing , so we can only wait .

  21. 我们要在表姐家呆五天。

    We are in our cousin 's house five days .

  22. 她有一位表姐,这位表姐是个身体健壮的女士。

    She has a cousin who is a healthy lady .

  23. 我表姐在市场上卖自己菜园里的蔬菜。

    My cousin sells her garden produce in the market .

  24. 我叫斯蒂芬妮,这位是我的表姐赛琳娜

    My name is Stephanie , and this is my cousin Serena ,

  25. 衙来想想,表姐太可笑了!

    Later I thought my cousin was just too silly .

  26. 附近没有什么地方你可以领你表姐去看看吗?

    Have you nothing to show your cousin anywhere about ?

  27. 我的意思是,我和我的表姐是同一个祖母。

    I mean , my cousin and I both share a grandparent .

  28. 不,我说的是你表姐玛拉莉亚。

    No , I 'm talking about your cousin Malaria .

  29. 我不是说她会出落得像两位表姐一样漂亮。

    I don 't say she would be so handsome as her cousins .

  30. 我的表姐是孤儿,她的父母在她小时候就去世了。

    My cousinis an orphan ; her parents died when she was young .