
  1. 机车车辆动力学参数计算机采集技术的研究

    Research on the Computer Collecting Technique for Rail Vehicle Dynamic Parameters

  2. 机车车辆动力学建模的图形化方法

    Graphic Modeling Method for Dynamics of Railway Vehicle Systems

  3. 机车车辆动力学研究及发展

    The Dynamics Study of Railway Vehicle and Its Development

  4. 机车车辆动力学性能试验数据采集与分析软件的研制

    Development of Test Data Acquisition and Analysis Software of Locomotive and Car Dynamics Performance

  5. 滚轮的引入将导致滚轮与轮对之间的接触关系有别于轨道与轮对之间的接触关系,这将影响到滚动振动试验台进行机车车辆动力学性能试验的结果。

    It will affect dynamics testing results of rail vehicles runing on such roller rig .

  6. 这两项研究,进一步完善了机车车辆动力学仿真系统的集成。

    These two research items can further improve the integration of locomotive dynamics simulation systems .

  7. 提高列车的运行平稳性是机车车辆动力学的研究热点。

    In this paper , the lateral riding quality of a whole train is studied .

  8. 机车车辆动力学计算模型的可视化研究

    Visualization of Computing Model of Locomotive Dynamics

  9. 机车车辆动力学强度专业发展的建议和设想武钢发展高效连铸的初步设想及几点建议

    Proposal and Tentative Ideas about Specialty Development of Dynamics and Strength in Locomotive and Car

  10. 本文介绍一种计算机控制的便携式机车车辆动力学参数采集装置。

    Portable collecting equipment with computer control for rail vehicle dynamic parameters is introduced in this paper .

  11. 但是机车车辆动力学研究中,对轮对的纵向动力学特点的研究往往被忽略。

    But the longitudinal dynamics behavior of wheelset is often neglected while carrying out railway vehicle dynamics analysis .

  12. 轮对内侧距对机车车辆动力学性能影响的试验研究

    Test Study on the Influence of the Distance between Backs of the Wheel Flanges on Rolling Stock ′ s Dynamic Performance

  13. 高速机车车辆动力学模拟中的轮轨接触模型汽车动力学车轮模型中轮胎接地建模的研究

    Wheel / Track Contact Model in Dynamic Simulation of High Speed Locomotive and Car Study on the Tire-road Contact Modeling of Vehicle Dynamics Tire Model

  14. 在保持轮轨接触几何关系相同的情况下,增加轮对内侧距有利于改善轮轨关系和机车车辆动力学性能。

    Properly increasing the distance between backs of the wheel flanges can improve the dynamic performance of rolling stock when wheel / rail contact geometry keep same .

  15. 根据轮轨空间动态耦合关系,提出了一种根据轮轨接触点位置进行脱轨评定的直接方法,可用于对机车车辆动力学安全性分析评价。

    According to the coupling relation of wheel rail contact , a direct method is proposed to evaluate wheel derailment based on the wheel rail contact point .

  16. 机车车辆动力学、振动和控制的多学科的并行研究是当前解决车辆振动问题的前沿课题。

    Rolling stock dynamics , vibration and multi-disciplinary research of running side by side of control are the front subject of solving the vehicle vibration problem at present .

  17. 实例计算表明,该法简便直观、计算速度快,精度可满足机车车辆动力学研究的需要。

    Its applications to practical examples show that the method is simple , visual , and rapid , and the precision can meet the de - mands in studying railway vehicle dynamics .

  18. 在机车车辆动力学分析中,由于轮轨间的粘着影响将导致机车车辆横向不稳定振动,因此通常人们更关注机车车辆的横向动力学性能,而对轮对的纵向动力学特点研究很少。

    While carrying out railway vehicle dynamic analysis , more emphasis arc laid on its lateral performance because of stick-slip effect between wheel and rail , but the longitudinal behavior of wheelset is neglected .

  19. 滚动振动试验台在测试机车车辆动力学性能时,轨道轮与实际线路的差异会造成测试结果出现偏差。

    In testing the dynamics performance of locomotives and rolling stock on the roller testing rig , the difference between the track wheel and the actual track may cause deviation of the test results .

  20. 在机车车辆动力学性能试验中,必须考察评价被试车在各种不同的速度、线况下的动力学性能,为此在动力学试验中必须采集线路状况。

    In the locomotive and car dynamics test , the dynamics index should be considered in the case of varying speed and line state , so the line state should be acquired in the dynamics test .

  21. 通过搜集和研究国内外机车车辆动力学强度专业的发展现状和趋势,提出我国机车车辆动力学强度专业发展的建议和设想。

    The paper puts forward a proposal and tentative ideas about specialty development of dynamics and strength in locomotive and car in China by collecting and studying a lot of articles about their present situation and developing tendency .

  22. 同时,在模型计算结果的基础上,提出了基于三维动画的模型动态显示方法,能逼真地模拟模型计算的结果,有效地检验了机车车辆动力学模型的相关性能。

    Meanwhile , on the basis of the results of the model calculation , a three dimensional animation based model dynamic displaying method is proposed , which can realistically simulate the model simulation results and efficiently check the properties of the locomotive dynamics model .

  23. 接着介绍了轨道结构参数对机车车辆动力学性能及运行品质的影响规律、仿真分析结果及其与经典车辆动力学计算结果的比较情况,比较结果表明了开展机车车辆&轨道耦合动力学研究的必要性。

    Thirdly , effect of parameters of railway structure on dynamics performance of locomotives and rolling stocks and comparison on the calculation results between coupling theory and traditional theory are discussed , the results show that it is necessary to carry on the research of coupling dynamics .

  24. 基于遗传算法的机车车辆横向动力学多参数优化设计

    Multi-parameter optimization with genetic algorithm for lateral dynamics of railway vehicles

  25. 机车车辆的动力学动态仿真系统一般包括模型建立、模型计算、模型显示3部分。

    A locomotive dynamics simulation system generally consists of model building , model calculation and model display .

  26. 机车车辆横向动力学性能仿真&车辆轨道耦合模型与传统车辆模型的比较

    Simulation of Lateral Dynamic Performances of Locomotives and Vehicles & Comparison of Vehicle / Track Coupling Model with Traditional Vehicle Model

  27. 最新研究表明,轮对纵向振动有可能影响机车车辆整车动力学性能,也是产生轮轨接触疲劳问题的一个重要因素。

    Longitudinal vibration of wheelset has an effect on dynamic performance of railway vehicle , and maybe cause abnormal wheel / rail contact fatigue problem .

  28. 在车轮踏面形状、轨距、钢轨轨头形状等保持不变的情况下,单纯改变轮对内侧距,必然会导致轮轨接触关系的变化,从而影响机车车辆的动力学性能;

    While the wheel tread profile , rail gage and rail head profile keep same , the change of the distance between backs of the wheel flanges makes the wheel / rail contact geometry and the dynamic performance of rolling stock change .

  29. 列车运行品质不仅取决于机车车辆本身的动力学性能,而且还受到来自轨道方面因素(如轨道弹性、轨面几何不平顺等)的影响。

    Train running behavior depends not only on the dynamic performance of vehicle system , but also on the factors from track aspect , e.g. , track flexibility and track geometry irregularity .

  30. 机车车辆-轨道耦合动力学实时仿真模式研究

    Real-time Simulation of Locomotive-Track Coupled Dynamics