
  • 网络Mechanical engineering design
  1. 本文在此提出了将Excel应用到机械工程设计领域的概念。

    This paper provides the concept of the Excel application in mechanical engineering design .

  2. 结合三维CAD研究和大量的实际应用,对三维建模关键技术之一的网格面技术进行了分析和探讨,这些对于机械工程设计领域的工作具有一定的价值。

    Combined with research and application of 3D CAD , mesh surface technology of key 3D modeling technology is studied . And these are helpful to the work of mechanical engineering design .

  3. 知识表示及其在机械工程设计中的应用探讨

    Approach to knowledge expression and its application in mechanical engineering design

  4. 机械工程设计的知识产权保护、保密与实践

    The IPRs protection , confidentiality and its practice in mechanical engineering design

  5. 它是机械工程设计决策思维的数学描述。

    It is a mathematical description of decision thought .

  6. 关于现代机械工程设计发展特点和机械设计工程学体系的探讨

    Characteristics of the development on engineering design and exploration about the methodology of design engineering

  7. 计算机图形学,计算几何及CAD/CAM技术水平的提高,使计算机辅助三维设计在机械工程设计中应用越来越广泛。

    The improvement of computer graphics , computer geometry and the CAD / CAM technology have been used extensively in mechanical engineering .

  8. 目前机械工程设计处于变革时代,正由传统的安全系数保障强度裕量的设计朝向以力学分析和概率方法相结合的可靠性设计演进。

    Now , designs of mechanical engineering are changing from traditional method of safety coefficient to the method of combining mechanics analysis with probability analysis .

  9. 并以板翅式换热器为例,进行说明。本文方法对一般机械工程设计中的多目标问题也具有实用价值。

    This approach , illustrated by an example of plate-fish heat exchanger is also practical for the engineering design of general machinery in which multi-objective problem should be considered .

  10. 近十几年来,以计算机为工具、以数学规划论为理论基础发展起来的优化设计方法在机械工程设计中得到了广泛应用。

    In recent decades , the optimization design method that grew from taking computer as tool and mathematical programming as method has been widely applied in mechanical design fields .

  11. 研究结果表明,应用线图确定基本尺寸的方法,既正确又十分迅速、方便,很适宜在机械工程设计中使用。

    It is concluded that the graphic method for basic dimension determination proves not only Correct but also efficient and easy , which is of great use in mechanical engineering design .

  12. 在探讨机械工程设计中概念设计深刻内涵的基础上,提出了概念设计与创新设计、系统设计三者之间的相互关系模型。

    The profound meaning of creative design , systemic design , especially conceptual design in mechanical design is discussed in this paper . At the same time mutual relationship model of them is put forward .

  13. UNGO软件在机械工程优化设计中的应用

    Application of LINGO software in the optimal design of mechanical engineering

  14. 混沌优化方法及其在机械工程优化设计中的应用

    Chaos Optimization Method and Its Application to Mechanical Engineering Optimum Design

  15. 约束变尺度法的改进及其在机械工程优化设计中的应用

    Variable Metric Method for Constrained Optimization and Its Application in Mechanical Engineering Design

  16. 机械工程产品设计的原则和技巧

    Design Principle and Skill of Machinery Engineering Product

  17. 介绍了机械工程产品设计过程中应遵循的原则和某些产品的设计方法,为工程技术人员设计合理的产品,提供了可参考的设计技巧。

    The principle that should be followed in machinery product design and the design method for some products are introduced , which provide the design skill for technicians reference for design of reasonable products .

  18. 然而,普通优化设计没有考虑机械工程中设计参数和变量客观存在的随机不确定性和模糊不确定性以及零件的模糊极限状态。

    However , not only random instability and fuzzy instability of parameters and variables , but also the fuzzy limited state of parts are all not considered by the general optimization design , although they exist in mechanical project objectively .

  19. 从发展趋势来看,必须用系统的观点走机电结合的道路,才能满足各种机电系统的性能设计和分析要求,研究和总结机械电子工程设计的规律和方法。

    Seeing from development trend , the viewpoint of system for combines between mechanical and electrical , can satisfy the capability design and analysis of various mechanical and electrical systems , Researching and summing up law and method of machinery electronic engineering design .

  20. 本文以机械工程系统设计为主题,针对机械设计课程教学与发展的需要,对精密机械设计类系列课程教学内容和方法进行了整合调整,并提出了合理的课程教学的体系与思路。

    With the design of mechanical engineering systems as its focal point , this paper discusses the needs in the development of mechanical design courses , the reorganization of their contents and methods of teaching , a rational teaching system , and teaching principles .

  21. 机械工程全局优化设计的遗传算法

    A Genetic Algorithm for Global Optimization Design of Mechanical Engineering

  22. 机械设计在工程设计中占有相当重要的地位。

    Mechanical design is important to engineering design .

  23. 在农业机械和工程机械设计中经常遇到空间梁单元应力的有限元计算,特别对于闭口截面的空间梁单元,其应力计算方法十分复杂繁琐。

    Finite element stress analysis and calculation is often referred in the agriculture engineering machine design process , especially to space thin-walled structure .

  24. 这个课程是由麻省理工学院的电机工程与电脑科学系和机械工程系共同设计发展,提供给一年级新生的选修课程。

    Designed for MIT freshmen as an elective , this course has been jointly developed by MIT 's Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering .

  25. 在基础理论方面,从创新设计的角度出发,依据分解重构理论和生物基因工程,提出了机械产品基因工程设计理论。

    From the angle of design innovation , the paper has established the design theory based on PGE according to R & D ( Decomposition and Reconstitution ) theory and biological genetic engineering principle .

  26. 目的是在泵站、水电站等有关水力机械工程的初步设计及改造项目中,可以方便设计人员通过一些基本参数及相关要求,在此查询选型,该模块具有通用化和快速化的特点。

    At pumping stations , hydropower stations and other related hydraulic mechanical engineering preliminary design and reconstruct the project , designers can easily through a number of basic parameters and related requirements . This query selection and the module has a generic and fast .

  27. 为机械工程测试技术设计了几个典型的实验&频谱分析实验、数字滤波器频率响应实验、相关分析实验、传感器的静态标定实验、振动测试实验,每种实验都分别采用了三种数据采集系统。

    Design several typical experiments for " Measurement and Test for Mechanical Engineering ", including : frequency spectrum analysis , frequency response of digital filter , corelation analysis , transducer 's static calibration , vibration experiment . Each experiment has adopted three kinds of data collecting system separately .

  28. 随着多媒体技术和虚拟现实等技术的飞速发展和不断提高,三维模型在医学、机械工程、计算机辅助设计(CAD)和娱乐等众多领域都有越来越广泛的应用。

    With the multimedia technology and virtual reality technology goes to improve , the three-dimensional ( 3D ) model are widely used in many areas of medicine , mechanical engineering , computer-aided design ( CAD ) and entertainment .

  29. 技术师范型机械工程专业本科毕业设计质量保证研究

    Study on Quality Assurance System for Graduation Design of Undergraduates Majoring in Mechanical Engineering

  30. 机械工程专业本科生创新设计能力的培养

    On the cultivation of the innovative designing abilities of undergraduates majoring in mechanical engineering