
jī xiè sǔn shī
  • mechanical loss
  1. 高速直喷柴油机机械损失的预测

    The Prediction of Mechanical Loss in High-Speed DI Diesel Engine

  2. 金属带无级变速器带-带轮的机械损失

    Belt-Pulley Mechanical Loss For A Metal Belt Continuously Variable Transmission

  3. 车用柴油机机械损失功率分配

    A Study on Distribution of Mechanical Losses in Automotive Diesel Engine

  4. 车用柴油机动力性及机械损失功率的快速诊断

    Rapid Measurements of Power Performance and Mechanical Losses of Diesel Engine

  5. 小功率柴油机机械损失压力的测定

    Determination of the Mechanical Loss Pressure of Small Diesel Engines

  6. 柴油机整机与零部件机械损失的评价指标及实验分析

    Evaluating and Measuring the Mechanical Losses of Diesel Engine Parts

  7. 柴油机的机械损失

    Marginal Mar-kets marginal cost Mechanical Losses in Diesel Engines

  8. 车用汽油发动机动力性与机械损失功率的快速检测

    The Rapid Measurements of the Power Performance and Mechanical losses of the Gasoline Engine on Board

  9. 研究结果表明:磨擦损失功率约占整机机械损失功率的60%。

    It is shown that the friction loss is about 60 percent of the total loss .

  10. 机械损失对现代车用发动机燃料经济性的影响很大。

    Influence of mechanical loss on fuel economy of modern motor vehicle engine is very big .

  11. 柱塞式液压马达的导轨曲线对机械损失影响的讨论

    Research on The Effects of Movement Curve to Loss of Power in The Plunger Oil Motor s

  12. (发动机等的)功率,性能考虑机械损失时发动机功率效率特性

    ( of an engine , etc ) capacity or performance Power and efficiency characteristics of engine with mechanical losses

  13. 考虑机械损失时发动机功率效率特性机械化集约农业是高效率的典型。

    Power and efficiency characteristics of engine with mechanical losses Intensive mechanized agriculture is typically regarded as being efficient .

  14. 同时,对该型柴油机的机械损失功率进行了预测,提出了该型柴油机机械损失功率的经验公式,为柴油机的进一步强化提供依据。

    Meanwhile , the mechanical loss of the engine is predicted and some formulae are put forward for improving design .

  15. 因为其叶轮半径必须比较大,因而叶轮的机械损失较大。

    The large impeller discharge diameter will result in significant mechanical losses , making the efficiency of the impeller very low .

  16. 本文应用一个数学模型计算研究直接喷射式柴油机的机械损失和机械效率。

    In this paper a mathematical model is used for calculating mechanical efficiency and mechanical loss of direct - injection diesel engine .

  17. 二冲程汽油机具有升功率大、机械损失小、结构简单、制造成本低以及便于维修等特点。

    Two-stroke engine has its intrinsic advantages in terms of high specific power , compactness , light weight , low cost , etc.

  18. 在缺少实验设备的情况下,利用计算公式可以估算柴油机各部分的机械损失。

    Under the condition of lacking testing equipments , mechanical losses in each part of diesel engines can be estimated by calculation equations .

  19. 然后本文着重采用了水力损失法,建立了水力损失及机械损失与泵流动参数的关系,提出了针对汽车水泵的损失模型。

    Then hydraulic loss method is mainly adopted to establish relations between hydraulic loss and flow parameters thus the loss models for car pumps are put forward .

  20. 轿车发动机因为其经常在很小的负荷率下运行,故降低机械损失对改善其油耗和排放将有更大的效果。

    As the car engine operates frequently with small load rate , to reduce the mechanical loss would improve more effectively the fuel consumption and exhaust emission .

  21. 而且滚珠式防自转机构可以变滑动摩擦为滚动摩擦,使机械损失减少,效率提高,是一种有推广价值的新机构。

    The slip friction can be replaced by the rolling one in the anti-rotation mechanism with ball bearings reducing mechanical loss , raising the efficiency , and promising an extended application .

  22. 为研究压电材料中三种不同的损失,引入三种耗散因子(介电耗散因子、弹性耗散因子和压电耗散因子)分别用于描述介电损失、机械损失和压电损失的大小。

    For the purpose of researching the mechanisms of losses in piezoelectrics , three dissipation factors , which are dielectric , mechanical and piezoelectric losses , are introduced to describe the losses .

  23. 口环间隙通过改变离心油泵的容积损失功率和机械损失功率(叶轮圆盘摩擦损失)影响离心油泵性能。

    The pump performance would be affected by the two clearances in such a way that the clearance alters both volumetric leakage power loss and mechanical power loss ( dick friction loss of impeller ) .

  24. 另外,燃气轮机系统数学模型中还考虑到了负荷类型的选取,冷却空气量以及机械损失的计算。

    In addition , selection of type of load , cooling air flow rate , the calculation of mechanical loss and the enthalpy of flue gas are considered in the model of gas turbine system .

  25. 这些物质容易生成泡沫,导致赤泥沉降洗涤槽冒槽,造成有用的赤泥洗液的机械损失。

    These substances cause the formation of foam easily and consequently the foam will overflow from the tank of the red mud subsider , so that plenty of the mother liquid of the sediment will be lost .

  26. 用倒拖法对6110型直喷柴油机整机及各零部件的机械损失进行测量,提出了发动机的整机机械损失功率比和零部件机械损失功率比评价指标。

    The mechanical loss of 6110 Diesel engine has been measured by dynamic test branch . The concepts such as the ratio of mechanical power loss and the ratio of mechanical power loss of component were put forward .

  27. 分析了发动机各零部件和整机的机械损失功率比、机械损失功率、机械效率和平均机械损失压力随发动机转速和润滑油温度变化的规律。

    The regulation of mechanical power loss , the ratio of mechanical power loss , mechanical efficiency , mean mechanical effective pressure , the ratio of mechanical loss varying with the rotation and the temperature of coolant were analyzed .

  28. 通过对双流道泵叶轮和蜗壳里的水力损失、容积损失、机械损失的分析,提出了双流道泵扬程曲线、效率曲线的性能预测方法。

    On the basis of analyses of hydraulic losses , volume losses and machinery losses of impellers and volutes of double channel pumps , the performance prediction methods of the head curve and efficiency curve of double channel pump were provided .

  29. 着重指出,不仅应在燃烧、进气和喷油系统的合理匹配方面,而且在降低机械损失方面,亦应进行深入的研究,才能取得明显的节能效果。

    It gives emphasis upon the tangible results of fuel economy which can be obtained not only by optimizing matching between the combustion chamber , air intake and fuel injection system , especially carry forward the development to reduce the mechanical loss of engines .

  30. 在煤矿供电中,由于井下设备所处的环境恶劣,设备易受潮、绝缘自然老化、机械损失及过电压击穿、人为的误操作等原因都极易引起供电线路及设备缺相或短路。

    In coal mine power supply , the well descends the environment of the equipments bad , the equipments affects by damp and cold , insulates the nature easily aging , the machine loses and conducts electricity to press to broke through , artificial mistake operation etc.