
  • 网络Wonder Girls;Wonder Girls SHAKE;Miracle Girls
  1. 米拉格罗斯·塞隆作为奇迹女孩站在那里。

    Milagros Cerron stands in her place as the miracle girl .

  2. 动车事故幸存的“奇迹女孩”小伊伊一条腿可能保不住。

    Miracle girl'in train crash may have to lose a leg .

  3. 一位在昏迷八个月后奇迹般醒来的女孩对一直在其身边悉心照料的男友提出指控,并声称是自己男友一手造成自己住院的。

    A woman who woke from an eight-month coma has accused her boyfriend , who was hailed a hero for staying by her bedside , of being the one who put her in the hospital .