
jī dònɡ bù duì
  • mobile unit;mobile forces
  1. 弹炮一体化防空系统是未来高技术局部战争中应急机动部队的主要防空武器。

    Anti aircraft gun missile system is the main air defence system for the emergency mobile forces in the future high tech limited war .

  2. 武警机动部队后方防卫作战财务保障探析

    Financial support of the armed police in the defensive battle

  3. 第76中队的机动部队可以全球部署,干扰敌方的卫星通讯。

    Mobile teams from the76th can deploy worldwide to jam enemy satellite communications .

  4. 武警机动部队基层分队的体能训练

    The Physical Stamina Training for th Basic Units of the Armed Police Forces

  5. 就在总统记者招待会以后不久这些机动部队就开始行动了

    These mobile Army divisions were activated shortly after the President 's press conference

  6. 连机动部队也摆好姿势供人们拍照。

    Even the cavalry turned up for photo ops .

  7. 应急机动部队生存能力研究

    Research of Survivability of Mobile Troops in Warfare

  8. 机动部队、炮兵等

    Mobile troops , artillery , etc

  9. 哈里斯?维特贝克正在伊拉克东南部为我们报道某空军机动部队执行任务的情况。

    Harris Whitbeck in southeastern Iraq has more now on the duties of one mobile air unit .

  10. 现在可以用小型机动部队,从另一个方向威胁、佯攻和打击。

    Now they can a smaller more agile force , threaten , feint , and attack from another direction .

  11. 电视台报道,沙特政府派遣50000名士兵和警察,由直升飞机和机动部队支持。

    Saudi government TV reports 50000 soldiers and police , backed by helicopters and armored vehicles , are being deployed .

  12. 看到机动部队的军车驶过组屋区,我们都为新加坡的强大军力而自豪。

    We were proud of our military might when we saw the mobile columns making its way through the housing estates .

  13. 警察机动部队、员保护组、查队、送队、警队炸品处理课、犬队和其他非前线的单位也曾动员协助。

    Force Escort group , special duties unit , explosive ordnance disposal unit , police dog unit and other non-front-line units were mobilised .

  14. 警察机动部队人员又为年内次数比平常多的烟花汇演提供警力,并肩负打击罪案的巡逻及反非法入境行动。

    PTU officers also assisted in policing the more-than-usual number of fireworks displays held in1997 and undertook anti-crime patrols and anti-illegal immigration operations .

  15. 陆军按其担负的任务还划分为野战机动部队、海防部队、边防部队、警卫警备部队等。

    The Army , in accordance with its different duties and responsibilities , is also divided into field mobile , sea border defense , frontier defense , and garrison troops .

  16. 摘要医疗装备管理是武警机动部队卫生机构工作的难点,在一定程度上制约着卫生机构的发展。

    The management of medical equipment is a difficult part of health works for cpapf 's mobile health institutions and it restricts the development of health institutions in a certain extent .

  17. 同样,信息战可用于攻击一个火炮旅的指挥控制基础设施及其与机动部队之间的通讯联系,从而降低或剥夺高炮的作战能力。

    Likewise , IW can be applied to attack the command and control infrastructure of an artillery brigade and its communications links to maneuver units , thereb reducing or negating th ecombat power of artillery .

  18. 周二,国有媒体《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)刊登了34岁的应急机动作战部队女飞行员刘洋的个人简介。不知道这是否代表最后的决定已经做出。刘洋是最有可能成为中国首名女航天员的两名候选人之一。

    On Tuesday , in what may or may not be a sign that the decision has been made , the state-run China Daily published a profile of 34-year-old fighter pilot Liu Yang , one of the two candidates tipped as the most likely to go where no Chinese woman has gone before .

  19. 应急机动作战部队宜建立军需保障队

    Setting up Quartermaster support teams in emergency mobile combat unit

  20. 应急机动作战部队医院全科医生的培养

    Discussion on Cultivation of Whole-subject Doctors in Grass Root Hospitals in Mobile Troops

  21. 尼日利亚机动警察部队也进行了干预。

    The Mobile Police Force in Nigeria also intervened .

  22. 对提高应急机动作战部队军需保障能力的思考

    On enhancing Quartermaster support for contingent mobile operations

  23. 目的为常驻内陆的官兵特别是应急机动作战部队急进高原执行任务提供参考依据。

    Objective To provide reference for inland troops , especially for the troops meet an emergency to carry out mission at high altitude .

  24. 本文提出培训高素质全科医生是应急机动作战部队医院在未来高技术局部战争卫勤保障中人才建设的根本。

    This paper brought forward that well qualified whole-subject doctors were the basis of mobile troop hospitals to meet the demand of medical support in future war .

  25. 陆军主要担负陆地作战任务,包括机动作战部队、边海防部队、警卫警备部队等。

    The PLA Army ( PLAA ) is composed of mobile operational units , border and coastal defense units , guard and garrison units , and is primarily responsible for military operations on land .

  26. 她掌管着一支皇家海军机动侦察前哨部队。

    Runs a mobile reconnaissance outpost for the Royal navy .

  27. 一个机动化陆军部队中的士兵。

    A soldier in a motorized army unit .