
  • 网络Strange She;Miss Granny
  1. 和2014年韩国热门影片《奇怪的她》(MissGranny)一样,陈正道的《重返20岁》属于那种通过神奇逆转人物年龄讲述人生教训的类型片。

    Like the 2014 Korean hit " Miss Granny , " Leste Chen 's " 20 Once Again " belongs to the genre of stories that set up life lessons by miraculously reversing a character 's aging process .

  2. 奇怪的是她还活着。

    It 's a wonder that she is still alive .

  3. 奇怪的是她没有在会议上露面。

    It is strange that she didn 't turn up at the meeting .

  4. 奇怪的是她对整个事件似乎毫不在意。

    She seemed strangely untroubled bv the whole affair .

  5. 非常奇怪的是她每次都梦到男孩。

    It is very strange that she dreamed of a boy in every dream .

  6. 我觉得有点奇怪的是她对她哥哥深深的爱慕。

    What I find a bit strange is her complete adoration of her brother .

  7. “嗨,我是艾莉森。”这名男孩再次奇怪的看着她。

    " Hi , I 'm Allison . " This illicited another strange look from the boy .

  8. 似乎很奇怪的是她好像不管什么情况都拒绝回来,这对你来说不奇怪吗?

    It seems strange that she refused to return in any capacity . Doesn 't it seem strange to you ?

  9. 安妮昂着头走回了家,但奇怪的是她感觉很难过,甚至想哭。

    Anne walked home with her head held high , but she felt strangely sad , and wanted to cry .

  10. 出于某种奇怪的原因,她拒绝到里面来。

    For some peculiar reason , she refused to come inside .

  11. 再次听到那个奇怪的声音,她紧张起来。

    She tensed , hearing the strange noise again .

  12. 这是一种奇怪的感觉——她觉得他们以前曾经很亲密。

    It was a strange sensation - she felt they used to be close with each other .

  13. 那种奇怪的声音使她惧怕不已。

    The strange noise stroke fear into her mind .

  14. 我刚刚听到背后有奇怪的声音,她大叫。

    I just heard something strange behind me , @ she shouted .

  15. 他以一种很奇怪的眼神看着她。

    He simply looked at her with a strange expression on his face .

  16. 他奇怪的举动使她十分困惑。

    She was completely baffled by his strange behaviour .

  17. 她通常很爱说话,但奇怪的是今天她不说话。

    She usually talks a lot , but today she was strangely quiet .

  18. 他奇怪的行为使她大为困惑。

    His strange behavior had greatly perplexed her .

  19. 奇怪的是,她竟然没有看到自己的缺点。

    It is strange that she should have failed to see here own short-comings .

  20. 一个奇怪的声音使她吓了一跳。

    She was startled by a strange voice .

  21. 究竟是什么奇怪的权利使她被当成了一件私有物?

    By what strange right was it that she was treated as a possession ?

  22. 奇怪的是,她似乎高兴极了。

    Oddly enough , she seemed extremely happy .

  23. 奇怪的是,她心头倒觉得自在了,思想也清晰了。

    In a strange way she feels free at heart , and clear in her mind .

  24. 但是,奇怪的很,她缺乏他所期待的拥有坚强的独立女性的诱人的外表。

    But , strangely , she lacked that glossy veneer that he would expect a hardened adventuress to possess .

  25. 她抬头看着他,她脸潮红了吗?奇怪的表情在她嘴边闪过后,瞬间消失。

    She looks up at him Is she blushing ? and an odd grimace crosses her mouth and vanishes .

  26. 她也无法了解那儿应当有什么。一种奇怪的感觉在她脑中油然而生。

    She could not see what was supposed to be there . A strange feeling developed in her mind .

  27. 我的亲近似乎丝毫没有影响到她,而奇怪的是,她冰冷坚硬的肌肤对我来说很舒适。

    My closeness didn 't seem to bother her at all , and her cool , hard skin was oddly comforting to me .

  28. 从那时起,皮普钦太太感觉到有同样一种奇怪的吸引力把她吸引到保罗身上,就像保罗感觉到有一种奇怪的吸引力把他吸引到她身上一样。

    From that time , Mrs Pipchin appeared to have something of the same odd kind of attraction towards Paul , as Paul had towards her .

  29. 玛丽不喜欢她,这也没什么好奇怪的,因为她谁也不喜欢。梅洛太太也不怎么喜欢玛丽。

    Mary did not like her , but that was not surprising , because she did not usually like people.Mrs Medlock did not like Mary either .

  30. 在童年以后,即便身处复杂奇怪的环境,她总保持完整和自己的真实,这要归功于她冷静的头脑和内心的力量。

    It is a tribute to her level-headedness and strength that despite the most bizarre-like life imaginable after her childhood , she remained intact , true to herself .