
qí huàn
  • Fantasy;strange;bizarre;queer;fanciful and illusory
奇幻 [qí huàn]
  • (1) [fanciful and illusory]

  • (2) 奇异而虚幻

  • 奇幻的遐想

  • (3) 奇异变幻

  • 景色奇幻

奇幻[qí huàn]
  1. 为营造出这个奇幻爱情故事中的气氛,本片有许多场景是在美丽的台北县平溪支线的沿途乡间取景。

    To create the right atmosphere for this strange love story , many scenes were shot along the railroad tracks in the beautiful countryside of Ping Shi , in Taipei County .

  2. 这是儿童文学阵营中最怪诞、奇幻的故事之一。

    This tale is one of the most surreal and bizarre to enter the children 's literature canon .

  3. 我感觉就像置身于奇幻世界之中。

    I felt I was in an Alice-in-Wonderland world .

  4. 迪斯科舞厅里灯光奇幻。

    The lighting at the disco was fantastic .

  5. 这部影片与其说是恐怖片,不如说是带有讽刺意味的奇幻片。

    The film is more of an ironic fantasy than a horror story .

  6. 在父亲的衙门里,他的生活还带了一点奇幻的色彩。

    There had been something dreamlike about the life in his father 's yamen .

  7. 到目前为止,他的“奇幻世界”有很多成员,比如怪物和机器人。

    So far , his " fantasy world " has many members , such as monsters and robots .

  8. 裴):公会和王国更适合中世纪奇幻类型。

    Guilds and kingdoms fit more with the Middle Age fantasy genre . (

  9. 如今,迪士尼公主越来越多样化,也越来越积极主动,正如《寻龙传说》这部电影中所呈现的那样。这部奇幻冒险动画片里出现的武术场景比《花木兰》要多得多。

    But they 're a more diverse and proactive bunch these days , as demonstrated by Raya and the Last Dragon , a cartoon fantasy adventure with a lot more martial2 arts than there were in Mulan .

  10. 大卫·洛维(执导过《老人与枪》、《鬼魅浮生》和《彼得的龙》)编剧和执导的《绿衣骑士》比典型的好莱坞奇幻电影更离奇更怪异,但却更人性化。

    Written and directed by David Lowery ( The Old Man & The Gun , A Ghost Story , Pete 's Dragon ) , The Green Knight promises to be eerier9 , weirder10 but more personal than the average Hollywood fantasy .

  11. 3月6日,该片超过2019年奇幻动漫电影《哪吒之魔童降世》,成为中国影史票房第二高的电影。目前,位列影史票房冠军的是2017年的动作冒险影片《战狼2》,票房成绩为56.93亿元。

    The film overtook the 2019 animated 2 is currently topping the all-time box office chart covering all films ever screened in China with a total revenue of 5.693 billion yuan , according to data compiled by the China Movie Data Information Network .

  12. 这部时长60分钟的剧改编自马丁的系列奇幻中篇小说,讲述了在“冰与火之歌”事件发生前90年,“高个”邓肯爵士和年轻的伊耿·坦格利安五世的冒险经历。

    The one-hour show would be based on the series of fantasy novellas by George R. R. Martin , which follow the adventures of Ser Duncan the Tall ( Dunk ) and a young Aegon V Targaryen ( Egg ) 90 years prior to the events of “ A Song of Ice and Fire . ”

  13. 此类奇幻最好的例子莫过于C。

    Good examples of Crossover Fantasy are C.

  14. 《少年派的奇幻漂流》(TheLifeofPi)的导演李安获得最佳导演奖。

    Ang Lee woin the best director prize for The Life of Pi .

  15. 英国作家C·S·路易斯创作的奇幻故事,《纳尼亚传奇》系列的第一部,也是该系列最著名的一部小说。

    A fantasy novel for children by C.S.Lewis , the first-published book of The Chronicles of Narnia , and the best known book of the series .

  16. 这些奇幻景象,是增强现实技术领域的初创企业MagicLeap的一些设想。

    These fanciful visions are being dreamed up by Magic Leap , a start-up making augmented-reality technology .

  17. 她的青年奇幻小说《最遥远的海岸》(TheFarthestShore)曾于1973年获得国家图书奖。

    Her young-adult fantasy novel The Farthest Shore won the National Book Award in 1973 .

  18. 美高梅(MGM)出品的奇幻喜剧《热浴盆时光机》(HotTubTimeMachine)周末票房1370万美元,排在第三位,该片由约翰?库萨克(JohnCusack)主演。

    ' Hot Tub Time Machine ' ( MGM ), a fantasy-comedy starring John Cusack , finished third with $ 13.7 million .

  19. 奇幻与科幻作家厄苏拉·K·勒·奎恩(UrsulaK.LeGuin)获得了美国文学卓越贡献勋章(MedalforDistinguishedContributiontoAmericanLetters)。

    The fantasy and science fiction writer Ursula K. Le Guin was awarded the Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters .

  20. 为了制作出《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》中的场景和表演,这些技术精湛的特效师们和辛勤工作的协调人、制作人花了成百上千个小时。

    It took hundreds of hours from skilled artists and hard-working coordinators and producers to craft the environments and performances in Life of Pi .

  21. 2012年,第一所奇幻王国“BeOurGuest”内的餐馆开始售卖啤酒和红酒,六年后,我们又迎来了相似的公告。

    This announcement comes six years after the first Magic Kingdom eatery to serve beer and wine , Be Our Guest , opened in 2012 .

  22. 在上周三(当地时间12月7日),福克斯在巴黎初次揭开了这部有望角逐奥斯卡的电影的神秘面纱,而首映的地点则是精心设计,让观众可以身临其中跟少年Pi一起体验奇幻漂流。

    Last Wednesday , the studio debuted the Oscar hopeful in Paris in a location best designed to bring the audience along for Pi 's journey .

  23. 这部改编自乔治·R·R·马丁《冰与火之歌》系列奇幻小说的地理政治剧可算一部史诗巨作,相比之下,《指环王》都感觉像是Cliff'sNote学习指南了。

    The geopolitical drama that unfolds in George R.R. Martin 's Song of Ice and Fire series is so epic in scope that it can make Lord of the Rings feel like Cliff 's Notes .

  24. HBO已经确定了这部奇幻大片完结季第八季的全六集的播出日期和预计时长。

    HBO has now confirmed the air dates and estimated runtimes for all six episodes of the fantasy blockbuster 's eighth and final season .

  25. 在2006年因同性恋牛仔的电影《断背山》,他成为第一个获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖的亚洲人,七年后他带着3D奇幻电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》再次获得该奖。

    He was the first Asian ever to win an Oscar for directing , in 2006 for the gay cowboy movie Brokeback Mountain . Seven years later he has done it again with 3D fantasy Life of Pi .

  26. HBO频道的这部奇幻剧在2014年6月播完了第四季,新剧集首播吸引了约700万观众。

    the HBO fantasy series , which completed its fourth season in June , draws about seven million viewers for debut broadcasts of new episodes .

  27. 该片3D版上映首周末票房比《阿凡达》(Avatar)、《少年派的奇幻漂流》(LifeofPi)、《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(AliceinWonderland)等受欢迎大片的3D版的上映首周末票房都要高。

    The 3-D sales rate was higher than it was for the opening weekends of such hits as ' Avatar , ' ' Life of Pi ' and ' Alice in Wonderland . '

  28. 曾经的白糖和香蕉仓库被改造为时尚咖啡厅、商铺和数字动画公司的办公场所,包括参与制作奥斯卡(Oscar)获奖影片《少年派的奇幻漂流》(LifeofPi)的一家公司。

    Former sugar and banana warehouses have been turned into chic caf é s , shops and offices for digital animation companies , including one involved with the production of the Oscar-winning film Life of Pi .

  29. HBO根据乔治RR马丁的奇幻小说《冰与火之歌》拍摄了这部超人气的电视剧。

    Based on George R R Martin 's fantasy novels A Song Of Fire And Ice , the HBO show is the latest TV sensation .

  30. 成功秘诀就藏在HBO的奇幻题材连续剧《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones)中:在这部电视剧中,一个人要么获胜,要么只能倒在长枪下。

    The secrets to success can be found in HBO 's Game of Thrones , where you either win ... or end up with your head on a pike .