
qí nuò
  • Chino;Cino Da Pistoia
奇诺[qí nuò]
  1. 39岁的杰瑞米·斯科特(JeremyScott)在去年加入了莫斯奇诺(Moschino),并推出了自己的品牌。

    and Jeremy Scott , 39 , took on Moschino as well as his own brand last year .

  2. 相比之下,奇诺A6M5零日本仍然有其荣引擎被抓获时,在塞班岛上的1944年6月。

    In contrast , the Chino A6M5 Zero still has its Japanese Sakae engine from when it was captured on Saipan in June of1944 .

  3. 没有多少Hellcats离开,但是这是完美无暇的榜样经营的纪念空军卡马里略,不太远西北奇诺。

    There aren 't too many Hellcats left , but this immaculate example is operated by the Commemorative Air Force in Camarillo , not too far northwest of Chino .

  4. 目前还没有人现身领奖,但头彩的出售地点已经人尽皆知:位于加利福尼亚州东郊奇诺山的一家7-11便利店,位于田纳西州曼福德市的一家奈非食品超市,以及位于弗罗里达州墨尔本比奇的Publix杂货店。

    No one has stepped forward yet to claim a share , but everyone now knows where the winning tickets were sold : A 7-Eleven in Chino Hills , Calif. ; Naifeh 's Food Mart in Munford , Tenn. ; and a Publix grocery in Melbourne Beach , Fla.

  5. 奇诺州监狱周末发生暴乱。

    It followed a weekend riot at a state prison in Chino .

  6. 去年被送到奇诺监狱之前。

    Before hey moved him to Chino last year .

  7. 奇诺:美国加利福尼亚州南部城市,位于洛杉矶以东.始建于1887年。

    Chino : a city of southern California east of Los angeles . It was founded in 1887 .

  8. 不过值得庆幸的是,瑞士的被动吸烟人数有所下降,这都要归功于日内瓦和缇奇诺等几个地区在公共场所实行的“禁烟令”。

    One silver lining though is a decline in passive smoking after various cantons such as Geneva and Ticino introduced bans on smoking in public places .

  9. 奇诺是个穷渔夫,他刚发现一颗价值连城,硕大无比的珍珠。他准备在最近的的小镇上卖个好价钱。

    Kino , a poor fisherman , has just found a very large and valuable pearl and is going to the nearest town to sell it .

  10. 奇诺山位于洛杉矶以东35公里处,人口约为7.7万。当电视摄像机前往此地进行拍摄时,当地许多民众聚在一起对着摄像机欢呼、扮鬼脸。

    Many locals stood around to cheer and mug for TV cameras that descended on the suburban community of 77000 residents located about 35 miles east of Los Angeles .

  11. 是在金黄色的迟暮时分,第一批男孩在城里发了疯似的跑着,散布消息,说奇诺和胡安娜回来了。是谁散布这消息的?

    It was late in the golden afternoon when the first little boys ran hysterically in the town and spread the word that Kino and Juana were coming back Who put the news about ?

  12. 他们甚至开车去加州奇诺山的球馆,看着球爹的眼睛,了解他是谁,看是不是新闻头条和电视采访所说的。

    They even drove to the Ball house in Chino Hills , California , to look LaVar in the eye and get a sense of who he was beyond the headlines and television interviews .