
  • 网络Performing Experience
  1. 我们到后来才知道,这位天赋奇高的女孩子,早有十多年表演经验。

    We learned later that this prodigy , talented girl already had more 10 years of performing experience .

  2. 其实我是有过一点表演经验啦。

    In fact I have done a little acting .

  3. 而缺乏任何表演经验或技能。

    And had no acting experience or ability .

  4. 张梦晗表示,尽管自己缺少表演经验,但是剧组的成员都经常鼓励她,并且帮助她适应剧集的拍摄。

    Zhang said the crew members encouraged and helped her adapt to the filming despite her lack of acting experience .

  5. 我的表演经验非常有用,在开始为别人上课之前,我自己也接受了一些指导。

    My acting experience was very useful , and I had some coaching myself before I started courses for other people .

  6. 除了需要师傅言传身教,更加需要勤学苦练,积累大量的实际表演经验,因而要组成一个皮影戏剧团是十分不容易的。

    In addiction to the masters'teaching , performers have to work hard to accumulate experiences . That 's why to form a shadow play troupe is so difficult .

  7. 多年的舞台表演经验,使她在演唱不同国家、不同题材的歌剧、艺术歌曲时,都能演绎得精湛完美,深深打动人心。

    Many years of experience in stage performances , making her in concert in different countries , different themes of the opera , art songs , can be interpreted exquisite perfection .

  8. 编导组其他三位教师,也都有中西舞蹈的跨文化背景,特别是深厚的民族舞蹈功底和丰富的舞台表演经验。

    Other three choreographers in the group are also with intercultural background of dancing both at home and abroad , especially with profound foundation of national dancing and rich experience of stage performance .

  9. 早在此次媒体见面会之前,就有新闻预测了电影拍摄期间可能会遇到的麻烦:比如恶劣天气影响拍摄进度。超额的预算以及李安对表演经验不足的王力宏可能会产生不满情绪。

    Before this media event , news also surfaced about the troubles the film was supposedly facing : delays caused by bad weather , a busted budget , Lee 's unhappiness over inexperienced actor Wang .

  10. 无论是音乐的创作、理论的研究,还是表演的经验,都有着坚实的积淀。

    Music creation , rational research and performing experience all have a thick accumulation .

  11. 他们大多数只有引人瞩目的漂亮的容貌,而缺乏任何表演的经验或技能。

    Most of them had only their good looks to make themselves attractive and had no acting experience or ability .

  12. 可以说是她灌输了我一些观念,她跟我说“你想想,你只有在人生中的这个时期才能做这种事,就把它当做是上台表演的经验。”

    And so she sort of like spoke some sense , I would say , into me and said , " You know , look , this is the only period of your life that you can do something like this , and just think of it as an experience on stage . "

  13. 巩丽是个天才的演员,她对表演非常有经验。

    Gong Li is talented and she is experienced in acting .

  14. 她在表演方面很有经验。

    She is experienced in acting .

  15. 最后一章是通过这几年在表演教学中的经验及对各个流派的研究后的一个总结,阐述了我自己对于性格化创造方法的一些认识与运用。

    The final chapter is through these years of experience in performing and teaching in various schools of study on a summary to explain the character of my own to create some understanding and application of methods .

  16. 笔者试图在演唱和教学上有所进步,在撰写论文的过程中深受启发,同时希望能与同行们分享、探讨表演歌剧作品的经验和体会。

    I tried to improve singing and teaching , and inspired by in the process of writing papers , at the same time I would like to share and discuss with craft brothers the experience of performing works of opera .

  17. 再次,分析了如何塑造好江姐的角色,探讨了对中国戏剧,西洋歌剧,多种民间音乐素材在歌剧中的融合运用。其中,总结了自己表演江姐片段的经验。

    Third , analyzed of how to create good Jing Jie role , analyzed the integration of the use of the Chinese drama , Western opera , a variety of folk music materials , between them , summed up own experience of acting in fragments of " Jiang Jie " .

  18. 目的:旨在帮助初级表演者提高表演水平、提高演奏技能、增加舞台表演经验。

    Purpose : To help novice and intermediate players improve their performance level , improve performance skills and add stage performance experience .